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Sadie had an idea.

She gently put her hand on Millie's and looked her in the eye. She grabbed Mille'a hand and moved it slowly to her thigh. Sadie didn't look away once, seeing Millie blush, but she kept a serious but soft expression. Millie looked down at her hand on Sadie's thigh and then quickly looked back at her girlfriend.

-I love you and I trust you. I do want you to be comfortable around me., stated the redhead.

-Okay. I love you too and I'm comfortable, but Sadie I can't ignore the fact that he almost-, she got interrupted.

-Don't say it., pleaded the redhead placing her hand quickly on Millie's mouth.

Millie nodded and gently grabbed Sadie's hand, pulling it away from her, holding it and then always taking her other hand in hers.

-I'm sorry. How about we just...we don't stay alone like this anymore?, suggested the brunette looking her girlfriend in the eyes.

-Yeah...okay., agreed Sadie hesitatingly.

Millie stood up, but Sadie didn't let go of Millie's hands, instead pulled her back and made her fall on top of her.

-Sadie, no., said Millie.

-I'm just tired. And I don't want to be alone. Please?, begged the redhead.

-Only sleeping then?, asked her girlfriend.

-Yes Ma'am., answered Sadie.

Millie nodded and laid down next to the redhead, who put a hand around her, wanting to keep her close, which made the brunette chuckle. Both slowly fell asleep.


Jillian approached her girlfriend, who was sitting next to a sleeping Ava.

-Is she okay?, whispered Jillian.

-Yeah, I think. I sure hope so. Poor kid., replied Lilia caressing the little kid's hair.

-Are you okay?, asked her girlfriend worryingly.

-Yeah. Yes. Why wouldn't I be?, tried the blonde girl.

-Lilia, please. And why didn't you tell me that about Sadie?, replied Jillian.

-Well it wasn't my story to tell. I'm just..., started Lilia.

-What?, said Jillian wanting a clear answer from her girlfriend.

-I'm just done pretending that everything is happy and amazing and sunshiny! It's not! We're alone! We lost our families! We lost our friends! We lost our lives! Every day, we get threatened by something new! First it was the zombies. Then the predators started to show up, hurting defenseless children. Then the whole Uriah story. Then it was Millie who didn't turn out to be threat anymore. Then that girl who was Millie's friend, Sophia. We don't even know where Luke and Emily are and no one cares! I want my life back. I want to go to school. Learn. Get a job to pay the bills. Start a family. But none of it is going to happen, because of this apocalypse and we don't even know what started it!, her voice started to break as she began to scream.

Jillian stayed quiet, put an arm gently around her girlfriend and hugged her tightly. That caused Lilia to break down and she let go of all her emotions that she had bottled up. She started sobbing and crying and hugging her girlfriend even tighter.

-You're not alone in this. You have the group. And you have me. I love you. I'm not giving up on you. We will find a way to fix some of those things, okay? We'll be okay as long as we stick together. Don't ever feel like you have to pretend in front of me. Okay?, said the older girl softly.

Lilia nodded but didn't pull away from the hug.
Ava had woken up, and Jillian noticed. She looked like she understood what was going on, quietly got up, and left the room.


As Ava left the room, she ran into Jacey, both falling back. The two girls looked at each other not saying a word. Ava quickly stood up and reached her hand down to help Jacey up.

-Hi., said Ava shyly.

-Hey., replied Jacey.

-You look a lot like the redhead leader., said Ava.

-You mean Sadie?, asked Jacey.

-Uh, I don't know the names yet. I'm Millie's sister., answered Ava.

-Cool! I didn't know that Millie had a sister!, replied Jacey all excited.

-So you know Millie well?, asked the little sister.

-Yes! She's super funny, brave and she's dating Sadie., replied the little redhead.

-Wait, dating?, repeated Ava.

-Yes., said Jacey.

-No! Millie is not gay! She has a boyfriend!, answered Ava.

-Wha-, Jacey didn't manage to finish her sentence, Ava was already running away to the bedroom, trying to find Millie so Jacey followed.

Ava opened the door and saw Finn and Noah reallyyyyyy close. Their noses were touching and the were staring at each other's eyes. Ava closed the door and went to the next bedroom, where and dark-skinned boy and another boy were throwing a tennis ball at each other and a dog was running around. She closed the door again to finally open another door, revealing her sister and Sadie sleeping and cuddling. Ava entered the room.

-Millie!, she yelled.

Millie and Sadie had a startle.

-You're gay?, asked Ava with the same tone.

Millie looked at Sadie, then reached her arms out for Ava to come to her. The little girl obeyed and Millie put her on her lap.

-I'm not gay. I'm bisexual, I think., replied Millie.

-What's that?, asked Ava.

-It's when a person is attracted to boys but also girls, like me., answered the brunette.

-But Alex?, said Ava.

Sadie frowned and looked at Millie totally confused.

-It's her boyfriend you pervert!, screamed Ava.

-Hey! Ava, don't scream at her. Do you understand?, said Millie with a threatening tone.

-She seems a lot older than you and dad always said that old people who were dating younger people are perverts!, answered the little girl.

-Sadie is my girlfriend and she's not much older than me., replied Millie.

-What about Alex! Your boyfriend that you loved so much! What about him? Did you forget about him! He loved you and you loved him! You can't just move on and go out with a some random girl!, said Ava getting worked up.

Sadie didn't stop looking away from her girlfriend, the confusion growing and realizing that she was still without her shirt from showing her scar to Millie before falling asleep. Well this isn't awkward at all.

A/N: hello, yes I know I barley update anymore. I'll try to do better. Now, I tried something new in this chapter, what do you think?

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