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Shit., whispered Olivia.

She immediately dropped the towel and ran out the door. She could hear someone running, so she followed the footsteps.

-Tess!, whisper-yelled the brunette genuinely upset.

She heard the footsteps going faster, so she sped up, sprinting down the hallway up to a door that had just been closed. She opened the door, seeing Tess hiding behind a counter. She ran up to her, but the brunette pulled her down and put her hand on Olivia's mouth. The brunette was about to hit her when she heard voices and stopped her movement.

-Didn't say that you wanted to leave?, asked a female voice.

-I lied. I'm not going to leave. They are., replied another female voice.

-There's no way they would ever leave this place., said the first voice again.

-I know., replied the second voice.

-Then how are you going to make them leave without actually making them leave?, asked the first voice.

-I kill them., explained the first voice.

Olivia recognized the voices. The bullies. But there were only two, where are the others?

-Just like you killed Beth and Cara?, wondered the second girl.

I guess Olivia's question was replied to. They are dead.

-Yes., replied the first bully.

-How?, asked the second girl.

-Easy. They are all in the main room, right? All I have to do is find Sadie's stock of grenades, throw some in the room and BOOM! Quite literally boom., explained the first voice.

-Genius plan., said the second girl. 

A door opened and closed and the room went silent. Olivia took Tess' hand away and looked over the counter. They left. She pulled Tess up by her collar and pushed her against the wall.

-Why the hell did you run?, asked the brunette upset.

-I'm going insane in that cell. You need to understand., pouted Tess.

-You're lucky that I'm not Sadie. Now let's get you back to your room so that I can warn the others about their plan., said Olivia with a firm voice making her sound intimidating.

-We need to warn them right now., argued Tess.

-There is no "we". If they sees us, we're dead., replied the younger girl.

-We are wasting time. Do you want to save them or not?, continued Tess.

-Okay, fine. But if they kill me, I'll kill you., warned Olivia.

-That doesn't-, started Tess but stopped the second Olivia looked at her with an intimidating expression.

-You follow my orders. Got it?, said the younger girl firmly.

-Yes., nodded the other brunette rapidly.

Olivia let go of her, feeling her shoulder burning a bit due to effort. Tess noticed but didn't want the brunette to get angry any more than she already was so she didn't say anything. Instead she looked in the cooler and found some ice. She gently placed it on Olivia's shoulder. The younger girl looked at Tess, but didn't say anything.

-We should hurry., said Tess clearing her throat.

-Yes. Yeah. Yup., nodded Olivia holding the ice on her shoulder.

They both walked out of the room quickly making their way to the main room. The second they walked in, Sadie saw them and her expression change. She walked up to them furiously.

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