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Millie noticed her leaning down. At the exact same moment a boy walked in. He cleared his throat which made Sadie jump. She got off Millie and looked at the boy with a look that could kill.

-Sorry for interrupting your snack time Sadie, but there are freaks approaching the building. Get your ass up and order your gang around., said the boy with a amused, yet serious tone.

Sadie didn't have the time to answer, the boy was already gone. Millie smirked, looking at Sadie's red face. The redhead got up, but Millie cleared her throat, making her stop to walk away. Sadie turned, raising an eyebrow, daring Millie to talk.

-2 things. First: Snack time,huh? So you do this with everyone or what? I'm not into girls, and even if I were, a brute like you wouldn't be my type. Second: Can I help with the freaks?, said Millie with a confidence she didn't know she had.

-First: We'll see about that., said Sadie with a provoking tone. And Second: No. You stay here., she changed to her serious tone.

Millie nodded with a very serious expression, even if she had to smirk so bad, but held it back. She knew she wasn't going to obey and so did Sadie, so the redhead sighed.

-Follow me. You stay by my side, got it?, she ordered.

Millie nodded, but this time she meant it. The younger girl stood up and followed the ginger. Sadie walked out of the room, followed by Millie. The redhead walked over to a closet, opened it and grabbed a rifle. A DAMN RIFLE! Millie waited impatiently, to get a gun, but Sadie closed the closet.

-Closet is only for LGBTQ+ people., she winked and locked the closet.

Instead of giving Millie a gun, she handed her a knife, and gave her a look that said: "you're lucky you even get something to defend yourself so don't screw up."

-Where is the rest of your crew?, asked Millie curiously.

-Looting. Jacey is upstairs with Noah, the boy who walked in when I was having my snack time, and so is Finn. Jillian is already ready with Lilia, so let's get moving., Sadie walked out of the room, walking straight out of the old fabric.

Millie followed her, tightening the grip around the knife. There was a long moment of silence. You could hear the wind, and footsteps approaching. Sadie could tell that they were many, and so could Millie. They looked at each other. Millie spotted Lilia and Jillian ready, with rifles, just like Sadie. The redhead kinda regretted not giving one to Millie, not wanting her to get hurt, so she lifted her flannel, taking her revolver out. Millie looked at it, then back up at Sadie. The redhead nodded and Millie grabbed the gun, controlling how many bullets it had. 6 bullets. It's better than no gun at all. The first freaks started showing. They were about 20, maybe more. Sadie and Millie glanced at each other one last time, both clenched their jaws, and looked back at the zombies. Jillian started shooting, which made Millie flinch. Sadie put one hand on Millie's shoulder, making her look at her and nodded, as for her to calm down. Millie saw a zombie approaching Sadie and didn't hesitate to shoot it. Sadie looked back seeing the dead body and smirked.

-Not into me, huh?, provoked Sadie.

-Get shooting you dumbass!, screamed Millie over Jillian and Lilias shots.

Sadie chuckled, turned to the zombies and started shooting zombies. The noise drew more zombies. Millie fired her shots, always aiming at the heads. Sadie couldn't lie, she was impressed by Millie's skills, but didn't show it. Millie was out of bullets, as she had already killed eight zombies. Sadie heard it, deciding to step closer to her, wanting to keep her safe and protect her. Millie took the knife that Sadie had given her, and looked around carefully, not wanting to get hurt, or for Sadie to get hurt, because even if she would never admit it, Sadie made her feel strange things. Millie knew how to use a knife as a weapon. Her dad had forced her to go to self defense lessons, so she learned how to use a knife but also how to disarm someone in possession of a knife or gun or any kind of weapon.

Sadie noticed a few more zombies approaching, so she turned around to Millie.

-Come closer., she said.

There was a lot of dust, so Sadie didn't notice the zombie approaching her from behind, but Millie did. At very last moment, as the zombies was about to scratch Sadie, Millie pulled Sadie closer, stumbling backwards and throwing the knife at the freak. The zombie fell back, a knife in his head, as Millie landed on her back, with Sadie on top of her. Millie felt a horrible pain on her back. Something sharp. Sadie didn't notice, smirking at her.

-I guess I'm top, huh?, asked Sadie.

-G-Get up., Millie said, holding the pain back.

Sadie frowned and got up, worried for Millie. The brunette was still on the floor and Sadie could see that she was getting pale. Sadie reached her hand down, taking Millie's hands in hers, and pulling her up. Millie fell into Sadie's arms, who struggled to keep her balance. Sadie hugged her and saw a big amount of blood on the floor, and noticed a screw. She didn't think twice and lifted her up, carrying her bridal style. Jillian shot the last zombie dead, as Lilia saw Sadie, and Lilia knew Sadie inside out, and noticed her worried face. Then she recognized Millie in her arms and understood that something had happened. Sadie walked in, followed by Lilia and Jillian. Sadie took Millie to a room that they put together as a nursery. She put Millie on a mattress and made her sit up.

-Millie, stay with me. Hey. Please. It's nothing, ok?, said Sadie worryingly.

Millie nodded weakly.

-I'll be fine., she muttered.

Sadie nodded and grabbed the first aid kit, was about to lift Millie's shirt but stopped looking at Millie. Wait, why was she asking for consent? She never asked for consent from anyone. This was not the time to start. Millie nodded though, so the redhead took her shirt off.

———————————————————————— A/N: I didn't know how to stop the chapter soooo, I'm sorry...

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