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Sadie woke up first, enjoying the feeling of waking up next to Millie. She couldn't stop staring at her, her soft skin, how her body moved very lightly when she inhaled of exhaled. She had her mouth slightly open, her lips not touching, snoring very quietly. Millie fell asleep on Sadie's shoulder, so she sure felt that her shoulder and arm were numb, but she didn't complain, having Millie close to her was more important than her arm. Sadie had the urge to play with Millie's hair, so she did. She gently moved her hand through the brunette's hair, which made Millie smile lightly. The brunette wrapped her arm around Sadie and kissed her cheek. Sadie just casually put her arm around Millie's body, pulling her closer.

-Are you okay?, asked Sadie.

-Never been better. You?, replied Millie.

-Same. But...what are we?, asked Sadie hesitatingly.

-Whatever you want us to be., answered Millie.

-Will you be my girlfriend?, asked Sadie again.

Millie opened her mouth, but at the same time Jacey came in running and jumping on both girls, followed by Amy, the dog.

-Say yes, say yes, say yeeeeeees!, screamed Jacey.

Millie tickled Jacey, making the young girl giggle. The little sister laid down between the two warm bodies, but they didn't mind. They both loved Jacey. Sadie didn't take her eyes off Millie. Amy followed Jacey, laying down on Millie, making her giggle.

-Well hello little one., said Millie caressing the dog.

-She was the surprise yesterday! I looooove her!, said Jacey excitingly.

Sadie hadn't looked away for even one second. Millie caught her gaze and smiled softly.

-Yes, Sadie. I'd love to., said Millie.

-KISS, COME ON, KISS!, screamed Jacey who was still between them.

Millie winked at Sadie, and the ginger understood what she was trying to say. They both leaned down to kiss Jacey on her cheeks. The little girl blushed, smiled and stood up, running away and repeating: "THEY KISSED ME, Hihihihihi, THEY KISSED ME!" Millie giggled, moving closer to Sadie again, and snuggling against her.

-So, girlfriend, what's the situation for today?, asked Millie.

-Well, it's our turn looting. By our turn, I meant Gaten, Caleb and Lilia and Jillian., said Sadie looking at the ceiling.

-And me., said Millie.

Sadie turned to her.

-You don't want to like stay here, where it's safe and just help with Amy?, asked Sadie.

-Don't think that now that I'm your girlfriend, that I'll stay here like a prisoner, or worse, a princess., joked Millie.

-But you are my princess., said Sadie.

-I'm a queen., winked Millie.

-You're my queen., answered Sadie.

-Oh yeah? I don't think so., said Millie playfully.

-I know so., said Sadie.

-Nope., said Millie giggling.

-Come here my queen., said Sadie.

Millie tried to get up but Sadie pulled her down, and got on top of her. They were both giggling mess, who were trying to somehow tickle each other, but also just end up stopping or blocking the other. Millie pushed Sadie off her, and switched their positions, sitting on top of Sadie. Sadie kinda liked it when Millie would be all confident and take the lead. They started making out and continued for a while, but of course no one in that group knows what "privacy" means, so Finn showed up and cleared his voice. That made Millie of course blush furiously so she just laid down against Sadie, hiding her face on Sadie's chest.

-Yes, Finn?, asked Sadie.

-It's your turn to loot. Lilia and Jillian are getting ready, you should too. I'm sorry for interrupting you and for walking in on you making out., he said sincerely.

Millie gave him a thumbs up without looking at him, still hiding against Sadie. The redhead nodded and Finn left the room, leaving the two lovebirds alone. Sadie tickled Millie, which made her giggle but she didn't pull away.

-Mills..., said Sadie.

-You're waaaaarm., said Millie against her skin.

-You mean hot?, asked Sadie smirking.

-Smoking hot., nodded Millie.

-We need to get moving., said Sadie.

-We never get a moment alone., replied Millie still not moving.

-Next time, we'll lock the door, if there is a next time and if you'd still like me., said Sadie giggling.

Millie playfully hit her shoulder and pulled away, making the redhead laugh. Millie laughed too, but started to move and finally got up, grabbing her bag, wanting some fresh clothes. Sadie decided to get up too and moving her lazy ass. She put on a new flannel, put her combat boots on. Millie used that moment when Sadie wasn't paying attention, to change from clothes. She put her favorite black jeans on that she stole from the building. They were black and had a piece of metal hanging, which made Millie immediately think that it was cool. She then put a basic white t-shirt on, and tugged it into her pants, but only a bit on the front. She then put her same shoes back on, meaning Timberland shoes that her mom had gotten her before all if it happened. Both were ready at the exact same time and chuckled about it. Sadie took her revolver back, putting it on the back of her jeans. Millie took her girlfriends hands and took the bandaids off. Her knuckles were almost like new. Sadie kisses Millie's forehead as a thank you and together they walked downstairs, where Jacey was playing with Amy and the rest of them were either playing cards or ping pong. Millie chuckled remembering the first time she walked in there and seeing almost the same stuff. Sadie walked to the closet and grabbed a rifle, turning around and handing it to Millie. Millie had a smiling which crept over her face. Sadie chuckled and took a rifle for herself, but also handed Millie the knife that she had used on the zombie, saving Sadie's life. Millie put it in her boot, which confused Sadie but the redhead shook it off.

-Alright, let's go to the van., said Sadie clapping her hands.


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