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-Millie?, said a voice behind her.

The brunette turned around meeting the person and gasped. How was that possible?

-Alex?, asked Millie standing up and fully turning around to face him.

-Alex? Alex as in ex boyfriend Alex?, asked Lilia to Sadie having both heard everything.

Sadie frowned and didn't answer, walking out of the door and going to the cafeteria's direction, with Lilia following her. Sadie opened the door, making Millie look at her with a quite amused expression.

-I thought you were dead Mills., said the boy.

Sadie stopped walking as she heard the nickname. 

-Alex, we should talk later, we're in the middle of a rescue mission right now., replied the brunette getting up and instantly walking to her girlfriend and Lilia.

-Lilia, can you take care of those who got hurt while I have a word alone with Sadie?, asked the younger girl.

-Yeah, of course., Lilia grabbed the kit that Millie handed her and walked up to the teenagers.

Sadie was still looking at the boy who hadn't kept his eyes off Millie. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her hand, which her girlfriend of course noticed immediately. She moved her hand do Sadie's and made it open up, holding it gently.

-Sades, look at me., said the brunette to her girlfriend who was still killing Alex with her eyes.

-Sadie., said Millie more firmly making her finally look at her.

-Stop that., continued the girl.

-Stop what?, said the redhead raising an eyebrow and looking down at Millie.

-Whatever this is, stop. He may be my ex but he's still one of the teenagers that we came to rescue. He's coming with us, it's not up for discussion. We're history so there's nothing for you to be jealous about, okay? I love you and only you, so chill and stop. He's a good guy.,  explained Millie looking Sadie in the eyes, not faded by her intimidating gaze.

-A good guy? He cheated on you!, replied the older girl getting worked up.

-Yes, but not like that., admitted Millie putting her hands on Sadie's shoulders.

-What do you mean "not like that"? You said you saw him kissing some other chick, is that not cheating for you?, wondered the redhead genuinely confused.

-He didn't kiss another girl., explained the brunette.

-So you lied to me?, frowned Sadie seemingly hurt.

-No, I didn't., replied Millie shaking her head.

-May I interrupt-, tried Alex walking up to them.

-You may not. Shut it., said the redhead killing with her eyes making him take a few step back.

-Sadie, stop it. He did kiss someone, just not a girl. He's gay, Sades. He kissed a boy., explained Millie.

Sadie was not expecting that, the guy looked like the jerk of the jerks, an athlete that had every girl at his feet. She looked back at Millie.

-Oh. That...I did not see that coming., admitted the older girl.

-Neither did I., chuckled the brunette letting go of her girlfriend's shoulders. 

Alex saw that they both stopped talking so he walked back up.

-Can I interrupt now?, asked the older boy who actually seemed like he was even older then Sadie, probably a football player as well.

-What's up?, asked Millie turning around to the boy.

-I just wanted to...ask for a second chance?, said the boy scratching his neck nervously.

-A second chance?, asked Millie confused.

-Us. Giving us a second chance., elaborated Alex straightening his back making him feel more confident.

-But, you're gay., frowned Millie not understanding it.

-I'm pansexual., chuckled the boy as if it had been obviously.

-You could be straight for all I care but listen up you little-, started Sadie but Millie stopped her.

-I have someone already., said Millie.

-Who is he? Come on, who is he? I'm sure I'm better than him., said the boy adjusting his buffed jacket.

-Wanna bet?, said Sadie stepping up.

At this point, Millie had given up on stopping her. 

-Wait, what?, said the boy confused.

-I am "him"., said the redhead getting closer to him.

-You're gay?, asked the boy looking past Sadie at Millie.

-Bisexual., corrected Sadie being extremely close to Alex.

-You dod realize that I'm not scared of you, I mean what could you possibly do to-, started the boy but he was interrupted as the redhead grabbing his arm twisted it and made him do a flip and eventually land on the floor.

-I guess I could do that, hm?, scoffed the redhead turning around to look at Millie who was quietly enjoying the show. 

What Sadie didn't expect though, was that he got up again and tackled her, punching her and starting to strangle her. Millie didn't even move to help, which concerned Lilia.

-Aren't you gonna help your girlfriend?, asked the blonde girl.

-Nah, let her have her fun., chuckled Millie.

-What do you mean?, wondered Lilia but she got her answer as Sadie started chuckling.

The redhead hit him in the nuts, got up, made him turn around, his face facing the floor and blocked his arms behind his back. She got closer to his ear.

-You're lucky that people are around, otherwise I would kill right this second. Now listen you fucking piece of shit, after we rescue you, you're gonna get out and disappear. If I ever see you after this rescue mission, I won't hesitate to snap your neck and put your head in your butt. Got it?, whispered the redhead while the boy was just nodding desperately.

-Yes, yes ma'am., replied Alex.

Sadie let go and got up, walking to her girlfriend. 

-Had fun kicking his ass?, asked the girl.

-You have no idea., chuckled the redhead as she pulled Millie closer by her waist and kissed her.

Alex got up, looking defeated but yet still mad and angry, but it's not like anyone cared about it. Especially not the redhead or Millie. Sadie of course was proud of herself for kicking that asshole's ass. Not only was he cheater but also an arrogant jerk. Two things that Sadie hated the most. He needed to pay so he did. Millie is hers. Only hers. Suddenly, the door opened up with Jillian running back in the cafeteria.

-Guys, the first bus got away, but we got visit., said Jillian out of breath.

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