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Everyone was impatiently waiting in the hallway while Noah, Lilia and Jillian were inside with Corey. It had been 3 hours since he got shot. Sadie had been keeping her eyes on Alex who wouldn't stop staring at Millie. Rowan had been hacking into Tess' chip in her wrist to deactivate it, which she eventually succeed at, so the both brunettes joined the others, Tess giving her old best friend some comfort and Rowan needing comfort from her girlfriend. Suddenly, the door opened, getting everyone's attention.

-I...I'm so sorry., said the blonde girl looking up at her friends with tears in her eyes.

Rowan broke down in Sabrina's arms, Millie didn't hesitate and walked up to Lilia, seeing her friend in such state made her heart break. Tess hugged Sadie tightly, knowing what it's like to lose someone. The boys just kept their heads down, not wanting to show their vulnerability. Peyton took a step forward wanting to go into the room but Jillian stopped him.

-I think it's best if you don't see him like that., whispered the curly head.

-You don't get to decide that, now move out of my way before I move you., warned the older boy.

Jillian stepped aside, having warned him. He walked inside and saw the lifeless body being covered with a blanket by Noah. 

-Can I have a moment alone?, asked the taller boy to Noah.

-Of course., replied Noah nodding as he left the room and closing the door as he left.

Peyton sighed and uncovered Corey, wanting to see him one last time. 

-I'm so sorry. I was the one who was supposed to drive the van. It should have been me. Not you. I'm so sorry bubba. I never told you this, (sniffed) but you were the only thing keeping from losing my mind when the whole apocalypse thing started. You were my rock. I...I love you. I loved you since the moment the moment you handed me that pack of chips without saying a word and with your quirky shy smile. God. I'm so sorry. It should have been me. This is my fault. It's my fault., confessed the older boy as he put his forehead against Corey's and cried. 

Alex walked up to Millie who pulled away from Lilia to let Jillian take care of it, knowing the  power of comfort a girlfriend can have. Millie turned around to find Alex.

-I'm sorry for your loss., said the boy.

-Uh, thanks., replied Millie with a few tears in her eyes.

He just went ahead and hugged her. She needed the comfort, so she just let him. Sadie who had been holding onto her old best friend obviously saw that. She clenched her jaw and got up, getting Tess confused.

-I need some air., said the redhead already leaving.

-I'll come with you., replied Tess following her out.

Millie saw the two girls leaving, scoffing and thinking: straight my ass. She felt the jealousy taking over her. She pulled away from her ex and looked at him. 

-Do you want to show me around?, asked Alex.

-Didn't my friends already show you around?, frowned the younger brunette.

-Yes, but I feel like you need to get away from all of this and need some peace to grieve., said the boy grabbing her hand and leading her away from the others.

Lilia and Jillian heard and saw the thing. Something about the boy's smirk seemed off. Lilia wiped her tears away and whispered to Jillian to follow them, while she would warn Sadie about the weird situation. Jillian followed them without making a sound. Millie just quietly let him lead her to wherever. Alex dragged her to an empty bedroom and closed the door, locking it, which Millie didn't hear, as she was sitting down on the bed trying to process everything. The older boy sat down next to her and put his hand on her leg.

-Are you okay?, asked Alex.

-No. Can we just sit here in silence? I don't want to talk about it., replied Millie not looking up.

-In silence? Sounds good to me., smirked the boy as he moved his hand up to her thigh, making her finally realize what he wanted.

She got up, but he pulled her down again, pushing her on the bed. Now, we all know Millie, so, we all know what's gonna happen next, right? Yeah? Okay, just to be sure that we're all thinking the same thing, let me specify: She kicked him in the nut, making him collapse on the bed. She got away from him and ran to the door, but the key was missing. Alex looked at her with a dark look.

-You shouldn't have done that., said the taller boy as he got up and walked up to her.

Millie played all innocent and like she was helpless, but the moment he put his hand on her shoulder, she grabbed it, twisted it, made me knee down and kicked him in the face with her knee. His nose started obviously bleeding. 

-No, YOU shouldn't have done that., replied Millie ready to beat him up.

-Feisty. I like it., smirked the boy wiping some blood away.

-Where's the key Alex?, asked the brunette.

-Oh you're not getting away from me that easily. I tag along for one thing, and one thing only. I'm not going anywhere until I get it and neither are you., replied Alex as he got back up.

At the same time, there was someone banging on the door.

-Millie!, screamed Sadie.

-I'm in here! He locked the door!, explained Millie screaming as well.

-Alex, I swear to god, if you hurt her, I will rip your skin of your bones and feed it to the dogs!, warned the redhead meaning every single word. 

-I have an idea!, said Millie loud enough for Sadie, Tess, Lilia and Jillian to hear.

Millie didn't waste a second and walked up to Alex and punched him hard. The boy landed on the floor and didn't move. Millie searched through his pockets but couldn't find a key.

-Millie!, screamed Sadie not hearing any noise anymore.

-I'm okay! I knocked him out!, replied the brunette.

-She what now-, whispered Tess surprised that the skinny girl could have done that.

Sadie heard some noises. Millie was trying to open the door with her pins from her hair. They all heard the lock make a loud noise. Sadie opened the door, finding her girlfriend still on her knees with her pins in her hands. The redhead helped her stand up and hugged her.

-Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What happened?, asked the redhead.

-I'm fine, you know that I can take care of myself., replied Millie nodding.

-You really can., commented Tess looking at Alex's unconscious body whose nose was still bleeding.

-We need to talk, Sades., chuckled Millie.

-Yeah, we can't go on like this., agreed the older girl.


A/N: idk what this is but yeah, see ya

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