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-Gaten, tell Sabrina to get Corey to Millie and the newbies while Peyton and you cover them. (talks through the comms) Lilia, find me in the hallway by the weapons room. Rowan, keep the kid safe and guide us to him. Caleb, you check the first floor. Noah and Finn, you check the basement. Be careful, he won't hesitate to fire., ordered Sadie around.

-I'm already at the weapon's room, Sades., replied Lilia waiting for her best friend.

-Wait, has anyone seen Tess?, asked the leader through the comms.

-She's with us., said Sabrina as she was carrying Corey to the main room.

-Sadie?, questioned Millie through the comms.

-Yes?, replied the redhead.

-Be careful., sighed the brunette.

-I will., responded Sadie walking up to Lilia.

-So will I., smirked a boy through the comms.

-Alex? Where the fuck are you?, said the leader with a threatening tone.

-You know what makes you vulnerable? It's the fact that you care. Say hello to her., replied Alex through the comms.

-S-Sadie?, said Ava.

-You're lucky that this one saved your sister and she managed to escape. I don't think that she'll be this lucky., chuckled the boy.

-Rowan?, asked the redhead.

-Millie left, they tried to stop her but she's gone. She's on the first floor., replied the brunette already knowing what her friend was gonna ask her.

-Listen, Ava, we're gonna get you out of there. I promise. Caleb, try to find Millie and stop her from being reckless., ordered the leader.

-You do know that I can hear you., scoffed Millie.

-Yes, but I also know that you won't listen., replied Sadie.

-We're by the swimming pool!, screamed the young girl.

-You little piece of shit., said the boy and they all heard a scream and something falling in the water.

-No! She can't swim!, screamed Millie already running.

-Rowan, find my sister and guide Lilia to her. Caleb, follow Millie., commanded the older girl.

-Where are you going?, asked Lilia.

-I have a plan., replied Sadie as she ran off.

-Help! Please! A-Alex! Help me!, they all could hear Ava screaming desperately through the comms.

Millie arrived at the swimming pool, seeing her sister slowly giving up.

-Alex, put the gun down and let me help her., pleaded Millie who didn't have any weapon on her.

-Mmmmm, no., replied the older boy.

-Please Alex, just let me help her., continued the brunette taking a few steps closer.

Caleb arrived with a rifle and at the same time, Alex grabbed Millie and put the gun against her back.

-Shoot me and I will shoot your friend., threatened Alex still pointing at Millie.

-Sadie, we got a situation here., said the older boy desperately as he put his rifle down.

Suddenly they heard a shot and Alex fell to the floor, his head looking like a crushed tomato. The redhead jumped in the water and swam to Ava who was weakly trying to keep her head over the water. She suddenly closed her eyes and head was underwater. Sadie dived and grabbed her, swimming back to the surface quickly, bringing the young kid to Millie, the brunette dragging her out of the water. Sadie put her hands on the edge of the pool and jumped out of the water like it was a total normal thing to do. Millie was shaking her sister.

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