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-Sadie...Uriah., said Finn out of breath.

-What? What happened?, Sadie got up worried.

-I think he's turning., admitted Finn.

Sadie looked at Millie, who got up too, and the three of them walked downstairs to the room where Uriah was tied up. Millie hold a gasp back, after seeing Uriah's face. He had a crooked nose, probably broken. He had blood everywhere and he was looking at Sadie with a look that could kill. Finn walked up to the boy and grabbed his arm forcefully and showed them Uriah's arm. His veins were popping out and had a darker color. Sadie scoffed and took his fist and opened his hand. Millie got closed to them and walked behind him. He had been digging his nails into his skin, putting pressure on his blood. The boy smirked and was about to stab Sadie with a screw, but Millie blocked his arm, twisted it.

-Son of a bitch, you never learn, do you?, asked Millie.

Finn tied Uriah's hands behind his back.

-I know where your sister is., provoked Uriah.

-Nice try, but she's dead., scoffed Millie while looking at Finn tying his hands.

-Not Paige. Ava. I know where she is., smirked Uriah.

-N-No, that's impossible, she left w-with my dad and I saw him die., explained Millie.

-Did you see her die?, asked Uriah.

Millie took the screw, threw it away, walked in front of him. She grabbed his collar and pulled him closer.

-Listen you deepshit, I don't know what you're planning but I'm not falling into that goddamn trap!, screamed Millie to his face.

-I never lie, Bubba., said Uriah with a provoking smile.

Millie clenched her jaw, turned to Sadie and to Finn.

-Leave us alone., ordered Millie.

-No can do., answered Sadie.

-Just trust me., pleaded Millie.

-I do, but I don't trust him. It's not up for a discussion. Finn, you can leave., said the leader looking at the other boy.

Finn nodded and walked away, closing the door, leaving the two girls and the other brown-haired boy. Uriah didn't look away from Millie once.

-Where is she?, asked Millie.

-Wait, you believe him?, interrupted Sadie.

-The only person who calls me Bubba is Ava. Was Ava..., explained Millie.

-What if...what if she's dead by now?, said Sadie looking down.

-Then I'll kill him., answered Millie looking at the tied up boy still staring back at her.

Sadie nodded and took a few steps back, letting her girlfriend taking care of it, not wanting to bother her, but she won't leave, not trusting Uriah, knowing his past and knowing his bad intentions.

-Where is she?, asked Millie pulling him closer by his collar.

-And why would I tell you?, replied Uriah smirking even though he was struggling to stay calm.

-I won't ask nicely again. Where is she?, related Millie pulling him even closer lifting him and the chair he was tied on.

-What's in it for me, cutie?, responded Uriah.

-I won't kill you if you tell me., said Millie clenching her jaw.

-If I don't tell you, and you kill me, you'll never found her., chuckled Uriah hiding his fear.

-That was your last chance., she let go of his collar making him fall back with his chair.

She picked him up, and punched him hard. Uriah chuckled and spit blood on the floor.

-I'll stop when you tell me., said Millie.

-I won't be able to talk if you punch me over and over again in the face., chuckled Uriah.

-No problem., replied Millie hitting him in the stomach.

That hit made the young man groan and bend down, thinking it would help him. Millie pulled his hair up, and hit him again, this time hitting him with her knee. Sadie couldn't lie, she got goosebumps and was quite enjoying Millie beating the shit out of Uriah, but also seeing Millie like this, like totally out of control gave her a small but present feeling of fear. Millie took a knife out. Sadie moved forward and hugged her from behind.

-Don't go too far., whispered Sadie.

Millie nodded, but didn't put her knife away, instead she put the tip of the knife on Uriah's knee and started spinning the knife, which was slowly digger a whole through the jeans, reaching his skin and seeing some blood. Sadie raised an eyebrow. She had never seen that method, but she knew that it would probably hurt. What she did know too is that Uriah's is tough. He won't give up easily.

-What do you want?, asked the redhead who was standing right next to her girlfriend.

-A car., replied Uriah clenching his jaw holding his pain back.

-Just a car?, asked Sadie him actually considering the deal she was about to make.

-Yes. A car, the keys, that's it. Now make it stop! Please! It burns!, screamed the boy having a voice crack at the end.

Millie lifted the knife. There was a bit of a whole on Uriah's knee, with some blood. Sadie nodded and walked behind him, she untied him, and put handcuffs on. She made him stand up and the face her younger girlfriend.

-Tell me where she is, and we'll give you a car., said Millie with a quite threatening tone.

-Do you know where the school is?, asked Uriah.

-Yes, why?, replied the brunette frowning of pure confusion.

-There. But watch out, there are two buildings. She sister is probably in one of the kindergarten classrooms, meaning that she has a bed, toys and even some education!, said Uriah with a sense of humor that Millie did not like.

-Yes, because being able to write an essay will save your life in a zombie apocalypse. You're right., said Millie using a big dose of sarcasm.

-My car now?, demanded the older boy.

-Only when I have my little sister in my arms., replied Millie glaring at him and not entirely trusting him on this.

A/N: sorry for the slow updates

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