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Millie froze. She couldn't lose Ava. It was the only family that she had left. She had to save her.

-Uriah. Uriah please let her go., asked Millie with her shaking voice.

-M-Millie?, asked the little girl.

-Yes, it's me Ava., replied Millie.

-Shut up!, ordered Uriah.

-Ok, okay, just one thing. Ava, remember what dad used to tell us what to do if a boy would annoy us?, asked Millie preparing her weapon.

The little girl nodded and turned around punching Uriah there where the sun doesn't shine. She giggled and ran up to Millie, hugging her. Sadie didn't waste time and tackle the boy to the floor. Sabrina had a different idea on her mind.

-Listen little monkey, can you go to the van with my friend Lilia? I'll join you as soon as I can, okay?, said Millie.

-But Millie-, tried Ava.

-Please., interrupted Millie.

-Okay., replied the little girl.

-Do everything she tells you to do, okay?, said Millie.

The little girl nodded and Lilia grabbed her hand gently giving her a reassuring smile. Together with Jillian, they left and went to their van. Once the kid was out of sight, Sadie let go of Uriah.

-You're so dead!, screamed Millie out of anger.

Sabrina took her gun out and shot him dead, not giving Millie time to even yell at him again. Sadie gasped and gulped. Sabrina points the gun at her.

-Hey, woah there, why are you pointing at me?, asked Sadie with her hands raised.

-How did you survive?, asked the blonde girl.

-I don't know. I swear. If I knew I would help others so that they wouldn't be in danger but I don't know., confessed Sadie.

-I don't believe you., said Sabrina loading her gun.

-Don't do that., said Millie pointing the gun at Sabrina.

Both Corey and Rowan pointed their guns at Millie. Sadie looked at Peyton's body.

-Sabrina, we don't have time for this, he needs help., said Sadie pointing at him.

-I want the truth!, yelled Sabrina.

-I told you the truth! I told you everything I know! Your friend is dying! Do you want to lose him?, said Sadie raising her voice.

Sabrina seemed to realize that he really was in danger and put the gun down. Millie didn't though, she kept her gun pointed at Sabrina. The blonde girl walked up to her friend and checked his pulse. She sighed out of relief. She turned him around to see that he had been knocked out with a brick. His temple was bleeding. Corey handed her the first aid kit without being asked to. As she took care of his head, Sadie walked up to her girlfriend. Millie didn't say a word. Rowan hadn't put her gun down either, so she was keeping an eye on her. As Sabrina was done with fixing her friend, she gave the kit back to Corey, who quietly sat down next to his unconscious friend. The blonde girl turned around, finding Millie pointing her rifle at her and Rowan pointing her gun at Millie.

-Are ya done?, asked the blonde girl.

-You threatened to kill my girlfriend, so no, I'm not done. Apologize., ordered Millie.

-Wait, girlfriend?, asked the blonde girl.

-Got a problem?, replied Millie.

-No. It's just, you haven't talked one word since you arrived here., explained Sabrina.

-Well, I have to have a serious conversation with her later., said Millie seriously glancing at Sadie who nodded.

-Alright. Can you put the gun down now?, asked the blonde girl.

-Apologize to her., repeated Millie.

-Yes, right. I am sorry Sadie for threatening you. I don't know why I did that, and it was dumb of me., confessed Sabrina.

-It's okay. Millie, can we go now?, said Sadie turning to her girlfriend.

Millie nodded and grabbed Sadie's hand gently. The redhead nodded at Sabrina.

-Good luck., said Sabrina.

-Yeah, you too. Oh and thank you for taking care of my sister. I really appreciate it., replied Millie.

-No problem. Rowan is really good with kids so, yeah., explained the blonde girl.

Millie turned around to Rowan, and reached her hand out. Rowan took it and they shook hands.

-Thank you., repeated Millie.

-She's a good kid. Take good care of her., replied Rowan.

-I will., said the brunette.

-Alright, goodbye., said Sabrina waving at them.

-Yeah, bye!, replied Millie already walking away with Sadie.

Once in the van, Ava was asleep in Lilia's arms. Millie smiled lightly, happy to have her sister back. The ride home was really quiet. No one talked. Jillian drove, Lilia kept Ava in her arms, Millie was caressing Amy and Sadie was looking out the window. Once arrived, Lilia managed to put Ava on a free mattress in their room, without waking her up. Jillian put the rifles back in the closet. Millie brought the sleepy dog back to Jacey. Sadie went to their shared bedroom, waiting for Millie to come back and be mad at her. The brunette did show up after a few long minutes for her girlfriend. She sat down next to Sadie, who was ready to be told that it was over.

-Why didn't you tell me?, asked Millie softly.

-I was...I am scared that you...that you would be afraid of me or I don't know., replied Sadie.

-I'm not talking about the scratch, babe., explained the worried brunette.

-Oh...I just felt the need to be the one in our relationship to take the lead. Because, well, you're still quite afraid and honestly so am I, but the fact that I lead the way makes me feel safer. I know it dumb..., admitted the redhead avoiding Millie's gaze.

-It's not dumb. It's understandable. But I feel dumb because last time, you tried to take my shirt off or whatever and I freaked out on you, even though you're the one who almost got-, tried Millie but Sadie covered her mouth with her hand.

-Don't say the word. Please. I stopped him, nothing happened. I'm okay., said the redhead.

Millie nodded and her girlfriend took her hand back. Sadie sighed and took her own shirt off, which highly confused the brunette. The redhead gently grabbed Millie's hand and brought it up to Sadie's scar. It was bigger than Millie thought. It went from her neck all the way down to her collarbone. Sadie slowly placed Millie's hand on her scar.

-Does it hurt?, asked Millie.

-No. Does it bother you?, replied the redhead.

Millie shook her head no. She carefully moved her hand up to Sadie's face.

-I love you. But I don't know...I don't know where I can appropriately touch you without making you uncomfortable., explained Millie taking her hand back.

Sadie had an idea.

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