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Millie has been living in an abandoned building for a few weeks now. She was alone. Her parents left back to the U.K. before the outbreak. Her brother was turned, and he unfortunately did some terrible things to the sisters. Millie had no other choice than to kill him. Of course that changed her forever. Killing someone you love, even if he was a zombie or freak or whatever you want to call those brainless hungry monsters, is never easy.

She mostly stayed in the apartment on the first floor. She had assembled the food that the building had. She searched every single apartment, looking for necessary supplies as in food and drinks and some clothes. She barely slept anymore, too scared that the freaks would find her, or some survivors would enter the building and hurt her.

Since the apocalypse, the people were out of control. The special forces can't contain them anymore. No more laws. Mostly it were men who killed or stole or hurt or raped whoever was in their path. Millie had seen some really deranged and gruesome stuff that she'd wish she could unsee.

At night she could hear the zombies walking around and running into stuff, struggling to eat literally any animal. Sometimes she could hear people screaming, maybe of fear or pain but probably both.

Millie had left the building a few times. She went outside to look if the car in front of the building still worked. Turns out, making noise with a car just draws attention. She had to run out of the car, because there were at least 6 freaks approaching the car. Another time was when she heard voices outside. She ran downstairs and saw two men, walking there, guns in their hands, backpacks on their backs. They saw her of course had some pretty devilish smiles on their faces. Millie knew that it meant trouble. She went back to the apartment, preparing herself to kill those two. As they entered the apartment, Millie didn't give them the time to look around, she used a machete that she found on the third floor and slit ones throat. As the other was processing what he was witnessing, so Millie took advantage of that moment and stabbed the second man.

Since that day, she had killed a few more predators and some freaks too. It was a matter of survival. To kill or to be killed. Easier said than done.

Millie left the building early that morning. She had her backpack with supplies in case she couldn't go back to her place. She needed more food, so she started looking for a supermarket. She had to be extremely quiet, not wanting to draw any freaks in her direction. She passed a few freaks without making a noise and was able to find a little supermarket, which she hoped would be empty. Meaning no predators or freaks. She slowly approached the store, but heard some voices.

-Get some chips for Jacey, or are Sadie will kill us!, screamed a blond girl.

She seemed her age, nothing threatening, so Millie decide to try and sneak around, not wanting to hurt her or be hurt. As she was about to sneak past that girl, she heard footsteps behind her. As she turned around, there was a second girl, staring right back at her.

-Uhhh, Lilia?, said the girl.
-Yes babe?, answered the blonde girl.
-We kinda have a situation here.

Millie tried to run away, but the girl blocked and took a gun out.

-Don't move., ordered the girl firmly.

Millie slowly raised her hands and analyzed the whole situation trying to find a way out. The blonde girl approached and took something out of her backpack.

-I just need food and I'll leave. Please just let me get some food., tried Millie desperately.

The girl with the gun didn't seem to care. The blonde one walked all the way around Millie. The same girl took both of Millie's hands and handcuffed her.

-No can do. We need to take you with us., informed the girl.
-Why?, asked Millie scared for her life.
-Leader's orders. If we find people, we need to take them and bring them to her. She will decide what happens with them. By them I mean you., said the armed girl.

All went black. Not that someone knocked her out, but the blonde girl had put a bag over her head. Great. Trouble, here she comes.

-Move.,said one of the girls.

Millie obeyed. Of course she wanted to try and run away, but something was holding her back. Maybe she was tired of being alone? Maybe she secretly hoped that she'd find some people that she could live with. But the girl did say that someone else will decide what happens with her. Who was that person? They said "she", right? So leader is a girl? Millie did not expect that. Usually it were boys who were machos and thought that they were stronger than any girl. She heard a door open. A car. No, that sounded more like a door from a van.

-Climb in., ordered one girl.
-I can't see anything.,answered Millie.
-Then just lift your right foot and jump in the damn van., answered the same girl.

Millie obeyed and actually managed to get in the van. She just sit down against a wall of the van, not making a sound and deciding not to talk with her kidnappers anymore.

Out of nowhere, she felt something on her neck. Someone was injecting something in her.

-What the hell?, yelled Millie.
-I had to., said the girl.

And this time everything went black, but for real.

A/N: first update. Idk what to think of this, but I hope you enjoy it.

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