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-I, uhm, okay., gulped Millie as she grabbed seven 7 letters to have 10 letters again.

-My turn., smiled Sadie as she saw the affect that had on Millie.

The redhead looked at her pieces and tried to find some big words.

-I place "papers". 6 letters., smirked the redhead looking up at Millie.

Two can play the game. Millie took her hoodie off, only wearing a very revealing t-shirt and her bra.

-Your turn., said Sadie pretending like it didn't affect her at all.

-Okay...so, I put "access" down., replied Millie confidently.

-6 letters. You need 7 for the spice., smirked the redhead.

-Fuck. Wait-, tried Millie.

-How about, whoever manages to put 10 pieces down to make a word, the other has to take 3 pieces of clothing off?, suggested the older girl.

-Bet., nodded Millie as she grabbed new pieces.

-Okay, i place "tease"., smirked the redhead seeing Millie blush.

-Uhm, I place "backpack". 8 letters., replied Millie putting the word on the board.

Sadie smiled and took her sock off.

-Really?, scoffed Millie rhetorically.

-Alright, well, let me see. Hmm, oh yeah, I place "telephones". Want me to count for you or-, teased the redhead.

-No, I'm good. 3 pieces of clothing., replied Millie as she took her two socks off, making Sadie roll her eyes, but then the brunette took her bra off, underneath the very revealing t-shirt.

Sadie could see everything. Her mouth was open as she tried not to stare and lose focus, but I think that you can guess that she failed at both of those.

-Are you okay over there?, giggled the brunette.

-Hm? Uh, yeah. Yup. I'm good. Your turn., rambled the redhead quickly.

-Yes. So, I put the word "uncovered" down. 9 letters., replied Millie smirking as she saw her girlfriend red face.

Sadie had an idea. She got up and took her pants off, not taking her eyes off Millie's. The brunette was very much turned on by now and Sadie loved it, but she couldn't deny that she as well as very very very turned on right that moment.

-My turn. I place "dimple", 6 letters., smiled Sadie looking Millie in the eyes.

The brunette looked at her own body, and was conflicted on what to do. She wanted to win and therefore she needed Sadie distracted, but she was as well very much distracted by Sadie's open legs. The redhead knew exactly what she was doing to Millie. The brunette decided to be bold and took her t-shirt off, but this time avoiding Sadie's gaze, as she could feel her cheeks turn red. No matter how many times Sadie had seen her naked, she still had those butterflies in her belly and she would still blush and feel embarrassed and vulnerable.

-Okay, so, I put the word "strawberry" down. 10 letters., replied the brunette not looking up at her girlfriend.

Sadie nodded and took her sock off, her flannel and her t-shirt, being left in only her underwear. It was her turn to blush. She felt so exposed, but she didn't mind it. She loved this teasing torture.

-My turn, my love., teased the redhead seeing the brunette staring.

-Hm? Yes, your turn., replied the younger girl trying to snap out of it.

-I place the word "patience", 8 letters., said Sadie biting her lower lip.

Millie would be as equally exposed as Sadie, so she got up and took her pants up, being left with only her panties like her girlfriend in front of her.

-My turn, uhm, I..., tried Millie frowning at her pieces trying to find a word to fit in that mess.

-Yes?, teased the redhead.

Millie looked up at her girlfriend who was obviously staring. Wait.

-STARING!, exclaimed Millie looking at her pieces.

-What?, frowned the older girl confused.

-I put down "staring", 7 letters. I win., smiled Millie putting the word on the board.

-Then why do I feel like I won as well?, smirked the redhead taking her panties off.

-I think we both won, huh?, giggled the younger girl.

-Come here., smiled Sadie as Millie crawled up to her.

The redhead didn't waste a second and immediately kissed her. Millie deepened the kiss as she slowly pushed Sadie down. The redhead flipped them over and she was very aware that she was only able to do that because Millie let her, due to last time. The redhead kissed her cheek then went for her neck, kissing down to her collarbone, leaving some marks.

-No biting, right?, whispered the older girl.

-Yeah, p-please., replied Millie not wanting that.

Sadie nodded and continued to kiss and suck on her soft skin, making Millie moan and pull her girlfriend closer, wanting to feel her. They desperately wanted to be as close as possible. They bodies moved in sync as Sadie connected their lips again. Millie pulled away with a moan.

-S-Sadie., whispered the brunette.

-Did I do something wrong? Do you want to stop?, asked the older girl quickly.

-No, no. I just...I can't., said Millie avoiding Sadie's gaze.

-What do you mean, my love?, frowned Sadie.

-I mean, I think I changed my mind..., replied the brunette looking away.

-Oh, okay. That's okay, Mills., smiled the redhead getting off of her.

-Can we just cuddle?, suggested the younger girl shyly.

-Of course. Let's just put our clothes on., replied Sadie with a soft smile as she got up and helped Millie up.

-You're not mad?, asked the brunette.

-What? No. No, Mills, I'm not mad. It happens, and that's okay. If you don't feel like it, then we just don't do it. Okay?, replied the redhead as she started getting dressed again.

-Okay., nodded quietly Millie as she grabbed her clothes and started getting dressed as well.

-I love you., smiled Sadie kissing her forehead and going to their bed.

-I love you too. Thank you for understanding., replied the brunette.

-No need to thank me, Mills. You know that I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. I'm glad you told me. Communication is the key to relationships., smiled Sadie softly as Millie joined her on her bed and laid down next to the redhead.

-Okay., pouted the brunette.

-Come here., chuckled the redhead hugging Millie, who snuggled closer to her.

-So just talking is enough for you?, asked the younger girl.

-Yes, my love. I love your voice., chuckled Sadie as she placed another soft kiss on Millie's head.

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