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Rowan didn't need to find out who those people were anymore, Millie's only goal was to find her beloved and get her out of there. It had been 2 days already. Rowan hadn't slept since she came back, tracking the tracker that had been deactivated. She had to reactivate it and then localize it. Millie in the other hand had been excessively training and working out, needing a distraction. She knew how reckless she could be, to the point where she could take the van and just drive through the city looking for Sadie. She just wanted her girlfriend back. 


Sadie woke up on a bed, a bright light shining on her. The last thing she could remember was being put in a black van and hearing Millie screaming. She looked around, finding herself in a hospital gown. She tried sitting up, but a sort of belt was holding her back against the bed. She started moving around trying to get out of it.

-It's not worth it., said a tired voice.

Sadie frowned and scanned the room, finding a boy in bed just like her.

-Who are you? Where am I? What do they want?, asked the redhead.

-I got taken, just like you. I don't know where we are and I don't know what they want., replied the unknown boy.

There was a noise behind the door.

-Don't fight it, they're make it worse. Trust me., said the boy before closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

-What?, said Sadie as the door went open.

A man with a mask entered with two armed men by his side. The man approached a desk, grabbed a syringe.

-Hey assholes! Let me go!, screamed Sadie.

The man with the medical mask turned around and pointed at her.

-This one., said a raspy voice.

The two armed men walked up to Sadie and grabbed her arms and legs. The redhead was trying to fight but in vain. The doctor walked up to Sadie with a syringe.

-Wait, wait, please., begged the redhead.

The man stopped and looked at her waiting for her to continue.

-What do you want?, asked the tired teenage girl.

-You., said the same raspy voice and injected the liquid in her neck with the syringe.

The redhead was groaning at the sensation, trying to break free. She had a sudden headache and couldn't help but scream. The liquid was getting to her brain, she could feel it. Suddenly everything went black.


-I got it!, screamed Rowan.

Millie stopped what she was doing and ran up to her.

-Elaborate., said the younger girl.

-The tracker. I know where the black van is., explained the other brunette.

-Where?, asked Lilia joining the girls.

-It's underground. I have never seen this place before, and it was pretty hard to hack and find out where it is, so I'm guessing that it's-, replied Rowan.

-The government. A secret organization. Is it by any chance called Special F?, asked the younger brunette.

-How do you know that?, frowned Rowan.

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