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Sadie didn't know what she was doing, but she had to do something! She sat next to Millie to see the open wound better. There was still a lot of blood coming out of it. Jillian and Lilia walked in, after seeing what happened. Sadie didn't pay attention to what Lilia was saying. The blonde girl walked up to Sadie and placed her hand on her shoulder. Sadie didn't react. That was unexpected. Normally she would have turned around and yelled at her not to touch her, but she didn't, she just kept cleaning the wound, even though she was doing it wrong.

-Sadie, stop it. Let me do that. I know how to, you're just hurting her even more., explained the blonde calmly.

As Sadie heard the words "hurt her" she stopped moving. She nodded and got up. Millie was still conscious and very aware of her surroundings. She was in a lot of pain, and feeling weak caused by the loss of blood. Jillian got Lilia the right supplies to help the injured girl, as Sadie sat in front of Millie, on a chair, facing her. She observed Millie's face expressions as Lilia touched her, or as her wound would get in contact with a cold object. Sadie couldn't help but feel guilty about it. If she had given Millie a riffle, that wouldn't have happened. Or if she had locked Millie inside with Jacey and the boys, she wouldn't have been harmed. She had been in her deep thoughts for about 15 minutes without noticing. Lilia was done and Jillian gave Millie a cup of water with sugar. Sadie was about to stand up and leave the room, but Millie called her.

-Sadie?, she said softly.

The redhead turned around looking at Millie. Millie could sense that there was something wrong with Sadie, but she didn't want to insist, or at least not ask about it.

-Stay?, she asked shyly.

Sadie looked at Lilia, expecting Lilia to tell her if she should or not. Lilia was confused, because usually it was Sadie giving the orders to the group. Lilia had known Sadie for a few years. She knows that Sadie wasn't always so reckless or even heartless. She used to be a ray of sunshine, but as her parents sacrificed themselves to save Sadie and Jacey, Lilia hadn't seen the same Sadie ever again. She missed her. And she kinda recognized the old Sadie as she took care of Millie, trying to help her.

-She should get some rest, but she shouldn't be alone either., Lilia explained as she walked out with Jillian, leaving the two girls alone.

Jillian stopped at the door and smirked, looking back at Sadie.

-Oh and Sadie? No snack time. Yes, Noah told literal everyone. Kill him later, now take care of her., she quickly walked away.

Sadie chuckled and shook her head, she sat down again, on her previous spot and looked at her fingers that she was fidgeting. Sadie noticed as Millie shivered and took her flannel off, left with a Metallica t-shirt. Millie looked up at her and frowned, but Sadie just handed her the flannel. Millie hesitantly took it and put it on. Millie couldn't move correctly, so she was only able to close the few buttons on the bottom, but struggled to reach the top ones, not wanting to rip her bandage on her back. She stopped and bit her lower lip, looking back up at Sadie. The redhead moved closer with her chair, and slowly moved her hands to the button. She started where Millie had stopped, but as she reached the buttons on the same level as Millie's bra, both blushed. Sadie shook a few thoughts away, and continued buttoning her flannel. As she was done, her hands dropped and landed on Millie's legs, not on purpose. Millie looked down, and Sadie was already moving her hands away, not wanting Millie to feel uncomfortable, but the brunette stopped her and took Sadie's hands in hers. Sadie looked up, meeting Millie's brown eyes, and smiled lightly.

-Thank you, Millie., she said shyly.

-For what?, asked Millie obviously confused.

-Saving my life. Twice., she chuckled at that second part.

-Will you stop flirting with me?, asked Millie smirking.

-Not a chance., answered Sadie.

-I'm going to regret it, aren't I?, asked Millie.

-Saving my ass? Yes. Yes, you are., said Sadie, making Millie laugh.  You should get some rest, as doctor Lilia Buckingham said., said Sadie with her soft voice again.

Millie nodded and laid down on the mattress, on her belly, not wanting to worsen the wound on her back. Sadie left as soon as Millie was asleep, but asked Lilia to keep an eye on her, so the blonde took her turn and sat on the chair next to Millie. Jillian joined her afterwards, and sat down on Lilia's lap. They were making out, not that anyone would find out, as Millie started moving. Lilia noticed it, and asked Jillian to get Sadie. Millie groaned and sat up again. She looked up at Lilia.

-Where's Sadie?, asked Millie.

-She's coming., Lilia smiled.

Millie just nodded and sat there, staring at whatever her eyes would find intresting.

-She's different., said Lilia, breaking the silence.

-What?, asked Millie.

-Sadie, she's different when she's around you. When she's with you, I see the old, happy, joyful Sadie, breaking through tough Sadie's walls. You make her vulnerable, in a good way., explained Lilia.

-I'm not into girls, Lilia., Millie said shyly.

-You sure, cause your hungry eyes when you look at her tell me otherwise., said Lilia giggling.

-No. I don't like her., said Millie firmly.

-Why lie to yourself?, said Lilia, raising her voice.

-She's literally a sexual predator, wanting to fuck me and leave afterwards! I really don't need that!, said Millie screaming.

Sadie walked in, and you could tell by her face's expression that she heard what Millie said about her. She was mad, but hurt most importantly.

A/N: let's create some tension :) DON'T KILL ME!

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