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Winona looked at the girls. Millie immediately got up to hit the boy behind her, but he pointed a gun at her.

-Hey, calm down!, yelled Sadie.

-Millie, sit down again., said Winona calmly.

The brunette looked the boy in the eyes and he did not seem to be bluffing, so she sat down facing Winona.

-What do you have to say to that?, wondered the woman.

-And don't lie., added the armed boy behind them.

-Okay, listen, yes we did kill all those teenage boys, but we had a valid reason., started Sadie.

-Which was?, asked Winona.

-They kidnapped a friend of ours and they hurt her. When we got there to save our friend, they provoked us and they tried to fight back. Millie found our friend behind a wall that they had newly closed. They put our friend in a hole in a wall and closed it on her. If we hadn't find her then, she would have suffocated in there. They didn't leave any choice, we had to kill them. It was the second time they hurt one of us, just because they wanted me., exaplined the redhead.

-So you killed them because they had hurt your friend and wouldn't stop until they had you?, frowned the leader.

-Yes., nodded Sadie.

-Why did they want you?, wondered Winona.

-Because...because I'm the leader of a group., admitted the redhead.

-Sadie! Why would you tell her?, argued Millie.

-We kinda don't have a choice here unless you don't want to see Ava ever again., replied Sadie.

-How many people are in that group?, asked the woman.

-Well, at first we were like 8? Then we were like maybe 14 and now we're over 80 people., explained the redhead seriously.

-Over 80? How?, wondered the boy behind them.

-We saved them., replied Millie.

-From what?, frowned Winona.

-Not from what, but from who. The government, they were experimenting on them to use their blood for a cure. They would take over their bodies and make them do things that they didn't want to do. It was horrible, and I can tell you that because they did that to me. They took me., explained Sadie once again.

-What's so special about you?, wondered the woman.

-I got scratched by a zombie, but didn't turn. Oh and my dad was the head of the operation, so he was basically obsessed with finding me., replied the redhead.

-You didn't turn? How is that possible?, frowned the boy behind them,

-We don't know., shrugged Sadie.

-What we do know is that those soldiers who had been trying to get in your camp, we killed all of them. We killed them all, when they tried to get into our building to kill us and take us back., said Millie looking at Winona who seemed impressed.

-That's quite something. Thank you for that., thanked the woman.

-You're thanking them? They are dangerous!, argued the boy.

-No, we're not dangerous. We would simply die for what we believe in. We would die for our loved one. Oh and by the way, put the gun down or someone is gonna shoot you., smirked the brunette.

The boy looked down, seeing a laser pointing at his chest. He looked out the window not finding from where it was coming from.

-Now, we don't want to hurt you. We simply came here to see if this place is safe. We need a new home. That's all., said Sadie standing up.

-You're safe here., confirmed Winona.

-You seem like a good person, so I guess we'll give it a try. Jill, stop scaring the poor boy., chuckled Sadie and the laser disappeared.

-They can come out now., replied the woman.

-Not yet., said Millie.

-First, we want to make a deal., suggested Sadie nonchalantly.

-Okay, I'm listening., replied Winona.

-So, if we come to live here, we will not be treated differently than your people, same rules will apply to us. But they will still come to me and Millie for decisions or problems, but they can also count on you. We're not gonna give up the role of leader, but I think it'd be good for you to help us out., admitted Sadie

-So you're like to share leadership with me?, wondered Winona.

-Yes., nodded Millie.

-Okay, I'm in. Do you want to sign a document together for it to be official?, asked the woman.

-Yeah, that'd be great., replied Sadie.

-Okay, Nate please tell Paris to come in., said Winona to the boy.

-Yes ma'am., replied Nate leaving the room.

Few seconds later, Paris walked in smiling.

-I knew you two were weirdos, now I know why. What is it that you need Winona?, asked the older brunette.

-I need you to make a document for me and the girls to sign, to share leadership., said the woman.

-Surprising but okay., nodded Paris walking to Winona's computer and typing.

-I thought you were the boss of the security group?, frowned the brunette.

-Can't a girl have two talents? I also happen to be one of the bosses for the blue group., smirked the older brunette.

-That's cool., admitted Millie.

-Thanks. And don't think that I didn't notice that you didn't shoot that one target on purpose., replied Paris giving her a quick glance and looking away.

-You're smart and sneaky. I like you., said the younger girl.

-Excuse me?, said Sadie.

-Oh come on, don't even start. You know that I only have eyes for you., scoffed Millie.

-Yeah, true., smiled the redhead.

-How long have you two known each other?, wondered Winona.

-Oh, like a few days after the apocalypse happened., replied Millie.

-How did you meet?, asked the woman.

-Oh boy, well, her group kidnapped me, and then she fell for me, and I fell for her and tada, we got together and since then I help her lead the group., shrugged the brunette.

-Yeah, she was a total bitch to me at the start., added Sadie.

-You literally had me tied up on a chair, and on top of that, I was shirtless. Was I supposed to be nice to you?, scoffed Millie.

-You've got a point., nodded the redhead.

-I'm done., said Paris printing the document.

-Okay, then let's sign this., replied Winona.

She signed first and then let Millie take a look at it and read it, to then sign it followed by Sadie.

-We'll let our people know now., smiled Sadie.


A/N: Hello! Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I didn't really know where this was going so I decided to improvise yet again so here you go!

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