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Millie put August on the chair she sat on her first day. She then tied him up, even if he didn't seem very threatening to her. He was only a kid. As she was done tying him up, she sighed and looked at him. How could a young kid like that go through those weeks alone with only Uriah as company? As she thought about it, she replayed the events that happened with Sabrina and her friends. Then it hit her. Rowan had talked about a younger boy that stayed with them. She knew he wouldn' tell her anything. So she had an idea.

Millie called Lilia to keep an eye on him and to give him some water. The blonde girl did as told and Millie left them alone. As she exited the room, she bumped into Sadie.

-Woah there. Are you okay?, asked the redhead.

-Yes. Now have you seen my sister?, replied the brunette.

-I think she's upstairs with Jacey and Amy, why?, said Sadie.

-I have a theory that I have to check out., informed Millie.

-A theory? About?, wondered the girlfriend completely confused.

-About the kid, August., answered Millie.

-What's the theory then?, asked the redhead frowning as her confusion continued to grow.

-Just trust me. Now follow me., replied the brunette already grabbing Sadie's hand.

Millie dragged her girlfriend upstairs with her and looked for her younger sister. There was no one in Noah's room, so they went to Caleb's room, only to find the two girls giggling and hitting Caleb with their pillows as he was trying to tickle them. Millie cleared her throat and the girls stopped and looked at her.

-Sorry to interrupted you, but I need to talk to Ava., said Millie.

-I'm coming Mills!, Ava screamed as she jumped off the bed.

-Alright. I need you to come with me, no questions asked, okay?, asked the older sibling.

-Okay?, replied Ava a bit unsure.

-Good., said Millie as she grabbed her sister's hand gently.

They walked back to the main room, Sadie following them. Millie then walked up to the door of the room where August is in. Sadie quickly stopped her by closing the door again as the brunette had opened it a few centimeters. Millie gave her a confused look.

-Are you sure about this?, asked Sadie genuinely worried about her girlfriend.

-Trust me babe., replied Millie.

Sadie nodded and opened the door for her girlfriend and her little sister, who was more than confused. As they entered the room, Lilia was sitting in front of August, curiously looking at him, but the young boy was just blankly staring at the floor. Ava frowned, looking around, wondering what that room is. As she was done inspecting the ceiling, she looked down.

-Auggie?, said Ava unsure.

The boy looked up, wondering where that familiar voice came from.

-Ava?, replied August.

-What are you doing here? Why are you tied up? What is going!, panicked the young girl.

-Ava, he tried to-, tried Lilia.

-Untie him!, screamed Ava.

-Ava-, tried Millie.

-What is wrong with you! Untie him!, repeated Ava.

Sadie grabbed the girl's arm gently, and looked her in the eyes.

-He tried to hurt your sister and me. We cannot untie him. At least not yet. Okay?, explained Sadie firmly but with a soft tone, showing that she is serious.

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