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Sadie woke up in an unknown room, on a mattress. The first thing she did was panic. She sat up, regretting it as she felt her chest hurting. She realized she had no t-shirt on and someone else's bra. She frowned and got up, groaning as she held her chest covered by a huge bandage. She was about to open a door when she heard voices. She examined the room, finding some scissors and quickly walked back up to the door, waiting for someone to open it. The knob went down and the door opened. Sadie let the scissor fall and hugged the person.

-Lilia., whispered the redhead hugging her best friend. 

-Sadie! You're awake!, smiled the blonde girl trying to hold onto the cup of tea that she had in her hand while hugging her back.

-Yeah. But, where am I? Where are we?, asked the leader pulling away from the hug.

-We're safe. That's all that matters., replied Lilia.

-But-..., tried Sadie.

-Sit down, Millie will be here soon and if she sees you standing and not resting, she will kill you., chuckled the younger girl.

-Millie., said the redhead smiling.

-Yes, your girlfriend you dork. She was pissed that you went in the building running after her., explained Lilia.

-Well she should have waited for me-, tried Sadie.

-Oh is that so?, smirked a familiar brunette.

-Millie!, smiled the redhead running up to her girlfriend and hugging her.

-Hey babe. I love seeing you sleep, but I'm really glad that you're awake., whispered Millie as she hugged her girlfriend tighter.

-I'm glad that you're ok., replied Sadie pulling away and looking her in the eyes.

Millie nodded and hit Sadie's arm.

-What were you thinking running after me you idiot!, said the brunette.

-Well next time, don't run inside a burning building., replied Sadie.

-I knew what I was doing., explained the younger girl scoffing.

It was Sadie's turn to hit Millie's arm.

-When I tell you to leave and safe yourself, you leave and get yourself safe., said the redhead getting worked up.

Lilia chuckled which made both worked up girls turn around throwing questioning looks.

-You're both idiots. Sadie, it was reckless of you to run inside, Millie did seem like she knew what she was doing. Millie, if that ever happens again, don't run in a burning alone. Now, thank you both for wanting to save us and actually saving us. I'm going to go check on Jillian now., chuckled the blonde girl walking out after tapping Sadie's shoulder.

Millie pointing at the bed, for Sadie to go sit down. The redhead didn't want to annoy her clearly pissed girlfriend so she obeyed and sat down. Millie grabbed the tea that Lilia had put next to the mattress and handed it to Sadie. The older girl took slow sips, feeling her chest burning. She eventually shook her head and gave the tea back to Millie feeling the pain and groaning slightly. Millie pushed her by the shoulder making her lay down. She grabbed a tube of cream and opened it. She slowly took her girlfriend's bandage off and put it down next to her. She poured some cream on her hands and started massaging her girlfriend who was clearly avoiding her gaze.

-Listen, you can't blame me for being mad, Sades. What were you thinking going in there? You could have died. If I hadn't carried you out with Caleb's assistance, you wouldn't be here. You were unconscious in my arms. I could barely feel your heartbeat. You scared me. I thought I had lost you. I just...I've lost too much in my life. I can't lose you too. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I'm not mad at you for trying to safe us, I know that you were just trying to help. I'm mad at you for putting yourself in danger and not trusting that I had the situation under control. In a relationship, for me, there are two things that are important for a relationship to work. The first one is loyalty. The second one is trust. When I do something that seems reckless, know that I thought about all the dangers and all the ways I could get hurt to avoid it. Yes, I know, I lied to you that one morning and I regret it so much, and maybe you lost a bit trust there, but that doesn't mean that you can't trust me. Like at all. I...I love you. I would do anything for you., explained Millie as she gently applied cream on Sadie's chest.

-I love you too Mills, and of course I trust you. I just couldn't bare the thought of letting you go in there alone, risking your life for others. I needed to make sure you were safe. When I ran inside, I couldn't hear you, I couldn't see you. I started to lose it and panicking. That when I lost focus and sat down, the shelf falling on top of me. I didn't even care about saving myself, all I cared about was making sure that you'd get out. But it was never the fact that I might not trust you, because I do trust you. I never doubted on you. I'm just overprotective and really really really stubborn at times. I'm sorry for scaring you., replied Sadie as she stopped Millie's hands to look her in the eyes.

Millie sighed and pulled her hands away from Sadie's. The redhead turned around and looked away, feeling quite hurt by that.

-Sades..,tried Millie but her girlfriend wouldn't look at her.

-Sadie., repeated the brunette.

Still no answer or reaction. Millie wiped her hands on a towel and sat down on the mattress. Sadie had tears in her eyes and was crying lightly not making a noise. The brunette put her hand on Sadie's shoulder, turning her back around, but the redhead still wouldn't look at her. Millie put her hand gently on Sadie's chin and made her look up at her. 

-I understand. I was just scared of losing you. The past is the past. I'm just very happy that you're here., explained Millie with a soft voice.

-I'm so sorry Millie. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..., repeated the redhead as her girlfriend pulled her in for a tight hug, letting Sadie cry in her arms.

-It's okay. Everything is okay., whispered Millie feeling the tears against her t-shirt.

Sadie pulled away from the hug and looked at Millie. The brunette just looked back not knowing what her girlfriend had in mind. 

-I want to kiss you so bad., whispered Sadie sleepy.

-Come here you idiot., Millie blushed and chuckled.

Sadie was about to pull her on top of her, but Millie got up, confusing the redhead. She locked the door and walked back to her. 

-Mills..., said the older girl.

-Yes babe?, asked Millie.

-We're not doing that right now., chuckled the redhead.

-I never said we would., smirked the younger girl.

-You literally locked the door., replied Sadie.

-Well I don't want Ava or Jacey walking in on us making out., explained Millie sitting on top of her girlfriend.

-Making out, huh?, smirked the redhead.

-Just making out., said Millie as she placed a soft kiss on Sadie's lips.

But then she got closer to Sadie's ear.

-For now., whispered Millie.


A/N: before you get any ideas, I will not write any smut any time soon. Anyways, where do you think that they are? (PS: STREAM DYNAMITE BY BTS)

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