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-Okay, is everyone ready? Everyone knows what do?, asked Sadie as they got in the van.

-Yes., replied Caleb looking around at the others nodding.

Lilia walked up to Millie. 

-Keep my girl safe please., whispered the blonde girl as she hugged Millie.

-Of course. Keep my girl safe as well., chuckled the younger girl.

-Always., replied Lilia pulling and smiling.

Sadie walked up to Jillian.

-Make sure that she doesn't do anything dumb, to be clearer, make sure she doesn't do anything I would do., said Sadie to her friend.

-Of course. Don' keep your eyes off my girlfriend., chuckled the younger girl feeling weird saying those words.

-I'll keep her safe., promised Sadie.

-Enough chit-chat, let's go people. Does everyone have their bulletproof vest? Your guns fully loaded? Amo? Your comms? Your partners?, asked Sabrina.

-Yes ma'am, but it looks like you forgot something., chuckled Sadie.

-What?, frowned the blonde girl looking at her rifle and bulletproof vest.

The redhead pointed out of the van at a certain brunette who was pouting.

-You were leaving without a goodbye kiss?, pouted Rowan.

-No, I- Uhm, I was in a hurry, I don't- I don't know, I'm sorry-, rambled Sabrina.

-Kiss me and shut up moron., replied the brunette leaning up because Sabrina was on the inside of the van so for once she was taller. 

The older girl obeyed leaning down and kissing her girlfriend.

-Out of my wayyyyyy., said Corey as he got in the van interrupted the girl's goodbye on purpose.

Sabrina sat down in the van again and Finn closed the door.

-Alright, who's ready to kill some motherfuckers?, said Gaten clapping his hands.

-Start the engine!, ordered Sadie, so Noah did as told.


Sadie got off the van, followed by Lilia who followed her friend like a shadow. Jillian and Millie followed after them and so did Noah, Finn, Caleb, Gaten and Corey, because they had one of the most important task. Rowan started hacking the gloves, as she managed to break through the firewall, telling the guys to wait for 30 seconds, then hacked the doors open, while Peyton kept an eye on the kids and if anyone would approach the building. Sadie opened the door, walked inside followed by her best friend and walked her way to the room that she vaguely remembered having a mic. Jillian followed Millie to the cafeteria killing every guard they came across. The kids in the cafeteria were those waiting to get their injections, meaning that they were still normal teenagers, no machines wanting to kill. The rest, meaning the boys when to the room full of those tubes with the same liquid as they had stolen to analyze. 

Millie opened the main door to the cafeteria, making all 187 kids turn around and look at them. Some younger then others, the younger hiding behind the taller ones, who were ready to fight and had some kind of collar around their necks. The speakers in the room made weird noises, before hearing a familiar voice.

-Hey, so uh, if you see teenagers running around with guns, do not be afraid, we are here to save you and get you out of this shithole. Follow them outside, close the younger ones eyes because well, we took care of the guards. Be careful though, you never know if they are all gone. For those who aren't in the cafeteria right now, please go there and meet my friends. I know you have no reason to trust me, so I'll reveal this. I am Sadie Sink. The one that got broken out of here by her friends. I'm sure you heard about it. They weren't too happy about it. Just to clarify, we are not kidnapping you, you can stay here or go to a place where we have enough space for all of you or you can just leave after we set you free. The decision is up to you., explained the redhead through the speakers.

-Y-You're here to s-safe us?, asked a little girl poking Millie on her pants, but an older girl wanted to intervene.

Millie was faster, she picked the little girl, poked her nose and replied to her.

-Yes, we're here to safe and help you., smiled Millie making a grimace that made the little girl smile.

-P-Put her down., said the same older girl. 

-I'm not gonna hurt her. In fact, I'm not gonna hurt anyone., replied Millie looking at the unknown girl and then around at everyone.

-Put her down., said the girl more firmly.

Millie put the kid down and put her gun away and got on a table.

-I understand that you might be scared, but we are here to help you. We are not gonna hurt anyone. These weapons are just in case some guards show up unexpectedly., explained Millie as she looked around.

-Alright, I'm already here with the first bus., said Peyton through the comms.

-Listen up! Those who want to get out of here, follow me. 20 people, then I'll come back for the next 20 until no one is left, unless some wanna stay. Millie here will make sure that no one is hurt and will take care of any question that you might have. Now for those who are ready, get in lines of two., ordered Jillian around.

No one dared to walk up to her. Total silence. Then the little girl shrugged and walked up to her, smiling. Jillian looked down amused.

-You little one, you are braver than all the others., chuckled the curly head.

-Max, come back here., said the same girl as before.

-No. I want to go. I don't like it here. Those men are evil. They hurt you Julie, they hurt so many, not only you. I don't want to get hurt. I don't you to get hurt. Please., said the little girl with pleading eyes.

The girl sighed, walked up to them, not trusting Jillian and grabbing the kid's hand and nodding. Slowly but surely, some other teenagers joined. The first 20.

-I'll be back for the next 20. Millie, you have a first aid kit in this backpack., explained Jillian leading the way out of the cafeteria.

-Ok, who here needs medical help? If you don't want me to help you, you can do it only, but tell me and I'll give you the supplies necessary., added the younger brunette.

A boy her age walked up to her.

-My sister hurt her ankle., admitted the boy scratching his neck nervously.

-Can I see?, said Millie, as the girl limped up to her.

Millie looked at it and sighed in relief.

-I have some cream you can apply on it, but I think ice would help better., explained Millie looking up meeting at the girl's scared eyes.

The brother nodded and walked to what assumed was the kitchen. Millie made the sister sit down.

-Don't worry, you'll be fixed and good as new in a few days., reassured the brunette.

-Millie?, said a voice behind her.

The brunette turned around meeting the person and gasped. How was that possible?


A/N: hi, this is a mess, enjoy xoxo

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