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They were in a police office, looting for some weapons, only having knives and sticks of metal to protect themselves at the time. Sadie decided to try Jillian out and see what she was able of doing. Lilia of course went with them, followed by Gaten and Caleb. Sadie ordered Lilia to stay with Gaten and Caleb, wanting her to be safe. Did she obey? Guess you're about to find out.

-Alright, Lilia, Caleb and Gaten, you go to the evidence room and look if there's anything we could need. Jillian you come with me, we going to grab all the weapons possible.

All nodded, except for the blonde girl, who was just blankly staring at Jillian.

-Lilia?, said Sadie.

-Hm? Yes?, she said shaking her head.

-Did you hear what I said?, asked the leader.

-I, in fact did, but I'm going to stay with you and Jillian., answered the blond girl.

-No, I said-, tried Sadie.

-I feel safer around you., said Lilia truthfully even though she did want to stay close to Jillian, not wanting her best friend to kill a potential love story.

-Fine, but no dancing, singing, got it?, asked the leader.

-Fine, suck the fun out of it., sighed Lilia.

Jillian chuckled, but stopped when Sadie looked at her. Lilia grabbed Jillian's hand walked away, pulling the confused the girl with her. Sadie shook her head in disbelief.

-You're going through wrong way!, explained Sadie screaming after them.

Lilia turned around and walked back to Sadie, and then to the right direction.

-I know, I was just testing you!, screamed Lilia already walking away with the other girl not letting go of her hand.

Sadie followed them to the room where all the weapons were. Of course the closets were all locked, needing a key.

-Let's split up to find the keys., ordered Sadie.

-There's no need., said Jillian confidently.

The curly haired girl walked up to the lock, took two little and thin pieces of metal out of her back pocket and starting to work on the lock. It didn't take her long, only a few second for her to pick the lock and open the closet.

-That's so hot-...I mean, uh, it's so hot, the-the weather-, tried Lilia.

-You're hotter., replied Jillian giving Lilia a quick shy look.

Sadie walked up to the closet and looked at the guns. As the leader was about to grab one, Jillian stopped her. She pointed at a red light which was blinking.

-An alarm. You take a gun and a very loud alarm will go off., explained the girl.

Sadie and Lilia looked at each other, then back at Jillian. The other girl didn't care, instead turned to Lilia.

-Could you lend me your knife please?, asked Jillian.

Lilia didn't have to be told twice and handed the knife over. Jillian put the knife between her teeth and got on a chair, took the lightbulb off from the alarm and looked at all the wires. She focused and examined the whole thing, picking then a green wire and cut it. No alarm went off, so they were all relieved. Jillian climbed off the chair and handed the knife back to Lilia. Sadie reached for the guns, and shoved them in a bag. Suddenly their was a loud noise, like a something heavy falling. Jillian wanted to grab a rifle, but Sadie stopped her.

-No. You stay away from the guns., ordered the redhead firmly.

Jillian didn't have the time to protest, they saw shadows moving in the hallway. Sadie took the rifle and was ready to shoot whoever dared to show themselves. Jillian got in front of Lilia, and took her knife, without Lilia noticing. A adult man showed himself with a maniacal smirk.

-Look what we have here., said the man.

-Move and I'll shoot you., said Sadie already pointing the rifle at him.

-You mean, like this?, said the man taking a step forward.

The redhead pulled the trigger but nothing happened. She tried over and over again, but the gun wouldn't fire.

-Give it to me Sadie, trust me for once., tried Jillian.

Scared for their lives, Sadie obeyed and handed her the gun. Jillian took it and pressed on something, shot the man dead right in the head, perfectly on his forehead in the center. Lilia started breathing heavily. Jillian turned around and hugged her.

-Hey, it's ok, it's ok, breathe., murmured the girl.

-Go to another room with her, I'll search him to see if he has anything useful for us., said Sadie.

Jillian wanted to give her the gun back, but Sadie shook her head.

-Keep it, and keep her safe., said the redhead.

Jillian nodded and walked away with Lilia, and they went to the bathroom. Lilia was breathing more heavily than earlier. A panic attack. She couldn't even focus on Jillian's soothing voice.

-Lilia, look at me. I'm here. Breathe., tried the girl.

She continued breathing heavily. She couldn't stand anymore, so she got down on her knees, trying to control her breathing. Jillian had to do something. She had once read that it would help to stop a panic attack if the person stopped breathing. But how could she take Lilia's breath away?

Jillian knelt down in front of her, put her hand on Lilia's chin and made her look up.

-I...-, Lilia got interrupted.

She got interrupted by Jillian's lips meeting hers. It was so unexpected for Lilia that the girl did stop breathing. Jillian pulled away a few seconds after.

-Wh-Why did you do that?, asked Lilia.

-I couldn't see you suffer like that, so I had to make you stop breathing. Also I've been really wanting to kiss you for days. Plus I couldn't let you die on my watch, Sadie would kill me., admitted Jillian.

-She's still going to kill you., said Sadie standing behind Jillian.

-Ohhh, hi Sadie, uhm., tried Jillian.

-Did you even ask her if you could kiss her?, asked the redhead.

-It had to be unexpected, she needed to stop breathing for a few seconds., explained the other girl.

-You could have slapped her-...nevermind., said the redhead.

-Well, I've wanted to kiss her since the moment I first laid my eyes on her., admitted Jillian.

-You-...really? Because same., confessed Lilia.

-Aight, Imma leave so you can...talk this out., said Sadie already walking out.

-So..., started Lilia.

-Do you want to be like...a couple?, blurted Jillian out.

-That was pretty direct. Yes. Yes I'd love to.

A/N: some more Jillia content as promised. Imma do some Sillie the next chapter, and I am thinking about maybe doing something...

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