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-Let me go in first., said Sadie as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

Sadie walked in seeing Tess sitting on her bed, back against a wall, knees up to her chest. When she saw Sadie she started shaking, her eyes read from having cried.

-I need to tie you up., said the redhead walking up to her.

-What? Why? Please don't hurt me., pleaded the brunette.

-I'm not gonna hurt you. We just need this room to keep someone safe and away from the fight., replied Sadie taking her belt.

-Promise?, hesitated Tess still shaking and eyeing the belt in Sadie's hands.

-I promise. Give me your hands., ordered Sadie.

Tess hesitated but obeyed, so Sadie tied her hand with her belt, handcuffing her to the bedhead.

-If you do anything to hurt them or endanger them, I will kill you with my bare hands. Do you understand?, warned the redhead grabbing her chin making her look up at her.

-Yes., gulped Tess knowing that Sadie meant it.

-Good., said the redhead satisfied with her answer.

She walked back to the door and opened it up for the others.

-Come on in., said the leader.

Millie helped Olivia inside who was getting weaker due to blood loss. Lilia immediately understood why Millie didn't like the idea. The younger brunette made Olivia sit down on the bed, glaring at Tess who was still shaking and looking down on the floor.

-Should I sit on the floor to give her more space?, asked Tess quietly still not looking up.

-That'd be helpful., replied Sadie.

Tess sat down on the floor, her hands above her head, still tied to the bedhead.

-We need help over here!, yelled Jillian over the comms.

-Go help her. Keep my girl safe., said Lilia looking at Sadie and Millie.

-Of course. You keep our girl safe., replied Millie hugging Olivia quickly and walking to the door.

-See you soon., said Sadie walking out and locking the door.

Then there was total silence in the room. Tess on the floor still looking hella scared, Olivia groaning on the bed, feeling the cold air against her skin when Lilia took Sadie's flannel off.

-Do you have a medkit in here?, asked Lilia to Tess.

-Top shelf., replied the brunette quickly.

-Thanks., nodded the blonde girl getting up and getting it.

-W-What happened?, asked Tess looking at Olivia.

-I got sh-shot while protecting Millie and Sadie from the bullets. I used m-myself as a shield for them not to get hit., explained the younger brunette.

-I'm sorry that happened., said Tess honestly.

-You're sorry? Have you forgotten that you are on their team? That you worked with Sadie's father to fucking kill us? You're the reason she got shot. Shut up and leave her alone before I started punching the living shit out of you., warned the blonde girl as she sat down next to Olivia again.

-I am sorry. I thought we were the good guys, but I realize that i was so wrong. I don't want to be on their side anymore. I want to help you. I know that you won't trust me easily and I don't blame you, but I'm not giving up., replied Tess looking at the floor.

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