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Lilia was the driver, driving all of them to the underground spot. Millie sat in the back, focused and lost in her thoughts. 

-Rowan, fry their signals...NOW., ordered the brunette.

The girl obeyed and the van entered an underground street, leading to their base. Sabrina was sitting across from Millie and kept glancing at her, which the brunette noticed.

-What do you want?, asked Millie looking back at her.

-Do you want to talk about-, tried the blonde girl.

-No. I don't., replied the younger girl.

Sabrina nodded, understanding her reaction. Corey kept fidgeting with his fingers, while Peyton was checking if he had enough bullets in his gun. Finn and Noah were just sitting, with their eyes closed and trying to focus for their task. 

-Get ready, we're almost there., said Jillian sitting on the passenger's seat.

Millie stood up, grabbed the badge that Rowan printed out and waited at the van's door. 

-No one is left behind. Stay together. Don't draw attention to yourselves. Be careful. I love you all., said Millie as the van stopped and she opened the door and the others climbing down one by one. 

The boys went to the vent and disappeared into it. The girls stayed together and walked to a side door.

-Rowan, can you check if there will be anyone behind this door?, asked the brunette.

-All clear. Once you're in the hallway, turn to your right and go down that hallway., replied Rowan back at the orphanage and looking through security cameras that she hacked.

-Ok, thank you. Alright girls, stay behind me and don't make too much noise. Jillian you keep an eye open for whatever happens behind us. Lilia, you keep an eye open for the doors that could open at all time. Sabrina, you take care of seeing shadows or reflections. I'll lead the way. If we see someone, we need to kill them without making noise., ordered Millie.

The girls nodded so Millie opened the door, walking in and Jillian closing it after they all entered it. The brunette followed the path that Rowan had drawn on the map.

-Millie?, asked Corey through the cons.

-Yes?, whispered the brunette.

-You were right, it's a cafeteria., replied the boy.

-So?, wondered Millie.

-But there are only teenagers here. No soldiers. It's weird., explained the skinny boy.

-Weird how?, asked the brunette.

-They are just sitting there and eating. No one is talking. They don't even look at each other. It's weird., described Corey.

-Alright, give me a second. Rowan, you heard that?, asked Millie.

-Yes., replied the other brunette.

-Have you tried finding out what they do here?, asked Millie.

-There's a room full of syringes and some blue liquid, but I don't know what it's for., explained Rowan.

-Corey, change of plans. No more blowing up the cafeteria. Rowan, lead them to that room and boys, grab at least 4 of those syringes., ordered the younger brunette.

-Alright., replied Rowan. 

Millie continued walking and following the path. As she turned to the left to follow the path, she stopped and hold the others back. Three soldiers were walking, talking and laughing in the hallway. They were walking their way.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now