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Sadie started handing comms that she had taken from the police station. The leader gave some rules and advices for them to follow like only talking when needed or only to talk when they found one of the bullies. They were only allowed to shoots the boys dead, but not Mia, they could shoot her if needed, but not dead. Once done with her speech, the two boys hugged each other and agreed on some hand signs that they would do if they saw something or if they heard something. Sadie turned around to Millie, but the brunette was lost in her thoughts, hugging her rifle tightly.

-It's okay if you want to stay in the van Mills., said Sadie seeing Millie's expression.

-No., replied Millie getting up and grabbing her rifle.

Sadie nodded to Gaten for him to open the vans door, which he did. Caleb and Gaten got out, and circling the building as Sadie had ordered them to do. Millie then got out of the van, since she had to lead the way through her old school. She was planning on entering the gymnasium from the back door the lead to the parking, where the van was parked. Sadie got out and Millie pointed at the door that she wanted to go through.

-That door will directly lead us into the gymnasium. Like there where Jason was-...doing his weird stuff., explained Millie.

Sadie nodded and pointed her rifle at the door while walking up to it, follow by Millie.

-I open, you enter and lead the way., ordered the redhead.

-There's nothing to lead, they'll probably be there Sades, like 2 meters from this door., explained Millie.

-Ok. So you open and I enter. I got better aim., replied Sadie.

Millie scoffed but nodded as she slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door open, while Sadie stepped inside. The brunette was right. They were there and obviously not ready to defend themselves. Sadie quickly shot Jason in the head who was currently pinning a boy against the wall. As his body fell to the ground, Sadie recognized the boy that was getting pinned against the wall. Philip tried to go for it and grab his gun, but Millie shot him also right in the head. Millie ran up to Corey, seeing that Mia wasn't around.

-Rowan?, asked Millie.

Corey pointed at the door, out of breath and quite under shock. Millie nodded. The girl's locker room. Rowan was obviously not as strong and resistant as Millie, but she was still probably tied up and getting hurt. Millie had to hurry, not wanting Rowan to go through what she went through. Millie tightened her grip around the rifle and slowly approached the door. She could hear slight whimpers. Not having to think twice, she kicked the door open, finding Rowan tied to a wall, and Mia just poking her with a knife. Millie didn't hesitate and didn't give Mia the time to do anything, shot her in the upper leg. She fell to the floor groaning and holding her open wound. Sadie ran up to Rowan, untying her, hugging her scared that she would collapse. Corey walked in still trembling a bit, looking at Mia that was groaning on the floor. Millie knew that look way too well. He wanted to hurt her. And she was right. He ran up to her, punching her a few times while holding her shirt to pull her close every time.

-We found them all. Inside, girl's locker room., said Sadie in the comms, letting the rest of the group know.

-Corey, stop!, yelled Millie putting her arms around him from behind.

-No! She was hurting Rowan!, replied the skinny trying to break free from the brunette's arm.

-Listen, if you hurt her, you won't be no better than Mia. You hear me? Do you want to be like her?, asked Millie hugging him tighter and pulling him back taking a few steps back.

-N-No...I don't want to be like her., sighed the boy slowly giving in.

-Good. I'm going to let you go, okay? And you will not start punching again, yeah?, said the brunette in a soothing and soft voice.

The skinny brown haired boy nodded calming his tensed body. Millie slowly pulled her arms back. Corey didn't move. While Milli was taking care of Corey, Sadie was hugging Rowan's shaking body, whispering some "You're okay." or "It's over." or "We got you.". Corey looked up, seeing her friend in Sadie's arms. He wished he could be like that. Hug someone like that. Millie saw the hesitation in his look, so she looked at Sadie who was observing Millie. Millie made a quick head movement towards Corey, which Sadie understood. Sadie made him a sign to come closer with her hand. He was confused but walked up to them. The redhead slowly pulled away, taking Corey's hand gently and pulling him closer to Rowan. The girl automatically hugged her friend, who's body was still tense. Sadie chuckled, seeing the boy frozen and not moving. She grabbed his arms and slowly wrapped them around the other girl. She smiled to him, encouraging him. The skinny boy nodded and eventually wrapped his arms tighter around Rowan. Millie kept her eye on the groaning Mia, who was losing quite some blood. Sadie walked up to her and bend down, taking Mia's belt out. The other girl obviously thought that the redhead would start hitting her with it, but Sadie just put the belt around Mia's leg, tightening it. She was trying to stop her from losing too much blood.

-Thank you., whispered Mia.

-I wouldn't do that. I'm not trying to save you. I'm just trying to keep you alive long enough for Millie., smirked Sadie.

-W-What's that supposed to mean?, asked the other girl.

-I'm gonna have some fun with you., replied Millie standing next to Mia.

-You wouldn't do tha-, tried the groaning girl.

She didn't have the time to finish her sentence, Millie punched her hard enough to knock her out. Sadie raised her eyebrow, not expecting Millie to have such a strength in one single punch.

-You surprise me every day., chuckled Sadie getting up and playfully pushing Millie with her shoulder.

-Gotta keep it interesting for you., winked the brunette.

-C-Can you drive us home?, asked Rowan.

Both Millie and Sadie turned around. Sadie nodded and smiled slightly.

-Let's get going., said Millie grabbing Mia, holding her bridal style.

-Let me take care of that. Your hand still needs to heal., replied Sadie taking Mia in her arms.

Millie smiled lightly and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. Corey let go of Rowan slowly, but kept an arm around Rowan's shoulder. Millie opened the door for Sadie to walk through with Mia's unconscious body. Caleb and Gaten walked in the hall, seeing two dead boys, then Sadie appearing with Corey and Rowan, followed by Millie. They kept the door open for the others, letting them walk up to the van and follow them to it. Lilia got out the car, her expression was indescribable, she opened the door for them to enter. Sadie gave her a questioning look as she put Mia in the back of the van. Lilia made a head movement to point at Jillian. Sadie nodded, knowing that Jillian was still going through something after the Dacre thing. They drove away to Sabrina's group.

A/N: hi, next chapter will reveal some stuff that someone reminded me that I hadn't mentioned again. Yes I know you might be confused, but you'll understand once I update it. I don't know when though, so patience.

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