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Sadie grabbed Uriah, who had now handcuffs on and made him stand. Millie asked Jillian and Lilia to join them. After telling them what had happened and where they'll be going, they didn't hesitate to join them. Sadie took care of putting Uriah in their van and not leaving his side. Millie had the idea to take Amy, the dog, with them, needing her for finding her lost little sister. She prayed that Ava was safe and unhurt. Jillian and Lilia got their rifles and some extra amo, and got in the van. Millie followed them, bringing not only a rifle for her and one for Sadie, but also Amy. The dog sat next to Sadie but growled at Uriah, which oddly made Sadie proud. Millie sat next to Amy and ordered Jillian to drive.

-Where's the school?, asked the driver.

-Remember where you found me?, asked Millie to both Jillian and Lilia, who nodded.

-The building behind it., explained Millie.

Jillian drove off and focused on the road with Lilia guiding her, being sure they're driving the right way. Millie turned to Uriah who was looking quite scared of the dog, who was getting gently caressed by the redhead.

-There are people there, right?, asked Millie.

Uriah didn't answer.

-Answer her question., ordered Sadie to which Amy starting growling louder.

-Yes! Yes. F-Friends of mine. They are not dangerous. T-They are not like me. A-And they don't know about...all of the s-stuff that I did., admitted the scared brown-haired boy trembling.

-Okay, that means they'll give us my sister without a fight?, asked Millie hopefully.

-You beat me up, my face is all bloody, they are my friends., said Uriah like it was obvious.

-Then we'll tell them about what you did and then they'll understand why you look like that and I'll have my sister back., said Millie confidently.

-We can't tell them what happened., whispered Sadie looking down at her own lap.

-Why not babe?, asked Millie softly.

-Because I...I don't you to...to find out what he did., struggled Sadie to say.

-No matter what he did, I love you and nothing is going to change that., explained Millie.

-You don't u-understand. You'll see me differently. Maybe you'll e-even fear me, Mills., replied Sadie.

Millie frowned, confused more than ever. Why would she be scared if Sadie? She was scared of Sadie when they met, but not anymore. What if it had to do with the scar on Sadie's neck? Millie didn't want to push it.

-Okay, okay. Then we'll find another way, yeah?, suggested Millie.

-Yes. Thank you, Millie., said Sadie sincerely.

-I love you, okay?, repeated Millie with such a soft tone.

-I love you too., replied her girlfriend nodding and smiling lightly but still looking at her own lap.

-Hey, look at me., whispered the brunette.

Sadie obeyed and slowly dared to look directly at Millie. The brunette smiled softly and put a hand on her girlfriend's cheek.

-I love you no matter what., repeated Millie.

-I know. I love you too, no matter what., answered Sadie with the same sincere tone.

Uriah made noises, saying that he was disgusted, to which Millie looked at him, smiled, hit him in the stomach and turned back to her girlfriend, kissing her softly. Uriah clenched his jaw, having a certain feeling of jealousy. It was Millie who pulled away and smiled like a fool to her girlfriend, who had the same smile on her face. The van stopped and both looked out the window, seeing the school. Millie turned to Uriah.

-If you're lying, I'll kill before you even have the time to say hello, got it?, said Millie.

-I never lie., replied the threatened boy.

Millie opened the side door of the van and got out, followed by Sadie who had her hand on Uriah's arm. Jillian and Lilia got out too, ready for whatever could possibly happen next. As they approached the school, Millie saw a shadow on the rooftop. The shadow moved and got into the building.

-They know we're here., informed Millie whispering to her friends.

Millie was about to open the front door of her old school, when suddenly they heard noise behind them.

-Don't move!, ordered an unknown female voice.

Millie turned around not seeing the person.

-We don't want trouble, I'm just here for my sister., replied Millie as loud as she could.

-Put the weapons away!, ordered another unknown voice but this time a boy's voice.

-No. Give me my sister!, screamed Millie with anger.

-Then give me my boyfriend!, screamed the other female voice that they had her earlier.

-Not until I see my sister!, replied Millie.

-Well you won't see your sister if you don't put the weapons down!, replied the male voice.

Millie sighed and obeyed.

-What are you doing?!, asked her girlfriend.

-Saving my sister., answered Millie.

-The others too!, ordered the same male voice once again.

-Sadie, please. For me?, said Millie.

The redhead sighed, nodded, making Lilia and Jillian drop their weapons, then dropping her own weapon.

-I want to see your hands on your head, now!, ordered the once again the male voice.

They all obeyed, making Sadie let go of Uriah, who didn't move.

-Take the cuffs off my boyfriend., whispered a voice which was way too near for Sadie's liking but the redhead obeyed.

-Grab then!, screamed Uriah.

A group of 7 people appeared. A brunette girl handcuffed Millie, a muscular brown-haired boy handcuffed Sadie. Lilia got handcuffed by a black-haired girl and Jillian by a skinny brown-head boy. The group didn't have the time to defend themselves, the unknown teenagers moved way too fast. Millie struggles, trying to get the handcuffs off.

-Let us go!, screamed Millie.

-What did you do to him?, asked a blonde but pretty small girl approaching Millie but pointing at Uriah.

-What he deserved., answered Millie confidently.

The blond girl punched Millie.

A/N: who do you think those teenagers are?

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