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It took Sadie a few minutes and a bit of force to get Millie back inside. The brunette was a sobbing mess, trying to hold it back. Her girlfriend gently led her to their shared bedroom, where Jacey and Amy were playing. Sadie slowly made Millie sit down on their joined mattresses and quickly whispered something to Jacey. The little girl nodded and left the room, followed by her dog. Sadie closed the door and walked back up to Millie, who was staring at the wall blankly, letting tears come out without making a sound. Sadie noticed that the brunette had some blood on her shirt, but she knew that it wasn't her own. The redhead went to her closet and grabbed a clean hoodie. Millie looked up at Sadie handing her the hoodie. The brunette got up and took her shirt off, not caring that Sadie was there, it wasn't like Sadie hadn't seen her like that before. Millie was about to put the hoodie on, but Sadie stopped her. Millie frowned, confused by it.

-Your wound on your back needs to be cleaned again. I'll get Lilia., said Sadie softly kissing Millie's cheek.

Millie sat down again, covering herself with the hoodie, which smelled like her girlfriend making her smile lightly. Sadie came back, accompanied by Lilia, who had the needed supplies with her. Lilia sat behind Millie, while Sadie knelt down in front of her, taking her hand gently, knowing that it's going to hurt a bit.

-I'm going to pour some alcohol on it., explain Lilia warning both girls.

Millie nodded and sighed to calm down. As Lilia poured some pure alcohol on her wound and Millie clenched her jaw and squeezed Sadie's hand. The redhead raised her eyebrow, being surprised by Millie's actual strength, but Sadie wouldn't complain, knowing that getting alcohol on an open wound hurts. Lilia put a new and clean bandage on Millie's back and got up again.

-I'm done here, I'll leave you now., said Lilia already walking out of the room and closing the door.

Millie let go of Sadie's hand and saw that her girlfriends hand was red.

-Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-, tried Millie.

-Hey, no, it's okay Millie., replied Sadie moving her hand and placing it on Millie's cheek and then slowly moving the brunettes hair behind her ear.

Millie closed her eyes. She was hurt, it was obvious, but she did owe Sadie an apology for her hand and for the Sophia incident.

-I'm sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have taken her handcuffs off. I should have listened to you. I just...I needed a familiar face. It's been hard. I know, everyone here has welcomed me with open arms, but they're still not my family. They are not my people. I don't...I don't know if I really belong here, Sadie., confesses Millie.

Sadie gave her the hoodie and Millie put it on.

-You're on of us, Millie. You're with me. Jacey loves you, Jillian and Lilia have only been nice to you since they felt bad for kidnapping you. Caleb and Gaten, well they are dummies but they are thankful to have you here. Noah and Finn appreciate your help and your presence. Emily and Luke are rarely here, so let's not talk about them. And me, I love you, Millie. I don't say those words easily. For weeks, I felt like I had to pretend to be someone I'm not, and you showed me that it's okay to be me. You're my safe place, Millie. You belong here. You belong here with me. Okay?, said Sadie with her soft voice.

-I love you so much Sades., blurted Millie out.

Sadie chuckled and hugged her girlfriend, who was tense at first, but gave in and hugged her back. She was happy to have Sadie in her life and maybe she was right, maybe she does belong there. To be honest, Millie couldn't imagine a life without Sadie anymore. Sadie was a totally different person since Millie had slowly broken her walls down, and the others and even Sadie were thankful for that. The hug was filled with compassion, comfort but most importantly with love. Millie pulled away, but stayed close enough, and kissed her girlfriend softly. Sadie who was still knelt down in front of her girlfriend, caught her balance on one arm and slowly crawled on top of Millie, without breaking the kiss. The redhead felt her girlfriend smile into the kiss, which made her giggle. The older girl gently moved Millie down against the mattress, pressing her body whole against hers. Millie blushed by the sudden movement, but didn't complain, enjoying her girlfriend being that close to her. She could feel Sadie's body heat through their clothes. Sadie slowly moved her hands down to Millie's waist and rubbed gently. Millie was lost in the passionate kissing. Sadie confidently moved one of her hands underneath Millie's hoodie, which was actually Sadie's. As her hand touched Millie's skin, Millie pushed Sadie away. She was breathing heavily and trying to calm down. Sadie raised her hands and got off of Millie. The redhead was more than concerned and was extremely sorry for putting her girlfriend in such a state.

-Hey, it's just me. Breathe, it's okay. You're okay. Calm down., said Sadie soothingly.

Millie nodded, finally being able to breathe correctly again.

-I'm sorry, I should have asked if it was okay. It's my fault, I'm sorry., apologized Sadie.

-No, I shouldn't have freaked out like that, I just...it surprised me..., lied Millie.

-Millie, it's not your fault. It's okay. You're not ready for more, and it's okay. I will not make you do anything, you know that , right?, said Sadie.

-Y-yeah, but, I...I'm sorry. I just can't. And I know you want to, but-, Millie got interrupted.

-No, all I want is for you to be happy, comfortable and actually feel loved. I don't care about the other stuff. I love you for you, okay?, explained Sadie.

Millie nodded and was about to talk, when Finn entered the room, his skin pale.

-Sadie...Uriah, Finn was out of breath.

A/N: sorry for not updating this week. I was ill and the week was a real emotional roller coaster.

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