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Millie woke up, feeling her head slowly moving up and down, due to Sadie's breathing. The brunette had fallen asleep on Sadie's chest, wanting to listen to her heartbeat after last night. The redhead was still asleep, unaware of Millie staring at her and admiring her beauty. She loved seeing her girlfriend so peaceful and at ease. It made her feel relaxed and like nothing bad could ever happen. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Millie groaned quietly, and got up to unlock the door and see who it was, after covering her naked girlfriend with the blanket. Millie opened the door and revealing a smiling and excited Olivia.

-Hey, what's up?, asked Millie chuckling at the girl's excited expression.

-You forgot?, frowned the older brunette suddenly.

-Forgot? Forgot what? Did- Oh! Oh, yes, I promised to train you first thing in the morning., remembered Millie slapping her own forehead.

-It's okay, I mean, we can do it another time, I don't mind at al-, tried Olivia seeing Millie all worked up with herself.

-No, no. I made a promise, so I'll keep it. Just let me put some other clothes on and I'll join you soon. Uhm, go to the training room and stretch yourself a bit. I'll be there in five minutes., ordered the other teenager as she looked back at Sadie who was still asleep.

-Alright Mini Boss., smiled Olivia.

-Hey, I may be smaller and younger than you, but I can still kick your ass., joked Millie making her new friend smile.

-For now., teased Olivia.

-Yeah, yeah. See you soon, Livy., replied the brunette as she slowly closed the door, seeing her friend walking away.

Millie looked at her sleeping girlfriend and smiled softly. She went to her backpack and grabbed some clothes, changing into them. Then she grabbed a piece of paper writing on it.

I'm training Liv, I promised I would. I love you so much. Hope you enjoyed last night.

Your Mills ;)

She placed the little note on her nightstand, kissed her girlfriend's forehead softly, caressing her cheek gently, smiling like an idiot.

-God, I'm so in love., whispered Millie to herself.

She walked away and went out the door, closing it slowly, not wanting to wake her up. As Millie arrived to the training room, she could hear someone humming to some song. She walked in without making a sound, finding Olivia stretching and humming softly. Millie smiled, finding it adorable.

-Cause people love to talk and people always want something from you, cause that's what people do. But I don't want a thing, I think you're astounding. And I don't care what anyone says, or what anyone does. cause I like you and I like you just because., sang Olivia as she continued with her stretching.
(y'all should listen to her unreleased songs on youtube, this one is called "just because")

-That's beautiful., smiled Millie making the brunette startle.

-Millie! Oh my god, you scared me. A warning would have been nice., said Olivia her hand on her heart.

-Warning, I am here., joked the younger girl.

-Ha ha ha, very funny., replied the brunette sarcastically.

-What was that song? I've never heard it before. Who sings it?, asked Millie curiously.

-Oh, uhm, well, I kinda wrote it but it's just a few words and I have a melody stuck in my head so I just tried to sing along to it and see what happens. Sorry you had to listen to that., apologized the older teenager.

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