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Millie looked into Sadie's eyes, and got lost in the moment. Of course she wanted to kiss Sadie, but she didn't want things to go too fast. She really liked Sadie, which she find really odd, but they barely knew each other. Millie shook her head.

-I'm sorry, I can't., whispered Millie.

-It's alright, don't apologize., answered Sadie moving a strain of hair out of Millie's face.

Millie looked down, embarrassed by her behavior. Sadie shook her head put a finger under Millie's chin and made her look up.

-I like you. I'll be patient. I just want you to feel comfortable and safe. There's no pressure. I'll wait as long as I have to for you., explain Sadie.

-Thank you., whispered Millie still blushing.

The just stared at each other, Millie smiling like she just won the lottery and Sadie just watched her smile, observing how cute she was. Suddenly, Jillian bursted into the room, out of breath and totally pale.

-Uriah...he ran away...h-he took Lilia..., she was panting.

Sadie got up, leaving Millie on the mattress and pulled Jillian into a warm embrace, hugging her tight. The other girl started sobbing in Sadie's arms. Millie didn't feel jealous, instead she stood up, making Sadie let go of Jillian, and she hugged the other girl.

-Go take care of whatever she was talking about, I'll take care of her., said Millie.

Sadie nodded, looking extremely serious and disappeared in another room. Millie Just kept hugging Jillian until she slowly stopped sobbing and looked up at Millie with red eyes, full of tears. Millie felt so bad, even though she had no clue what was going on.

-It's going to be okay, Jil., said Millie.

-You don't know that. You don't even know what's going on., whispered Jillian, her voice breaking.

-We just need to trust Sadie. I'm sure she'll take care of it. So it's going to be okay., explained Millie.

-I literally kidnapped you, why are you so kind to me?, asked Jillian.

-Wanna know a secret?, Jillian nodded., but you can't tell the other, ok? Pinky promise?

Jillian did the pinky promise, which made her chuckle lightly.

-I'm kinda glad that you kidnapped me, because now I feel like you guys could be my family. I feel safe here., said Millie.

-You mean, you feel safe around Sadie., giggles Jillian.

-Oh shut up. Now, can you tell me what happened?, asked Millie.

-I don't think it's my place to tell you that. If I were you, I'd ask Sadie, and if she doesn't want to talk about it, then don't make her. All I can tell you, is that a psycho asshole took Lilia and ran away. We had him locked up for some reason that I will not mention. I'm sorry. I should be out there helping them, I'm just gonna go., said Jillian.

-No, Jil. I can't let you leave like that. You are not in a state of mind to help them. You're too emotional, too vulnerable right now. Sadie will take care of it. You know her. I mean, you know her better than I do., said Millie.

-Not really, no. You've been spending all your time with her. I've talked to her like 3 times maybe?, explained Jillian.

-You got kidnapped too, right?, asked Millie.

-Yup. Why?, answered Jillian.

-Well, I was wondering how it went., said Millie.

-Well, I woke up on a chair, tied up with tape on my mouth. Unlike with you, Sadie just let me stay because Lilia was annoying the shit out of her and not because Sadie wanted me to stay., said Jillian.

-Wait, were you like...shirtless when you woke up tied up?, asked Millie shyly.

-Nope., said Jillian.

Millie clenched her jaw and frowned. She couldn't believe that Sadie had lied to her, the moment they met. What else did she lie about? Why would she lie about it? And why was Millie shirtless?

-You kidnapped me, so you were there when you guys tied me up., Jillian nodded., then why was I shirtless?, asked Millie.

-Oh, that's on me. I didn't really trust you, so I proposed to take at least your shirt off to see if you got hurt or bitten or if you had a weapon hidden. Though Sadie didn't let me touch you, so she took your shirt off and checked every spot of your upper body without even touching it., confessed Jillian.

Millie judged Sadie too fast, again. She has to learn how to trust her. It's like Millie is looking for something for her to hate Sadie. Maybe an excuse for not getting close to her. Millie wouldn't show it, but she was scared. What if Sadie would just use Millie and then like throw her out? What if Sadie would loose her temper and hurt Millie? What if Sadie was just playing around with Millie's feelings? What if Millie would take too long to even dare to touch Sadie with a simple and innocent touch? What if Sadie would fall out of love with Millie, because Millie wanted to take things slowly? All those questions, all those "what if"s were killing Millie. Jillian has just been blankly staring at a white wall, not saying anything. The brunette put one arm around her and pulled her into a side hug. Jillian was tense at first, but then relaxed and put her head on Millie's shoulder. Now they just had to wait for both Sadie and Lilia to get home. Millie was hoping Sadie would find a way to come home safe, and with Lilia. But there was one question that Millie couldn't wait to ask. Maybe Sadie won't give her an answer, but at least she would asked. Who was Uriah? What happened? Why was he locked up and why would he take Lilia with him? Why did both Jillian and Sadie react that way, like they had seen a ghost and freaked out.?

A/N: Happy new year! And I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I wrote this yesterday but I forgot to write my note and to even publish it!

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