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Millie had thought about getting some alone time for a few days now. The constant stress of someone getting hurt or Sadie wanting something that Millie couldn't give her was just too much for her. As she wrapped in Sadie's quite strong arms, Millie gently pulled away, trying to break free from the embrace. Of course Sadie noticed and opened her eyes and gave her a sleepy smile.

-Where are you going beautiful?, whispered Sadie.

-Bathroom., lied Millie kissing her girlfriend's cheek.

-Mokay., replied Sadie closing her eyes again.

Millie quietly walked downstairs, taking a bag and grabbing a rifle. She looked around making sure no one was there. She quickly glanced at the watch. 4am. No one would be outside or looting at that time. She'll be fine going alone, needing some alone time. She opened the main door and left the building. She didn't know where she would go, but she sure wasn't taking the van, so she had to find a place where she wouldn't have to walk too far. She walked, not knowing where she was going. Suddenly she heard a cat meow, as if it was hurt and something had happened. She went to an alley where the noise had come from, hearing the meowing better. There was a big trash can, so Millie approached it, expecting to see a hurt cat, but she ended finding a phone that was playing a recording. She frowned and grabbed the phone wanting to see whose it was. But out of nowhere, she felt something against her back.

-Turn around. Slowly. Hands up., said a female voice.

Millie obeyed, turning around while having her hands up. She really had to stop getting herself in those kinds of situation. She was lucky the first time with Jillian and Lilia, but she knows that not every person will want to take her with them and let her live with them or something. 

-Well, well, well. Look who we have here., chuckled the same voice.

The person had a mask on, a clown's mask. Millie recognized a familiar scent. Her heart stopped for a second. She just managed to put herself in BIG danger. 

-Hello Mia., sighed  Millie.

-The one and only Millie Bobby Brown. This must be our lucky day., said the girl in response.

Millie moved her hands back down.

-Who said you could do that?, asked another familiar voice with a werewolf mask.

-What are you gonna do? Steal my homework?, asked Millie provocatively.

-I see we grew some balls over the past few weeks, huh?, replied a boy.

-Jealous, Jason?, chuckled the brunette.

He didn't think twice and tried to slap her, but Millie blocked it and hit his throat, making him gasp for air. Another boy showed up, pushing her against the wall, as another person tied Millie's hand. The girl obviously tried to fight back, but they were too many. She wouldn't be able to get herself out of there. 

-What do you have in mind Jason?, asked Mia smirking.

Millie felt the panic in her grow as she saw that devilish smile. She could obviously tell that she had something twisted in mind. It wouldn't surprise her, Mia was always the worse one, the one in charge of their little bullies group.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now