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<WARNING: this chapter contains smut>

Sadie wasn't so sure about it.

-Millie, are you really sure? I mean, she raped you again a few days ago. Don't you think that it's too earlier., said the redhead looking Millie in the eye.

-I don't care. I'm ready. I want this. I want you., replied the younger girl seriously.

-Ok, but let's at least have a safe word., suggested Sadie.

-Yes. Uh, what, asked the brunette.

-If one of us starts screaming fire, don't you think that the others will think that something caught on fire?, chuckled the older girl.

-Yeah, true. What about a number or a color?, suggested Millie.

-How about sunflower?, smiled Sadie moving a hair from Millie's face and caressing her cheek softly.

-Yes. Sunflower. Ok., replied the younger teenager.

Sadie smirked, noticing that Millie had no clue what would happen next, so the redhead just pulled Millie on top of her, her hands landing on Millie's hips. The brunette blushed, and slowly leaned down to kiss her girlfriend's lips. Sadie moved her hands up to Millie's back, caressing it gently, while Millie started kissing the redhead's jawline, giving the older girl goosebumps.

-C-can I put my hands under your t-shirt?, asked Sadie taking deep breaths to focus on what she is saying enjoying her girlfriend's lips going down to her neck.

Millie nodded, so the redhead wandered her hand underneath the t-shirt, caressing Millie's soft skin. Millie stopped at Sadie's collarbone and looked up to her girlfriend. The redhead smirked and took her own t-shirt off, then kissed Millie passionately. The brunette pulled away, straightened herself and seemed to be thinking. Sadie didn't say anything, giving her a minute. Millie eventually pulled her t-shirt up and took it off, revealing her bare breasts, which Sadie didn't expect, so she gulped. Millie looked away, embarrassed about the hickies and cut from Mia, but Sadie put her hand on Millie's cheek, making her look at her.

-You're beautiful., said the redhead sincerely.

Millie blushed and looked away hiding her smile. Sadie slowly moved her hands from Millie's hips, up to her breasts, slowly playing with them. That unexpected touch made the brunette moan lightly.

-Let me lead?, asked Sadie.

Millie looked at her and nodded. Sadie didn't need to be told twice, she pushed Millie off her gently and got on top of her. The younger girl blushed, the butterflies in her belly going crazy. The redhead started by kissing her collarbone, like Millie had done earlier, her hands traveling around Millie's body, caressing it gently. Sadie looked up to her girlfriend with her eyes, and slowly moved her head down to her breasts. She took one nipple in her mouth, sucking it, but still looking at her moaning girlfriend. She let go of it and traveled to the other one, biting it very lightly, which made Millie flinch. The redhead saw her reaction and stopped immediately.

-N-No biting, please., asked the brunette with a little voice.

-Ok, I'm sorry., replied Sadie.

-No, it's ok-AH FUCK., tried Millie but her girlfriend had proceeded to suck the nipple and playing with it with her tongue.

Proud of making her girlfriend react that way, the redhead smile before leaving some soft kissing on the breasts, continuing to kiss softly as she wandered down. She didn't know how far Millie wanted to go, but Sadie wanted to please her. She stopped her head at Millie's belt. She looked at her girlfriend, who nodded while gulping.

-We don't have t-, tried the redhead.

-I want to. Please., pleaded the brunette.

-Ok babygirl. Anything you want. Just tell me if you want me to stop., replied Sadie.

Millie nodded, so Sadie started to open the belt, pulling Millie's pants down gently, her eyes staying in direct eye contact with Millie's, which were looking at Sadie's hands. The redhead then moved her hands up Millie's thigh, reaching her panties, while still looking her girlfriend's eye. The nervous brunette nodded hesitantly.

-Mills, I need verbal consent., chuckled the redhead trying to make her feel more comfortable.

-Yes. Do it., said Millie quickly.

Sadie slowly pulled the panties down, making the brunette blush once again. Sadie got on top of Millie again, kissing her lips slowly. She wanted Millie to have the time to say no or to take the lead again. Anything she wanted. Millie kissed back, pulling her girlfriend closer. Sadie pulled away though, crawling back down. She started by kissing Millie's thighs, then she gently started rubbing Millie's clit. Millie didn't show any sign of resistance, so Sadie continued and rubbed faster. Millie started to have a quite pleasant feeling, moaning louder as Sadie went faster. Suddenly, the redhead sticked a finger in her, making Millie's back arching. Sadie put one hand on Millie's stomach, pushing it down quite roughly, while keeping the same pace. Her finger kept on working, until she added a second one. That was what made Millie's legs start shaking, as she started moaning louder than before. Climax. Sadie didn't stop, continuing to pump her fingers in and out. Millie was trying not to scream to loud so she grabbed a pillow, biting it. She then spit it out.

-Sunflower. Sunflower. Please., said Millie quickly.

Sadie immediately pulled out.

-What's wrong? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?, rambled the redhead.

-No, no. It was j-just getting too m-much, so started to hurt a bit., admitted the younger teenager.

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you babe., apologized Sadie.

-I know. You didn't do it on purpose. You couldn't have known. It's okay Sades, I promise., replied the brunette.

Sadie nodded and pulled the blanket over them as she laid down next to Millie, but the younger girl frowned.

-What about you?, asked Millie.

-Today is about you. I'm satisfied if you're satisfied. Are you?, replied Sadie.

-More than satisfied., chuckled the brunette.

Sadie got closer to her girlfriend, cuddling her and kissing the top of her head. She wrapped her arms around Millie and just let the younger girl feel her body's warmth, as she rested on Sadie's chest. Millie smiled as the redhead started caressing her hair softly. She managed to close her eyes and fall asleep again, while Sadie continued to enjoy the view. Again, not the actual view, but her girlfriend sleeping on her chest.


A/N: first time writing smut so go easy on me, and also, know that I wrote this while being extremely tired and my brain telling me to go to sleep. First and last time writing something like this. GOODNIGHT, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD MORNING, idk when you'll read this.

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