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She made her way upstairs and stopped in front of the door. Lilia had forbidden her to move her left arm a lot because of her shoulder. Olivia sighed and put the plate down, grabbed the key and unlocked the door. She opened the door, revealing Tess still tied up, sitting on the floor, but now trying to break out of it. She stopped the second her eyes met Olivia's.

-I-It's not what it looks like. It's starting to hurt my wrists., explained the brunette quickly.

Olivia nodded, grabbed the plate, walked inside, placed the plate on the bed and sat down.

-Are you hungry?, asked Olivia not looking at Tess.

-Yeah..., replied the brunette shyly.

Olivia looked at Tess' hands, looked at the plate and sighed.

-Come on, sit on the bed., said Olivia patting the bed.

Tess obeyed and sat next to Olivia, her eyes wandering everywhere except to Olivia. The younger brunette grabbed the spoon, put some rice on it and moved it to Tess' mouth. Tess didn't know how to react so she just opened her mouth and ate what was on the spoon. Olivia repeated the same action until there was no more food left on the plate. It all happened in total silence, both girls not knowing what to say. Once the plate was empty, Olivia just put it away, but she didn't leave, which Tess didn't understand. The older brunette could feel her wrists hurting and burning due to the belt. She tried to move her hands a bit but winced immediately. Olivia got up, walked over to her hands, reaching for the belt. Tess startled and looked at her with fear in her eyes.

-It's okay, just let me see your hands., said Olivia softly.

Tess didn't move, letting the younger girl take a look at her wrists.

-They're bruised., said the brunette letting go of her hands but looking kind of worried.

-It's okay. Don't worry., replied Tess.

-Sadie is gonna kill me if she finds out., sighed Olivia.

-What do you mean?, frowned the older girl.

Olivia didn't reply, but she simply grabbed her hands back, undoing the belt. Tess didn't know what to say or to do. She rubbed her wrists and moved her hands.

-Thank you., said Tess with a little voice.

-Don't make me regret it., replied Olivia getting up from the bed walking to the sink and grabbing a towel.

-What are you doing?, asked Tess still not moving from the bed.

-I'm putting dome cold water on a towel to place it on your wrists to help with the pain., explained the younger girl.

-You don't have to do that., replied the other brunette.

-I know, but I want., shrugged Olivia walking back with the towel in her hands.

-Why are you doing all of this? Why are you being so kind?, asked Tess.

Olivia sat down next to her and grabbed Tess' hands, putting them on her lap and gently putting the towel on the older girl's wrists, rubbing it softly.

-Olivia?, tried Tess again.

-I don't like seeing people get hurt or hurt, and you clearly seemed uncomfortable in that position. I know what it's like to be treated unfairly and I don't wish it for anyone else. So now when I can do something to stop someone from getting hurt, I do it., explained the younger girl her not leaving the towel.

-I'm sorry that you know what it's like to be treated unfairly, but I deserve everything that has happened., replied Tess trying to meet Olivia's eyes.

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