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Millie looked over at her girlfriend who was peacefully sleeping. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. She tried not to think of it all the damn time, yet she failed miserably. Of course she couldn't stop replaying it in her head. Sadie's soft yet rough touch, and the feeling that she had and all the goosebumps on her skin. The redhead opened her eyes and saw her beautiful girlfriend staring at her but obviously daydreaming. She sneaked her hand up to Millie's side and tickled her, making the brunette startle and get on top of Sadie, putting her elbow on Sadie's neck.

-Woah there, I come in peace., chuckled Sadie raising her hands as Millie stared down at her shaking her head.

-Don't scare me like that., sighed the brunette taking her elbow away not wanting to hurt the older girl.

-Are you okay? You seemed lost in your thoughts., asked Sadie looking up at her and placing her hands on Millie's waist.

-Yes, I'm okay. Just thinking about yesterday., replied Millie avoiding the redhead's gaze.

-Was it too much? Did I hurt you? Do you regret it?, rambled Sadie quickly, worried about her girlfriend.

-No, no. It was amazing Sades. I just feel a bad., admitted the brunette.

-Bad? What do you mean?, frowned the older girl.

-It was our second time, yet it was still you doing all the work. What about you? I can't always be the one enjoying while you do all the work., explained Millie.

-Babe, I enjoy making you feel good, I promise. I like giving you pleasure. Once you feel ready to take the lead and do things to me as well, just say so, but for now, don't feel bad, okay? I love you for you, not for that., said the redhead as she caressed Millie's cheek gently.

-What if I'm ready? What if I think I'm ready, but then I realize that I'm not? I don't want to lead you on, Sades., sighed the brunette looking down at her girlfriend.

-That's okay. I just want you to be comfortable, alright? So I don't care how long it takes., explained Sadie smiling softly.

Millie nodded and leaned down to place a soft kiss on Sadie's lips. 


Rowan started hacking Jillian as well, trying to do the same thing as she did to Sadie to bring her back, as Lilia kept looking over her shoulder to see how long it's gonna take.

-They know what I did to get Sadie back, so they're to stop me from getting Jillian. Noah, what happens to our body when we're angry?, asked the older brunette.

-Uh, okay so the adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. The brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles, in preparation for physical exertion. Heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increase, the body temperature rises and the skin perspires. Jealousy can create the same affect to the body. In conclusion, the blood the blood flows towards the muscles and there's a higher blood pressure and the body temperature is warmer., explained Noah frowning as he tried to remember what he learned in his advanced biology class.

- Lilia, I need you to provoke Jill, make her angry. It's take some blood away from some places and I'll be able to hack it faster, while they will struggle to even access her system at all, because of the lack of blood in some places., explained the brunette still typing on her computer.

-I have no clue what that means, but if making her angry is what will get her back, then let's go. Sabrina, I'll need your help. And Rowan, don't kill me afterwards., said Lilia taking Sabrina's hand and heading out.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now