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Everything was blurry and fuzzy. She slowly opened her eyes, hearing some voices. Her head was hanging, she didn't have the energy to lift it to look around, so she just sat there, tied up on a chair, looking at her feet. She tried remembering what happened. The supermarket. The girls. Right, she got kidnapped by two random girls. She didn't even think about trying to break free, but she did move her hand, which were tied behind the back of the chair. A rope. They used a rope. Only then she noticed that she had tape on her mouth. She frowned, trying to move her mouth. Why wasn't she panicking? She should be freaking out! She is god knows where, tied up on a chair, half naked- wait. Millie looked down and saw that someone took her kaki shirt off. She was sitting there, shirtless, with her sports bra.

That's when she started panicking. What if they did something to her while she was out? What if they hurt her or abused her? She started breathing heavily, and brutally trying to free herself from the rope.

The voices stopped and she heard footsteps. The urge to break free from that damn rope grew as the footsteps approached. She couldn't control her breathing anymore and tears started forming in her eyes. Millie could see a shadow moving closer, but she didn't dare to look up, too focused to get out of there. She then finally saw two boots right in front of her. She stopped moving and gulped. A man? A woman? She couldn't look up, too scared to move. The shadow moved, and Millie felt someone pulling her hair lightly. She yelped at the sudden contact.

-Woah there. I just wanted to see you. It's ok. Breathe.

Millie finally managed to look at the person in front of her. A redhead. Not much older than her. She didn't seem that scary. Millie did notice that she had a scar on the left side of her neck. She tried to talk but her mouth was still taped. The stranger gently moved her hand to the tape, and took it of with a sudden movement, which made Millie groan. The redhead let go of her hair, and looked behind her, making a movement with her hand. Millie looked around and saw the two girls who took her. The blonde girl seemed nice but also scared for Millie.

-I want to be alone with her., said the redhead to the other two girls with a quite threatening tone.

They nodded and left without glancing back at Millie. Millie started breathing heavily again. What was she going to do to her? Was she in trouble? The ginger in front of her heard the hyperventilating and grabbed a chair. She sat in front of Millie, the back of the chair turned to Millie. She sat there facing Millie.

-It's ok. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you., she said with a soft voice that got Millie really confused.

-Calm down?! Those two bitches (oh god I am so going to regret this) kidnapped me! They tied me up, put me in a van and injected something in my goddamn neck! And here I am! Tied up on a chair, without my fucking t-shirt! And YOU are asking ME to calm down! Where the fuck am I? Who are you? What do you want from me! Did you hurt me? Did they?

The ginger didn't seem mad, but more amused by Millie's reaction.

-So many questions., she moved her hand to Millie's cheek, which made the younger girl tense up. I am not going to hurt you. The kidnapping is my fault, so no blaming those two bitches as you just called them. They injected a substance in you, to keep you asleep for one hour. We are safe here. We are at an abandoned fabric. My name is Sadie Sink and I am the leader of a group of 10 people. You're shirtless because we had to control if you got bitten or if you had any kind of weapon on you. I don't want anything from you. I gave the strict order to everyone not to approach you, not to touch you or to hurt you.

Did she just answer all of Millie's questions? Millie needed a minute to process all the information. She had been asleep for an hour? Wait, a group of ten people? Her name is Sadie? She's actually beautiful- I mean, her name, Sadie. Millie had exhaled shakily and gulped.

-Why am I here?, that's all she managed to get out.
-Well, you see, the world has gone crazy. From crazy predators to those zombies, no one is safe anymore. When my people go out and find other people, I made the rule for them to bring them to me. As Lilia and Jillian found you, they brought you to me. Why? Well for me to decide if we should keep you here, tied up as our prisoner, or if you could actually join our group and help us get through this, or the third option, is killing you.

Killing? Great, that really helped Millie to CALM DOWN! Prisoner? Millie didn't want to stay there tied up for an eternity, but she didn't know any of those people, how could she trust them? Sadie still had her hand on Millie's cheek which shook off. Sadie seemed like she hadn't realized it either. She cleared her throat and looked Millie directly in the eye.

-What's your name?, she asked softly.

-You have my things, I know that you know my name., she answered doing her best to sound annoyed.

Sadie chuckled and shook her head. She stood up and walked up to a shelf. She took a bag, which Millie recognized because it was hers. Sadie then approached Millie again.

-I didn't let anyone go through your stuff. I didn't even check if there were weapons in it. Listen, I just want  you to trust me. I know, I know how stupid it sounds, you ARE tied up and forced to stay here, but I need you to see that I don't want to harm you, ok?

Millie felt oddly relieved, but didn't want to show it, so she just shrugged and clenched her jaw.

-Are you going to kill me?, asked Millie with a shy and quiet voice.

Sadie moved closer, as if she was going to whisper something in Millie's ear, she then chuckled and leaned back.

-You're cute. But no, I don't think so. I don't know what it is, but you seem special.

Sadie clapped her hands which made Millie flinch. The redhead stood up and walked behind Millie's back. Millie heard the noise of a knife and started moving, scared for her dear life. She could feel Sadie's face approaching as she was breathing down her neck.

-Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you. Just cutting the rope. We are going for a walk.

A/N: I mean, I don't totally hate this? Tell me what you think of it!

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