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Millie stood up, but lost her balance, feeling too weak. Sadie caught her and helped her stand.

-You good?, she asked softly.

-D-Don't touch me., she tried sounding threatening but ended up stuttering.

-Just want to help you., Sadie answered almost sounding hurt.

-Did you forget about the whole kidnapping part?

Sadie looked down, but didn't obey, still helping her standing straight. Millie looked up at her and felt her face heat up. What was happening? She cleared her throat and leaned on the chair, holding her balance.

-Oh come on, I don't bite. Not yet., said the older girl winking.

-Ok, ew, gross. No thank you., answered Millie genuinely disgusted by that comment.

Sadie chuckled and slowly letting go of Millie and grabbing Millie's shirt that she had taken off and handed it to the younger girl. Millie took it, without talking and put it back on. As her shirt was back on, Sadie quickly grabbed her hands firmly and handcuffed her again.

-Seriously?, asked Millie, exhausted by all that had happened.

-I want you to meet everybody, so I don't want to risk it., said Sadie with a serious tone.

Millie nodded, understanding her reaction and looked at the leader. Sadie grabbed Millie's arm gently and pulled her with her. Together, they walked out of the room and entered a whole new, huge room. There were people playing cards, other were just laying there on a mattress and talking, a few were playing ping pong, which Millie found pretty amusing. A little girl ran up to them and jumped on Sadie.

-Sadie!, scared the child.

-Hey Jacey., smiled Sadie.

Sadie let go of Millie's arm to hold Jacey in her arms. The little girl looked at Millie with curious eyes and poked her arm.

-Hi., smiled Millie sweetly.

Jacey looked at Sadie as if she was asking for permission to answer, and her older sister nodded.

-Hello! I am Jacey., she wanted to shake hands but frowned when she saw that Millie had handcuffs on.

Millie smiled and moved closer wanting to be able to whisper something to her.

-Want to see a magic trick?, asked Millie grinning.

The little girl nodded. Millie smiled and moved her hands in front of her, holding the handcuffs open. Sadie's eyes widened and she looked at Millie as she was scared for her life. Millie smiled, amused by her reaction. Jacey was clapping and smiling. Sadie put her sister down and whispered something to her. The little sister ran away to a blonde girl, but not Lilia. Millie looked around and noticed everyone staring at her and stopping their activities. Millie gulped and clenched her jaw, trying to look confident. Sadie grabbed her wrist quite brutally and pulled her with her to the corner of a room.

-What the hell was that?, asked the ginger obviously annoyed.

Millie frowned not understanding what the other girl meant. Sadie grabbed the handcuffs and showed them to her.

-Ohhh, that. I didn't want to do it at first, because I didn't want you to feel threatened or anything, so I did it as we were surrounded by your people., explained the brunette.

-Don't forget that I could kill you any moment., Sadie moved her flannel a bit to the side for Millie to see that she had a gun there.

Millie nodded and looked Sadie directly in the eyes, showing her that she knew she was being serious about it. Sadie turned around to look at her sister, and the little girl was being tickled by the same blonde girl. She caught Sadie looking at her and waved. Sadie waved back.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now