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-She'll be fine. They're gonna find out what that liquid does and then help her., said Lilia trying to reassure Millie who was sitting on a couch rubbing her temples.
The brunette had needed some comfort from her close friends, so she had decided to join Lilia and Jillian in their room after making sure that she wasn't bothering them.
-What if there's nothing we can do to help? What if I lost my Sadie forever?, sighed the older girl.
-Don't say that, it won't happen., replied Jillian sitting next to Millie.
-Yeah., nodded Millie still lost in her thoughts and placed her hand on Jillian's leg as she got up.
-It'll be okay, tried Jillian.
-I'm gonna go check on the boys if they found out anything about the liquid., explained Millie as she walked away.
Jillian turned to her girlfriend who was smiling like an idiot.
-What?, wondered the older teenager.
-You didn't notice?, asked Lilia.
-Notice what?, replied Jillian confused.
-You didn't flinch., smiled the blonde girl.
-What?, frowned her girlfriend.
-She touched you leg and you didn't flinch., explained Lilia.
-Oh. Oh. Yeah I've been feeling more comfortable with physical contact again., smiled Jillian.
-I see. And I am so happy about that., chuckled the younger girl.
-Why? Cause we'll get to things again?, frowned the curly head.
-What? No! No, Jill. I'm happy because you feel more comfortable. You think I just want you to get better to have sex? I don't fucking care about that bit. I want to be cuddled again and feel safe in your arms, that's the only think I miss about us being physical. And I mean, you're clearly not ready to have sex any time soon., replied Lilia.
-But I am., admitted the older girl.
-Uh- Jill, I don't think we should be sleeping together for another month., frowned the blonde girl.
-Why not? I'm ready to do it., shrugged Jillian.
-Right now is really not the right time to do that. We need to stay focUsED-, tried Lilia as her girlfriend moved her hand to Lilia's thigh.
-I'm very focused., smirked the older girl.
-Ok, stop that., said Lilia seriously as she got up.
Suddenly, she got pushed on the bed, turned around and pinned to the wall.
-What the hell, Jill? I said no, now let me go., ordered the blonde girl.
Jillian didn't answer and started kissing Lilia's neck. The blonde knew that something was wrong, something was off. She replayed the last few days in her head. They went to get Sadie back, but she was by her side the whole time. Wait. She wasn't. Lilia was in the room with Millie and Sadie and Sabrina while Jillian was in the hallway. She didn't hear or see her for almost 5 Minutes. What if-
Lilia pushed Jillian off and got on top of her, doing a fake smirk as she leaned down, pretending to be kissing her neck, but she was looking for something. She was looking for something specific, until she found it.
-I knew that you wanted it., smirked the curly head.
- Why don't you close your eyes and let me play with you?, lied the blonde girl.
The curly head closed her eyes still smirking. Lilia got off of her and pretended to be teasing her by pulling on Jillian's sweatshirt, even though she was standing on one foot on the floor, trying to reach for a scarf. The curly head opened one eye and frowned, seeing what she was doing.
-Hey!, yelled the curly head as she pulled Lilia on the bed, getting on top of her again but pinning her down with force this time.
-What did you do to Jillian?, said Lilia clenching her jaw.
-So you know...That's gonna make this hotter., smirked the curly head as she started unbuckling Lilia's belt.
-Stop that! Let me go!, tried the blonde girl.
-No. She couldn't give you what you needed so I will., said the curly head.
-Stop- HELP! HELP ME! MILLIE! ANYO-, tried Lilia but the curly head eventually put her hand on Lilia's mouth.
She started pulling Lilia's pants down, as a door flew open. Millie frowned at the scene but saw Lilia struggling under the curly head's grip, so she didn't waste a second and pushed her off of Lilia.
-What the hell Jill!,screamed Millie ready to kick her ass.
-Sh-She's like Sadie. It's not her, Millie., explained Lilia as she pulled her pants back up, her hands shaking.
-Have you managed to break through it? Like have Jill back?, wondered Millie keeping on eye on the curly head.
-I don't think so...,frowned the blonder girl.
-If she has the same thing as Sadie, she's still in there. Try getting through her., suggest the brunette.
-Jill?, tried Lilia with a soft and tender voice.
The curly wheat was breathing heavily through her nose and killing Millie with her eyes. Lilia put her hand on the curly head's cheek and turned her face, for her to look at her.
-I know you're still there., whispered the blonde girl gently and slowly taking the curly head's hand in her own.
No response.
-Jill, look me in the eyes., said Lilia looking at her.
The curly head didn't move, though Lilia's felt something. Jillian was rubbing Lilia's hand softly with her thumb. The younger girl tried to make it pass unnoticed, but she started tapping on Jillian's hand. It was morse code that Jillian had taught to Lilia.
•••• • •—• • (H-E-R-E)
Lilia sighed and looked at Millie who was obviously confused. Lilia replied to Jillian.
—  •—   —•—   •         ———   •••—   •   •—•
(T-A-K-E -    O-V-E-R)
—•  ———
—•——     —•  ———
(Y (as in why) N-O)
——  •      •••    •——•   —•——      ••—•  ——— •—•
(M-E-   S-P-Y-    F-O-R-    U(as in you))
-Okay what's going on?, said Millie.
-Can I talk to you real quick?, whispered Lilia to Millie.
The brunette nodded and walked away with Lilia, leaving the curly head standing there with no emotion or reaction.
-She's still in there. She doesn't want to take over her body because she's saying that she's spying for us. I think she can see stuff or like read information about those people or whatever., explained the brunette.
-Okay, wait. I'm gonna ask Peyton to come over and just be here in case things escalate, while you talk to Jillian and ask her about that liquid, yeah?, whispered the brunette.
-Sounds like a plan., nodded Lilia.

A/N: quick update, let me know what you think of the book so far?

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