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Jacey walked in their shared bedroom, finding Sadie and Millie sleeping, very close to each other. She smiled and left, wanting to tell Lilia. The blonde girl of course NEEDED to see that, so she followed the little girl to the bedroom. Lilia was happy, not only because she got a bit of her old Sadie back, but also because Sadie herself was happy. Lilia did see that it was Millie who had her arms wrapped around Sadie's body, meaning that the redhead surely didn't want Millie to feel uncomfortable and that she let her go as far as she wanted to. But then Millie moved a bit, starting with a slight movement of her head. Lilia took Jacey and left the room immediately, not wanting to get killed by Sadie. Millie slowly opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes landing on Sadie and her perfect face. She had freckles, which Millie found adorable. Her red hair was just flawless. Millie memorized those beautiful ocean eyes, and she couldn't lie, she loved them. Sadie's skin seemed so soft, that Millie slowly moved her hand up to her jawline, moving her fingers gently along it. Millie smiled lightly as she saw that Sadie's mouth was a bit open, and then, THEN she noticed her lips. Her lips which looked so soft. She wondered what it would be like to kiss them. She had never, NEVER seen a mouth that she would kill to kiss as much as Sadie's. What the brunette didn't notice, was that Sadie caught her looking at her lips. She focused on not smiling, not wanting Millie to see that the redhead was awake. After a while, she couldn't hold it anymore, but she didn't smile, no, she just licked her lips. Millie's eyes widened and she looked Sadie in the eyes. Millie's face turned red and she hid herself under Sadie's chin. Sadie giggled at the unexpected touch. Millie spoke against Sadie's soft skin of her collarbone.

-I'm sorry., she sounded like a little kid, caught eating chocolate that their parents had hidden away.

Sadie continued giggling and moved her hand back up to Millie's hair, caressing it very delicately. Millie didn't want to fall asleep again at that magical touch, so she decided to pull away. Sadie took her hand back, scared that she did something wrong.

-Hey, no, it's okay. I just think that I've slept enough., smiles Millie.

Sadie nodded, understanding Millie's reaction. She knew that they would have to get up eventually, but she just loved being this close to Millie. Her gentle touch as she wrapped herself around Sadie. Her cute breathing when she started fading away into her dreams. Sadie felt like she was under a spell. Under Millie's spell. There was only one clear explanation: Sadie is in love. She knew it. She did. The moment that she had laid her eyes on Millie, she fell for her. Yes, at first it was like she was craving her, but she rapidly learned how to control it, not wanting to scare Millie away. But Millie did mention that she was straight. Sadie was quite conflicted. Millie noticed the confused look on Sadie's face.

-What's on your mind?, asked Millie.

-How are you possibly straight?, blurted Sadie.

Millie blushed harder than before, and couldn't find the correct words to form a sentence.

-I...why...but..., Millie was drowning in her own words.

-Hey, calm down. I was just thinking. Sorry for just letting that out on you, it was dumb. Just forget I ever said t-, Sadie got interrupted.

-No. I mean, yes. I mean, ugh. Ok, I don't think I'm straight, I did just say that to push you away, because...well you scared the shit out of me. But now that I know that you're a total softie, I can't lie anymore. I mean, yeah, I'm not straight., confessed Millie.

-Wait, so..., Sadie looked Millie in the eyes.

-But that doesn't mean that I directly want to like get together and like uhm, get intimate or some shit. I've been single my whole life. I don't know how it works., said Millie.

-What? Sex?, asked Sadie blankly.

-No! Ok, no. I was talking about a relationship. I don't know how it works. I've never been in one., panicked Millie as she confessed shyly.

Sadie couldn't help but smile at how cute Millie was and how innocent. Sadie knew that she would have to do the first move, because Millie was too shy to react on her feeling or emotions. Sadie glanced at her lips, and Millie got nervous, which Sadie obviously noticed.

-It's okay, just follow my lead., whispered Sadie.

-Wait, Sadie was inches away from Millie's lips, and asking her to wait was really hard for Sadie who was craving to kiss her lips., I just want to make sure that, this won't be do you call that...a one night stand?, said Millie.

-I like you, Millie. I'd never do that to you, if I know that you feel the same you?, asked Sadie.

Millie responded with a nod.

-I need verbal confirmation., chuckled Sadie.

-Yes, I like you too., said Millie shyly.

-May I kiss you?, asked Sadie less confident than a few minutes ago.

Millie nodded nervously, trying to stay calm and play it cool. Sadie noticed the poor girl and decided to pull away.

-Millie, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I'm not even thinking about the more intimate stuff, but about like kissing. If you don't feel comfortable, I won't force you to kiss me. Okay?, said Sadie.

Now that only could go two ways, Millie would desperately kiss Sadie and the stress would be over, or Millie would ask Sadie to back off and Sadie would obey. Sadie saw it in Millie's eyes that she was having an inner debate wether to kiss Sadie or not. She clearly didn't know it either, by the expression of her face.

A/N: yeah idk what this is either but I hope you enjoy. And don't kill me because of how I ended the chapter. Ok. Byeeeeeee

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