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// WARNING: some smut, more graphic than the last time I think //

oh and yes it is Sadie, her alter ego is gone :)

Sadie pushed her girlfriend on the bed. Millie gulped but didn't stop her, feeling turned on by the more dominant side of her girlfriend. The redhead turned Millie around, making her face the wall. She pulled her back a bit, letting the brunette's legs drop on the floor. She made her kneel, then pushed her upper body on the bed.

-Don't move., ordered Sadie as she whispered in the younger girl's ear.

-O-Okay., replied the brunette.

-You still know the safe word?, asked the older teenager.

-Yes., nodded Millie straightening herself a bit, but Sadie pushed her down again.

-I want to hear it, Mills., chuckled the redhead.

-S-Sunflower., replied the younger girl.

-Good girl. Now not another word unless it's to say the safe word, got it?, asked Sadie as she pulled Millie's hair back quite firmly, making the brunette a nodding mess.

The redhead moved her other hand down to Millie's ass, then further down and squeezed her pussy, making her moan and arch her back.

-I said not another word., whispered Sadie pulling her hair harder wanting her ear close.

-I'm s-sorry, I'll be quiet., promised the brunette.

-I'm not so sure about it., smirked the redhead as she bit Millie's ear softly.

Sadie pulled Millie's pants and panties down, letting go of her hair and looking down. She ran her fingers through Millie's folds.

-So wet for me., chuckled the older girl sucking her fingers next to Millie's ear. 

The brunette couldn't help but moan quietly and blush. Sadie pulled her hair again and grabbed Millie's panties and putting it in her mouth after forming a ball. 

-I know that you won't be able to say the safe word now, so if you want me to stop, just tap on the mattress like in wrestling and those kind of sports. Nod if you understand., explained the older girl.

The brunette replied with lots of nodding, as Sadie let go of her head, focusing her attention on where her girlfriend needs her the most. She spread the legs apart, getting on her knees as well and licking her clit softly, but hard enough for Millie to grab the sheets of the bed and squeezing them, not wanting to make noise. The redhead couldn't help but smirk, and proceeded by pushing her tongue in her girlfriend's pleading hole, as she kept sucking her sensitive clit. Sadie kept working on it, while she wandered her hands all over Millie's thighs gently, giving her girlfriend goosebumps. Sadie  bit Millie's fold lightly, making her whimper and squeezed the sheet harder. She moved her right hand and pulled her tongue away to replace it with her finger. She started pumping in her girlfriend's hole, making her moan into her panties.

-Don't you dare cumming without asking., said the redhead as she pushed her finger deeper to make her girlfriend react by arching her back and wanting to straighten herself.

-Stay still., ordered Sadie and pushed her back down against the mattress.

The redhead went harder and deeper until she finally added a finger, keeping her pace up. The brunette was so close to her climax that she couldn't hold it for very long, which Sadie was aware of. She kept pumping in her, got closer to her ear.

-As you've been a good girl, you can cum now., whispered the older girl.

-T-Thank myou., said Millie through the panties.

Sadie kept her pace up and took the panties out of Millie's mouth.

-It's okay my love, you can be as loud as you want. I want to hear you., said the redhead.

Millie didn't hold it back anymore and became a moaning mess.

-F-Fuck., she moaned when started reaching her high.

The redhead didn't stop though, as she kept pumping into her tight hole, making the brunette moan louder and wanting to close her legs again, but the redhead kept them apart with her  own legs as she stood up, wanting to be closer to her. She kept going for good 2 minutes, not giving in.

-S-Sadie- Sades, it's too much. P-Please., pleaded the brunette.

-If it's too much, why don't you use the safeword? Hm?, asked the redhead.

Millie replied with a moan, making Sadie add a third finger. Millie's legs started shaking.

-S-Sadie, what's happening?, asked the confused and innocent girl.

-Hey, it's okay, just relax your body., said Sadie slowly pumping slower. 

Millie relaxed her tensed body and slowed her breathing. Sadie went slower until she eventually pulled her finger out completely, making the brunette leg's giving up and collapsing . The redhead caught her from completely falling on the floor, picked her up on the bed and joined her in it.

-You're crazy., chuckled Millie still not over what just happened.

-Was it too much?, asked Sadie genuinely concerned.

-No, no, it was amazing., replied the brunette.

-Oh okay. So you liked it?, asked the redhead with the same worry.

-In what language am I supposed to tell you? Because you clearly don't understand the words: It was amazing., chuckled Millie as she pulled Sadie closer to her and kissing her lips quickly.

-Oh, right, right., nodded the redhead.

Sadie handed Millie her clothes back and let her get dressed again. Once the younger girl was done, she put her arm under Sadie, pulled her closer and smiled.

-You did so good, you know?, whispered the redhead as she kissed her forehead softly.

Millie couldn't help but blush at those words, hiding her face under Sadie's neck. She frowned and looked up at Sadie.

-What about you? What about your needs?, asked the brunette.

-Another time my love., smiled the redhead softly, closing her eyes and sighing.

-Get some rest babe., whispered the brunette as she pulled her girlfriend closer, snuggling against her.


A/N: I already regret publishing this and I haven't clicked on the button. Okay, bye

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