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Paris guided them to the camp without bringing any attention to them. Sadie had an idea on how they'd sneak in.

-Okay, Paris, go in there and tell Winona that we managed to run away and escape from you., ordered the redhead.

-But she'll hurt my sister., frowned Paris.

-I need you to trust me, okay? We won't let her hurt your sister., replied Sadie.

-You better be right., sighed the older girl as she stopped hiding behind the trees and walked up to one of the few entrances to the camp.

They let her in without question. Paris did as told and went to Winona's office.

-Ah, there's my best girl. Now tell me that you didn't disappoint me., said the woman as she saw Paris enter.

-I'm sorry. They managed to escape. Where's the brunette?, asked the girl.

-We took care of her. I gave you an order. You failed. You'll pay., replied Winona.

-Please don't hurt my sister. It's not her fault. Hurt me, please. Leave her alone., pleaded Paris desperately.

-Shut up!, yelled Winona slapping her across the face.

Paris put her hand on her cheek. That slap stung. Noah couldn't believe it.

-That's it., said the boy stopping from hiding, determined to confront his mother, having seen through the windows and heard everything through the comms.

-Noah. Noah, stop., tried Sadie quickly following him and pulling him back behind some bushes.

-She can't treat people like that., argued Noah.

-I know. You know that I know exactly how you feel. I had that same rage and anger. Don't let it get the best of you. If you go in there and lose your shit, it's game over. You don't know what she'll do. She could imprison you. She could manipulate you. She could use you. Just follow Olivia's plan. Okay?, replied the redhead trying to calm him down.

-Uhm, Sadie..., started Olivia pointing at something.

Sadie turned to where Olivia was pointing and saw a group of people sneaking past the guards.

-Millie., smilled the redhead softly.

-Shit, look. There's a whole guard group ahead of them. Wait, they took Paris., added Jillian.

-Sadie, we need a new plan., replied Lilia worried.

-I know, I know. I'm thinking., said the redhead.

-What if we don't need it?, asked Olivia.

-Huh?, said Jillian confused.

-What if we simply just go for it? Millie is about to be found and if we don't act now, she'll get hurt along with many innocent kids. Paris is doing exactly what I had in mind., explained Olivia.

-What do you mean? What is she doing?, frowned Lilia.

-She's creating a distraction. I told her to find something to distract the guards., replied the brunette.

-And when were you going to tell us about it?, asked the redhead.

-I didn't think I needed to, since it's irrelevant as long as we save them. Now before you get angry and lose your shit like you always do, just think about it. Paris is creating a distraction, we can get to Millie safely and help her take over the plan., explained Olivia.

-You're lucky that I have a soft spot for you. Okay, let's move. Once they pass that one door, we sneak from there, so that we'll immediately be with them., ordered Sadie.

Everyone nodded and waited for Sadie to take the lead. Sadie took her gun and sneaked around using the trees, looking every now and then if anyone had seen her.

-Paris, it's now or never., whispered Olivia through the comms.

The older brunette took a deep breath and grabbed her gun, throwing at the other side of the forest surrounding the camp.

-Zombies!, yelled the brunette continuing to shoot.

Most of the guards immediately ran up to them and started shooting at the same direction. Sadie nodded and managed to sneaked through the door, followed by the rest, without getting caught. They hid next to a huge tent. Looked like they stocked food in there. Millie was right there across a small field, hiding next to the main building. The redhead needed to get her attention because she could see that Millie had a plan in mind. The redhead looked at the ground and picked up a small stone. She threw it in Millie's direction but hit another girl.

-What the-, said Sofia's sister Isabella feeling the stone.

Sofia looked from where it came from and saw a bunch of idiots waving at them.

-Millie., whispered the younger girl.

-Not now., replied the brunette.

-Sadie's here. Look., replied Sofia pointing at them.

Millie immediately looked and saw her girlfriend smiling as their eyes met.

-Okay, we need to get over there. Let's go one by one., ordered Millie.

-Okay, the little ones first., replied Sofia looking at the group.

The kids started running over to Sadie one by one. Sadie noticed that a kid looked familiar.

-Hey, are you Paris' sister?, asked the redhead softly as the kid arrived.

-Yes. Is she okay?, wondered the little kid.

-She will be., replied Sadie.

-Okay, Sofia and your sister, you go now. The guards are coming back, noticing that it was a false alarm., ordered Millie.

-But-, tried Sofia.

-Just go., repeated the younger girl.

Sofia did as told and ran over to Sadie along with her sister. As Millie was about to run, she felt an arm around her throat and a gun on her temple.

-I can't let you do that., said Charlie.

-Put the gun down. See that redhead over there? She will shoot you in less than a minute if you don't let go of me. Do you really want your brother to watch you die?, replied the brunette making a signal to the group not to shoot.

-My brother? He's there?, frowned Charlie.

-Yes. Look next to that blond girl with a rifle., nodded Millie.

-Holy shit. Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Tell them not to shoot. I was doing this for my brother, I didn't know that you were helping him., apologized the older boy.

-Let's just get over there., replied Millie as he let go of her.

Charlie nodded and together they just sprinted across the little field, hoping no one would see them. Millie ran towards Sadie who immediately hugged her, picking her up. She put her down again.

-I'm never leaving you ever again., said the redhead.

-You better not., smiled Millie as they put their forehead against each other.

Suddenly, shots were fired.

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