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-Are you ready?, asked Millie as she had packed some of her clothes and taking some smaller weapons.

-Yeah, give me a second. I haven't said goodbye to Jacey., replied Sadie.

-I told Ava to come here at 9pm, it's 8:57pm, so I'm guessing they're going to be here any second now., explained the brunette.

-Oh okay, good., nodded the redhead lost in her thoughts.

-Talk to me., said Millie softly as she grabbed her girlfriend's hands in hers.

-What if it isn't safe and you'll get hurt?, replied Sadie looking down at their hands.

-I can defend myself pretty well if you haven't noticed., joked the brunette.

-I'm serious Mills., sighed the older girl.

-As long as we stay together, nothing bad will happen, okay?, smiled Millie.

-Yeah, you're right. Thank you for reassuring me., replied the redhead.

-Of course., nodded the younger girl as she leaned up for a quick kiss.

-Sadie! Millie!, smiled Ava and Jacey as they walked in the bedroom without knocking.

Ava jumped in Sadie's arms and Jacey in Millie's confusing the girls.

-Told you they would be confused., giggled Ava.

-I love it., giggled Jacey as she hugged Millie who simply hugged her back tightly.

-We're gonna miss you girls., sighed Sadie as Ava hugged.

-We're going to miss you too., pouted the little girl in Millie's arms.

-No funny business or snack time and no getting yourself in danger., said Ava pulling from the hug looking at Sadie seriously.

-Snack time? You've been spending too much time with Noah., chuckled Sadie lightly.

-He's funny, we like him., smiled Jacey as she pulled away from Millie.

-You two obey to them and please behave well. Jillian and Lilia are the leaders while we're gone so if you need anything important, they're there for you., explained Millie looking at Jacey and at her sister.

-Yes Millie., nodded Ava.

-We'll behave very well., nodded Jacey as she walked to her sister hugged her, Ava doing the same with Millie.

-We need to go., sighed the redhead as her little sister pulled away.

-Take care of her, Sadie., said Ava.

-I will. I promise, kiddo., smiled the older girl.

-See you soon., smiled Millie as they left the room walking down the hall, going to the exit of the building.

-Okay, so the goal is to get "kidnapped" by them, so we need to pretend to be in danger., started Millie as they both walked out the building.

-Yes, so we need to find some zombies not far away from their camp and "get attacked"., continued the redhead.

-Sounds like a plan., nodded Millie as they kept walking.

-How long will it take for us to get there?, wondered Sadie.

-Like 10 minutes?, guessed the brunette.

-Oh, ok., nodded the older girl.

-Unless you learn how to walk faster., provoke Millie.

-Oh yeah! Try to catch me., smirked Sadie as she ran away.

-Wrong direction, you idiot!, replied the younger girl.

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now