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-Let's get Jillian back., she said firmly and confidently.

-Lilia-, tried Sadie.

-No, Sadie, I'm going. I'm not staying her., replied the blonde girl.

-I know. Of course you're coming. That's not what I was trying to say. I just want to talk to you. Alone. Can we?, answered Sadie pulling away from the hug.

Lilia nodded and followed her to the kitchen. Millie stayed back, planning how they are gonna get to Jillian, with Sabrina's crew and the boys. Sadie made Lilia sit down.

-Alright, listen, I know that you want to find Jillian, no matter what. But I also know that, if you don't control yourself, we're not gonna be able to get to her. I need you to promise to follow orders and not act reckless or alone, okay?, said the redhead taking Lilia's hand in her own.

The blonde responded with a nod.

-I need verbal confirmation Lilia., chuckles Sadie.

-Okay. Yes. I promise. I-...I just want her back Sadie. I didn't mean to threaten Millie, you know that I wouldn't-, explained Lilia.

-I know. It's okay. Let's just go get your girl back, yeah?, replied Sadie.

-Yeah., said Lilia standing up and hugging Sadie quickly before pulling away.

Sadie sighed and joined Millie and the rest followed by Lilia.

-Okay, so Sadie, Noah explained to us where the building is and where we have to go. It's a building under construction, so we'll have to be careful because we won't be able to hide well or sneak in. They said to give them what they want, but we don't know what they wa-, explained Millie.

-I do., interrupted Sadie.

-Y-You do?, asked Corey.

-Yes. They want me. The leader. A girl. It's not the first time they're trying to get me. I never thought they would go this far though., said Sadie looking down frowning.

-Yeah, that's not gonna happen., replied Millie.

-Mills-, tried Sadie.

-No. We're not letting you sacrifice yourself., said the brunette firmly.

-She's right, Sadie. We're not gonna let that happen., joined Lilia.

-We need a plan. Noah, how do you know about their building and stuff?, asked Millie.

-I lived with them for 5 days, before Sadie found me and well, I let them to join Sadie., explained Noah.

-Okay, well, how about...

<one hour later>

Noah was holding Sadie still, who was struggling to get out of his grip. The boy hit her in the stomach, making her groan.

-Stay still!, ordered Noah.

Sadie clenched her jaw, killing him with her eyes. Her hands were handcuffed and she had tape on her mouth. Noah walked up the building, forcing Sadie to walk as he pushed her.

-Stop there!, said a voice.

-It's me! Noah!, replied Noah.

-Oh, look who it is, the traitor., said another voice.

-Listen, I did a mistake, okay? But I brought her to you, to prove that I am sorry., replied Noah.

-Sadie Sink., chuckled the first voice.

Suddenly, a man appeared.

-Dacre. Hey. I can't take it with her anymore. So here, take her. But please let me come back?, tried the boy.

Sadie tried to push Noah, but the boy punched her.

-I said, stay still!, ordered the boy.

-I see that you mean it., said Dacre.

-I do, okay? She's driving me insane! Ordering people around, thinking she always knows best! God, I just can't anymore., said the boy shaking his head.

-Alright, alright. Come in., said the older teenager.

Noah followed him inside, pushing Sadie who was on the verge of tears. Dacre chuckled.

-Oh you poor thing. Did Noah betray you? Awwwww., he said while grabbing her chin and chuckling.

Sadie shook her head, to get away from his grip.

-Oh, I see, she's feisty. Don't worry, we're gonna take care of you, like you deserve it., he said moving his hand down to her waist.

Sadie could have puked in her mouth. As Noah walked inside with Sadie, they looked around. All the boys from the athletes clan had joined them.

-Alright boys, we have Sadie Sink! We're gonna have some fun, yeah?, screamed Dacre looking around.

-Yeah!, replied the boys.

-Noah, do us the honor?, said the leader turning to the younger boy.

-What do you mean?, said the boy playing innocent.

-Uhm, undress her., he replied as if it should have been obvious.

-Oh, but well, one; I'm gay, and two; uhhhhh no., replied Noah smirking.

-What are you smirking about?, asked Dacre confused.

A/N: shorter than the previous ones. Gotta keep the suspense : ) DON'T KILL ME

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