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Together they arrived at their headquarter. Millie didn't talk the whole ride, she didn't even sit on the front seat with Sadie, who was driving. She sat next to Sophia, looking out the window, seeing some zombies. Sadie just focused on driving while Jillian and Lilia were just looking at everyone and wondering what's going on. Sophia just observed Sadie, who was constantly looking through the review mirror, looking at Millie and then glaring at Sophia. The new redhead felt reallyyyyy welcome. Once Millie opened the door, she hold it open for Sophia and then left inside with her, followed by Jillian, who grabbed one of the backpacks full of supplies. Lilia stayed behind, wanting to check on her best friend. Sadie grabbed the second backpack with the supplies. Lilia stopped her as she was about to open the door. They were still in the car.

-Sadie?, said Lilia.

-Yes?, replied Sadie.

-You and Millie?, asked Lilia.

-I love her..., confessed Sadie.

Lilia had to smile so bad, but her friend seemed upset, so she held back.

-But?, said Lilia.

-But I don't know if she means it like I do. What if I tell her about...you know...?, asked Sadie.

-I'm sure she'll understand. She cares about you a lot, Sades. She loves you too. I see the way she looks at you., said Lilia.

-I'm...I'm scared she'll leave me. I mean, yesterday after the Uriah thing, she didn't ask any questions, she said: "you'll talk when you're ready." After that sentence we just made out. I don't know what she'll think of me if she finds out., said Sadie.

-What...did you do to Uriah?, asked Lilia with a concerned tone.

-Punched the shit out of him, and well, I think I might have...beaten him up...a little bit?, said Sadie mumbling the last part.

-Thank you for yesterday. You saved me, Jillian and Millie., said Lilia.

-I didn't. Millie freed herself from Uriah's grip, did some karate or whatever thingy to him, and well, she took care of keeping him under control., confessed Sadie.

-Well that was unexpected., chuckled Lilia.

-I just...I wonder why she didn't stop me...when I tried to kiss her the first time. She could have physically stop me and like run away or hurt me. She had no reason to trust me or to stay., said Sadie.

-Love at first sight my dear., chuckled Lilia.

Jillian walked out and had a fake smile on her face. Lilia gave her a questioning look, and opened the door.

-What's wrong?, asked Lilia.

-Millie took Sophia's handcuffs off., blurted the girlfriend out.

-What?, yelled Sadie.

The redhead got out of the car and furiously walked in the building seeing Millie and Sophia hugging. Sadie walked up to them.

-Millie, I need to talk to you., said Sadie already grabbing Millie's arm and pulling her to the side.

-Yes?, asked Millie obviously pissed.

-What the hell?, asked Sadie pretty mad.

-Her wrists hurt. Plus, I trust her. And I thought you trusted me, but apparently you don't., said Millie.

-I do!, said Sadie.

-Then why won't you trust me when I say that she's my friend. She won't hurt anyone., said Millie looking doing completely hurt.

-Mills, I'm sorry. I'm just worried, okay? I know I can be a little overprotective, but it's because...I love you., explained the redhead.

-Well I love you too. Please just don't handcuff her again. She's been alone for weeks., replied Millie.

-Whatever you want., whisper Sadie kissing Millie's cheek.

Sadie turned around and walked up to Sophia, followed by her girlfriend who didn't know what she had in her mind.

-Welcome Sophia. Make yourself at home., said Sadie smiling.

-Thank you...what's your name?, asked the other ginger.

-Sadie., said Sadie.

-Oh, so you're the girlfriend?, Sophia looked her up and down., interesting...

-What's so interesting?, asked Sadie.

-I just imagined that Millie would fall for a softie, not for...you., explained Sophia.

Millie stepped in, seeing her girlfriend squeezing her own hands.

-Well, believe me when I tell you that she's a big softie., said Millie walking in front of her girlfriend.

Sadie wrapped her arms around Millie's waist, getting a look from Sophia, and kissed Millie head.

-Excuse me, where's the bathroom., asked the new ginger.

-Behind that door., said Sadie pointing at a door.

-Thank you, I'll be right back., said the other redhead.

As Sophia walked passed them, she lost her balance and fell. Her veins started popping out. Millie ran up to her and helped her stand. As she looked into her eyes, the color had changed. Her eyes were black. Completely black.

-Sadie, handcuffs?, screamed Millie.

-But you said-, tried Sadie not understanding what was going on.

-Handcuffs!, screamed Millie.

Sadie ran up to them, while Millie was holding Sophia still, Sadie managed to handcuff her. Sophia tried to bite Sadie, and that's when the other redhead understood what had happened. She took her revolver out.

-No! Do not shoot her!, yelled Millie.

-She's a zombie., said Sadie already pointing the gun at Sophia.

-No! Don't! Sadie, don't! Please!, said Millie.

-But...Millie..., said Sadie.

-Don't shoot her, please., repeated Millie.

-Ok, but what are we gonna do with her?, asked Sadie.

Millie bend down, reaching in Sadie's boot for the knife that she had hidden. The redhead was confused. Millie grabbed Sophia's arm and walked outside with her, followed by her extremely confused girlfriend. Millie made Sophie kneel down. She whispered something to herself. The brunette took a long and deep breath, before tightening the grip on the knife and cutting Sophia's throat open. Sadie was shocked, while Jillian and Lilia were speechless. Millie let the knife fall and gulped. She looked down at her lifeless friend. She couldn't hold her tears back. They came out. She couldn't stop herself from crying. She had just ended Sophia's life. Sadie approached her, hugging her and not talking, like Millie had done the previous night.


A/N: I updated! Hallelujah

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