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Sadie had been in that room over an hour. Millie tried to listen to what was going on in there, but she couldn't hear a thing. She was getting worried about the redhead.

-Millie, it's not worth it. Go to bed, she'll join you later., said Finn rubbing her back gently.

-Yeah, I guess., she sighed.

Both walked upstairs, separating their ways when Millie got into her room finding Jacey with Noah. The little kid looked up at Millie and hugged her.

-I'll take it from here, Noah. Thank you., said Millie.

-Alright, see you tomorrow., winked Noah.

-Oh and, Finn is already in your room., she smirked.

Noah flipped her off and he left the room. Jacey laid down on the mattress and patted the spot next to her. Millie smiled lightly and sat down.

-Where's Sadie?, asked the little girl.

-She'll come soon, don't worry., answered Millie.

-She likes you., blurted the kid out.

-And I like her., said Millie.

-So, you're like, girlfriends?, asked Jacey excited.

-No, it's complicated., said Millie.

-You like her, she likes you, why aren't you together?, asked Jacey.

-I'm not having this conversation with you, Sadie would kill me., said Millie.

The little girl giggled, so Millie got the idea to tickle her. She started tickling her, making the girl giggle and then laugh out of control. She tried to push Millie away but the brunette kept tickling her. They didn't notice the redhead standing there and watching them, while smiling. After a little while Sadie cleared her throat and her little sister ran up to her hugging her.

-Hey, Jace, go to Gaten's room. They have a little surprise. You can even sleep there., said Sadie.

When Jacey heard the word "surprise" she already ran to Gaten's room. Millie chuckled and got up from Sadie's bed. She walked up to the redhead who didn't move but also didn't even look Millie in the eyes, clearly avoiding her gaze. Millie grabbed one of Sadie's hand gently, which made Sadie wince. The redhead's reflex was to grab Millie's wrist with her other hand. Millie frowned not understanding her reaction. She turned Sadie's hand around, to see her knuckles full of blood. Millie looked back up at Sadie who was still avoiding her eyes. The redhead let go of Millie's wrist, scared to hurt her. Millie didn't let go of Sadie's hand but instead walked downstairs still holding her hand. Sadie didn't dare to ask what she was doing. Millie took her to the nursery and made her sit down on a chair. Sadie obeyed. Millie took a bottle of pure alcohol and some bandaids. She poured some alcohol on Sadie's knuckle, which made the redhead clench her jaw, holding the pain back. After cleaning the knuckles, Millie put cream on it and then the bandaids around her hand. Millie started putting the stuff back, when Sadie showed her the other hand. Millie looked at it, it was her right hand, so it looked worse than the other. Millie didn't ask any questions but just start pouring the alcohol on it. Sadie groaned making Millie slip a quiet "I'm sorry" out. She softly applied some cream to it and put a bandaid on it too. Millie put everything back to its place and grabbed Sadie's hand gently, talking her upstairs again. She let go of her hand when they walked in their shared bedroom and Millie just laid down on her own mattress.

-Goodnight., was all she said.

Sadie frowned, she expected Millie to ask questions about who Uriah is and why they were all scared of him. What if he told her what happened? Sadie had to be sure.

-Did he tell you anything?, asked Sadie.

Millie shook her head no. Sadie walked over to her own mattress which was almost across the room.

-So that's it? You're not going to ask questions?, asked Sadie again.

Millie turned to Sadie.

-You'll talk when you're ready., said Millie.

She closed her eyes again and then again total silence. Sadie looked at Millie, grabbed her own mattress and pushed it up to Millie's, connecting them. The brunette heard it, but didn't want to react on it. Sadie laid down on her own mattress and crawled under her blanket. She was facing Millie but keeping an appropriate distance. Millie did feel her breath a bit, but didn't complain about it. She could feel Sadie staring, so she opened her eyes. Sadie stared back. Millie glanced at her lips, then back up to her eyes. She could feel her heart going crazy, and the blood running through her veins. She moved a bit closer. Still looking Sadie in the eye. Sadie didn't move, she didn't dare to. Millie stopped, gulped and looked at her lips. She got these butterflies in her belly going wild.

-We don't have t-, she got interrupted.

Millie connected their lips for a few seconds and pulled away. The kiss was simple and quick, too innocent for Sadie's taste. The redhead put one hand on her cheek, and kissed her back. This time no one pulled away, their brains trying to process all the information needed. Millie felt like there was a firework in her belly, and she could literally hear her heart trying to break out of her rib cage, or was it Sadie's? The redhead had never felt that way before, even though she had kissed people before. It was unique and soft at the beginning, but Millie got comfortable and went a little rougher. Sadie let her, not wanting to scare her away, but she didn't dare to make any dumb moves. Millie pulled away, breathing heavily and blushing. But she needed more, she leaned back in and kissed her again. She slowly got on top of Sadie and continued kissing her. Sadie was lost in her mind. She was usually top, so this was new for her. Millie continued kissing the other girl. Sadie gently puts her hands on Millie's waist. They didn't go far. They made out for about 10 minutes after Millie felt like her stomach was exploding so she pulled away slowly and laid down next to Sadie. The redhead was a smiling mess. Millie put her head on Sadie's shoulder and slowly fell asleep, followed by Sadie.

A/N: FYI, if you're looking for smut, you ain't gonna get any buddie

(hi, this is future me, and I did write smut more than once)

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