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Most enjoyed the movie, while some were banned to their rooms. They all sat on the floor in front of a big white wall on which they played the movie by a projector. They chose a kids friendly movie Toy Story 3. Millie sat in front of Sadie, leaning back into her, letting her girlfriend hug her from behind and keep her warm. The movie wasn't that long, yet Millie fell asleep in her Sadie's arms, Olivia smiling at that sight. The movie finally ended, so Sadie waited for most of the people to leave, got up and picked up Millie, who was half asleep, making her wrap her legs around Sadie's waist and hide her face on Sadie's chest while putting her arms around Sadie's neck. Olivia picked the blanket they used to sit on.

-Sadie?, said Olivia as the redhead was about to leave.

-Yes?, asked Sadie turning back around.

-Your uh blanket., chuckled the brunette.

-Oh right. Uhm, you know what? Could you wrap it around Millie so she won't get cold when I carry her to our room please?, asked the older girl.

-Yes, of course., smiled Olivia.

-Thank you., replied the redhead.

Olivia did as told and gently wrapped the blanket around Millie in a way that it wouldn't fall.

-Goodnight., smiled Sadie about to turn around.

-Wait, uhm, you said "our" room?, frowned the brunette.

-Yeah, Millie and I share a room. Why?, replied the leader.

-Nothing, nothing. I didn't think she'd be comfortable to sleep next to someone knowing what has happened to her., shrugged Olivia.

-She told you?, asked the redhead.

-Yeah, we kinda shared our trauma's., nodded the younger girl.

-Oh okay. I mean, yeah it took Millie some time to trust me, but she knows I would never do anything to hurt her. She's safe here. She feels safe around me. Millie went through lot, and I understand what she went through. And honestly, I'm glad she has a friend like you. She was right, you are different. Special. I mean, Sofia told me that you tried to stop the bullies even though you knew you didn't stand a chance. You're brave. Millie will teach you well. Just promise to keep all she has told you to yourself please. Not everyone knows and it should stay that way., explained Sadie as her arms slowly got numb.

-Thank you, and yes of course. Her secret it safe with me. And Sadie? Thank you for saving us from that hellhole. I probably would have ended up dead if you came like one day later., smiled Olivia.

-Don't thank me. It was all Millie's plan. And, I mean, we decided to help you because we couldn't stand the thought of kids getting hurt just for people to create an antidote or some shit. They took some of my blood as well. They messed with the wrong people, so now they paid and will still pay in the future., shrugged the redhead.

-Okay. Goodnight. Get some rest, you both must be exhausted. Sleep well., waved the younger girl as she walked away.

Millie looked up at her with little eyes.

-Bed., pouted the brunette.

-I'm on my way my love., chuckled the redhead.

-Thank you., smiled Millie hiding her face again.

-So you heard everything?, asked the redhead as she started walking.

-Mhm., mumbled Millie against Sadie's chest.

-She cares about you. That's good. Is she gonna be like your sidekick, supergirl?, joked Sadie caressing her hair with one hand.

-I'm Iron Man. She will be Peter Parker. Now shhhh, dream was good, want to go back., said the younger girl sleepy.

-Oh my poor baby, am I keeping you from falling asleep?, fake pouted Sadie.

-Yes, not nice., frowned Millie looking up.

-Oh, I'm so very sorry, darling., smiled the older girl as she leaned down to kiss her.

Millie sleepily kissed her back, hugging her tighter with her arms around her neck. There wasn't any space between them, yet Millie still wanted to be closer to her girlfriend. Sadie could feel her girlfriend getting greedy, so she pulled away from the kiss.

-Mills?, asked the redhead.

-Shut up and kiss meeee., pouted Millie.

-Is someone horny?, smirked  the older girl.

-Mmmmmaybe., said Millie looking down.

-Hey, no, look at me., whispered the redhead as she arrived in front of the door of their bedroom.

-Hm?, hummed the brunette looking up at her girlfriend.

-I don't think I'm in the mood for that right now. At least not right this second. This was a long and stressful day. I think I need some sleep and rest. I don't think that I can take care of your needs right now., said Sadie honestly.

-Well...What if I take care of yours? I mean, I don't know. I think I am ready to give back, but I don't want to lead you on and turn you on only to then chicken out. I don't want to disappoint you either, and I just keep overthinking. I want to make you feel good, but I've never done this before. My real first time was with you, while you've done it before, so I am just-, rambled the brunette as Sadie slowly put her down on her feet.

-Millie, before you, I had done it once. I have no experience. All I did was follow what seemed to make you feel good. My first time was with this girl, Lucie, we were at a party together and then I went to her house. It was all sexual and there was no love involved, so to be honest, I don't consider it my first time., shrugged Sadie.

-Hehe, you're a virgiiin., chuckled the brunette.

-Oh shut it. I just want my first time to be with someone I really love, because I think that it's all about that. So yeah. And I understand what you said, I do. But Mills, just being with you gives me butterflies, so I don't think you'd have to do much to make me...you know. I know that you don't know how to, but once you're ready, I can show you or like lead you., shrugged the redhead.

-Then how about we go inside and take care of you?, whispered Millie boldly as she kissed her lips softly.


A/N: enjoy the fluff...while you can 

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