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Millie woke up feeling something on her neck. Sadie was awake and kissing her neck gently.

-Sades, I'm trying to sleep., complained Millie.

-I'm not stopping you., replied Sadie.

-You kinda are though., chuckled the brunette.

-Do you want me to stop?, asked the older girl.

Millie didn't reply which answered Sadie's question. The redhead continued, making the brunette blush and slowly pull away from Sadie. The older girl didn't let her and pulled her closer.

-Where are you going?, pouted Sadie.

-Nowhere. I just don't think that you're in the right state of mind for that, so please just stop., replied Millie.

-Okay. I'm sorry., apologized he redhead.

-No, don't apologize. You're very vulnerable right now and I don't want to take advantage of that or make you think that I would take advantage of that., explained the younger girl.

-I love you., smiled Sadie.

-I love you too. Now get some more rest until Lilia gets back., chuckled Millie.

-I want a kiss., said the redhead.

Millie smiled, seeing Sadie's childish and soft side. She kissed her forehead gently. Sadie smiled lightly, looking up at Millie.

-Now rest., said the brunette.

Sadie nodded but kept staring at her girlfriend, making Millie giggle.

-Close your eyes and sleep., chuckled the brunette.

-But then I won't see you., frowned Sadie.

-You don't need to see me all the time., smiled Millie.

-But I want to., pouted the redhead.

-Sadie, please rest., sighed the younger girl.

Sadie just kept staring at her, not replying. She looked at Millie's lips. The redhead just went for it and kissed her girlfriend gently. Millie kissed back, not wanting to reject Sadie. The redhead slowly moved to get on top of Millie, but she hurt her wound and groaned, making Millie pull away.

-Okay, that's enough. Please rest or I'll call Olivia to replace me here., replied the brunette.

-No. No. Stay., said Sadie quickly.

-Then stop., ordered Millie.

-But-, tried Sadie.

-No but's. You aren't yourself right now. I want you to stop. So stop it. I'm not in the mood for that and you're not in the right state of mind. So stop or I swear I'll leave., explained the brunette.

-Why are you angry?, frowned Sadie.

-Because you need rest, but you're too stubborn to listen and therefore you hurt yourself so just stop it., replied Millie.

-Okay. Okay. I'll listen. I won't do it again. Just please stay. Just cuddles. Nothing more. I promise., said the redhead.

Millie took a deep breath and pulled her girlfriend closer, rubbing her back gently.

-I love you., said Sadie once again.

-I love you too., replied Millie.

The redhead smiled lightly and closed her eyes. She slowly fell asleep in Millie's arms, feeling her body's warmth.


Lilia got to the orphanage, needing the medicine. Maya already had it ready for her, waiting for her at the entrance.

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