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4 hours passed by, it was almost midnight. Everyone had patiently been waiting for something to happened, still in their positions.

-Can I ask you something weird?, asked Olivia looking at Sadie.

-Of course, what's up?, wondered the redhead.

-I don't know how to ask this, but like, how did you uhm, how did you know that you are a lesbian?, asked the brunette awkwardly.

-Oh, alright, I see. Well, I always knew I was different, but then high school started, and my heart would race whenever a pretty girl was close, and I would blush easily whenever a girl would compliment me. And god whenever I'd get a hug or whenever they would play with my hair or hands, I would feel so nervous and awkward. In the locker room, I would try to be out of there as fast as possible and I would feel weird. I never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable, but they didn't even know that I was gay. But to be honest, when I really knew, was when I first fell in love with a girl. Unfortunately she was straight, but it didn't stop my heart from wanting her. So yeah., shrugged Sadie looking at Olivia who was avoiding her gaze.

-Oh, okay., nodded the brunette lost in her thoughts.

-Why are you asking?, asked the older girl.

-Was just being curious, I'm sorry if I stepped over a boundary., apologized Olivia.

-No, not at all. Don't worry. But why are you really asking? And don't lie., tried Sadie again.

-I-...I'm sorry., whispered the younger girl as tears started falling from her eyes.

-Woah, hey, don't cry., said Sadie as she got up from her spot and sat next to Olivia hugging her softly.

-It's so wrong., sniffed Olivia gently pushing Sadie away.

-You like Millie, hm?, asked the redhead already knowing the answer.

-I'm so sorry. I understand if you want me to stay away from her., admitted Olivia.

-Don't apologize for falling for an amazing girl. I understand why you like her and I don't blame you. She's so amazing and just so flawless. Please don't apologize. I know what it's like to fall for her. And I mean, look at you, only talking about your feelings is making you cry because you don't want to get in the way of me and Millie. I'm not worried. As long as you keep in mind that we're together, you can be around her as much as you like. But I would advise you to move on, not only because I'm with her, but because I know how much it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you back. I don't want you to be in pain. You're a good person and I kinda have a soft spot for you and Millie clearly does too. Just don't take advantage of that against her. I trust you., explained Sadie hugging her yet again trying to comfort her.

-I would never do anything to hurt her. M-Maybe I just like her because she's been so nice to me. I'm not used to people showing kindness. I'm not good at making friends or talking to people. She's the first one to care and wanting to help me and teach me. I am very thankful for that but I also know that I need to move on. Thank you for taking it like this. I thought you'd be mad and you would want me to disappear., confessed the brunette.

-Well, I mean, I'm not the same person I was a few weeks ago, trust me when I tell you that I would have quite literally killed you. But I'm your friend too, Liv. I got your back. You can always come to me and ask for help or whatever., shrugged the redhead.

-I should stop taking lessons from her for self-defense. It'd be wrong., said Olivia looking down sighing.

-No, don't do that. You need those lessons, and it will help you getting over her. Plus, she's really stubborn and would probably ask you why you would want to stop until you tell her and she wouldn't take a lie. And she never takes no as an answer when it comes to friends and their problems., smiled Sadie letting go of the younger girl but keeping a hand on hers.

-Right. Okay. Thank you. For everything. This means a lot to me. I'll do everything I can to move on. Thank you, Sadie., repeated Olivia thanking the leader.

-Don't thank me, that's what friends are for. I'm sure you'll find the right person the moment you'll least expect it., exclaimed Sadie making Olivia smile.

-Thank you., smiled the brunette.

-You have a beautiful smile., confessed Sadie smiling as well.

-Oh, uh, thank you, so do you., replied Olivia awkwardly.

-Thanks., thanked the redhead sitting back against the wall and looking at the ceiling.

-Are you okay?, asked Olivia mirroring her movement and sitting back against the walls as well.

-Yeah, I am. Oh, Millie told me that you like to sing?, wondered the redhead looking at Olivia.

-I do like to sing, but I can't sing. I'm not good at it., shrugged the brunette.

-I wanna hear., smiled Sadie.

-What? No, no. She only heard me because I didn't know that she was there. I don't like singing in front of people., said Olivia shaking her head no.

-Then turn around. Let's sit back to back. That way I won't be looking at you and you won't feel like I'm even here., suggested the redhead.

-Do I have to?, pouted the brunette.

-Yes, you have a crush on my girlfriend, you owe me this much., joked Sadie.

-Okay, okay. Uhm, I mostly just sing what's on my mind. Okay, how about my pervious relationship. Yeah, okay. I know I'm a stop on the way to your soulmate. I'll fill you up, but only while you wait. You're everything to me, I see my future in your eyes, but I know when you're kissing me that  you're just killing time. It's okay, I know my place. I know I'm a stop on the way to your soulmate, ahh, ahh., sang Olivia as Sadie listened with a smile on her face.

-That was truly beautiful, Liv. You should really write it down and write songs. Do you play any instruments?, asked the redhead curiously.

-Yeah, piano and guitar. But I haven't played in a while., shrugged the brunette.

-We've got company., said Rowan through the comms.


A/N: 1. Stream Jillian's new song called: you & me

2. if you wanna check out the song that I used in this chapter, click on the video above :)

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