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They drove for a while, not knowing where to loot until Jillian saw an abandoned hospital. They needed all the supplies they could find. Lilia parked the van at the entrance. Sadie got out first, looking around, armed, to see if there was anyone in there. Millie followed her, doing the same. Jillian and Lilia gave each other looks, knowing exactly what happened between them. After the couple was done, Sadie knocked on one window, making the other couple flinch, which of course amused the redhead quite a lot. Together, the four of them walked into the hospital. There were a lot of corpses and blood, making the building look 100 times scarier, giving them the feeling that it was haunted or something similar.

-Alright, Jil and Lilia, you take the backpack and take everything you think we need, Millie and I will keep our focus on noises or movements in case this hospital isn't as abandoned as it seems., ordered Sadie.

They all nodded, doing as their leader said. Millie had been acting weird, at least Sadie thought she was.

-Mills, can we talk?, asked the worried ginger.

-Of course., answered Millie.

They walked a bit further into the hallway not wanting the other two curious lovebirds to hear them. Millie frowned, looking at Sadie very worryingly.

-Are you breaking up with me?, blurted the brunette out.

-What? No!, Sadie said but maybe a bit too loud.

-But you said that you wanted to talk..., said Millie looking at her own feet.

Sadie moved her hand to Millie chin and made her girlfriend look into her eyes.

-I just wanted to know if you're okay? You've been...oddly quiet., said Sadie.

-Well we are in an abandoned hospital., said Millie trying to lie.

-You know what I meant., said Sadie with a serious yet soft and light voice.

-I just...I'm scared. Like, yeah we made out a few time and I love it but, I don't know. I mean, now that we're a couple and like together together, like girlfriends, I'm afraid that you want to...do stuff that I'm just emotionally not ready to do, and well, I'm scared that you'll leave me because of it., said Millie really fast.

Sadie moved her hand to her girlfriend's cheek, and rubbed it gently with her thumb.

-I love you, for who you are. You don't even have to worry about all of that. I'll give you all the time that you need. A week, a month, a year, I don't care. We could never do it, if that's what you want. What matters is that I love you, and I will not leave you for a stupid thing like that. A relationship is not about that, but it's about a person completing you. It's about a person who becomes your home, your safe place. It's about loving each other in any way possible. If I ever, EVER go too far, just tell me to stop or to back off, and I will. I won't hurt you, I won't force you to do anything. We'll do this at your pace., said the redhead without even blinking once.

Millie blushed, but also smiled, trying to hide the fact that Sadie said that she loves Millie. Love. Something Millie never thought she'd experience it. If this is what love feels like, she wants to be in love forever.

-I love you too., whispered Millie.

Sadie made the face she makes when she realizes stuff, but then a smile formed itself and she got closer to Millie.

-Permission to kiss you?, said Sadie.

-Permission granted., giggled Millie.

Sadie connected their lips, moving them in perfect sync. Suddenly, someone screamed. They pulled away, looked at each other, grabbed their rifles and ran to the other couple. Both were ready to fire but saw Jillian and Lilia also with their rifles looking for whoever screamed. Someone screamed for help over and over again. Millie followed the screams, and saw a door, which was red from blood. She gulped and opened the door, getting some sticky blood on her fingers. As she opened a door, a person ran out, knife in their hand, disarmed Millie and put the knife on Millie's throat. The brunette instinctively raised her hands. Sadie looked around not seeing Millie, and panicked. She looked in the other hallways but then finally found her girlfriend in danger, again.

-Let her go. I don't want to hurt you., said Sadie.

-Get out of here., said the person.

-Sophia?, asked Millie.

-How do you know my name?, said the person.

-It's me, Millie. Millie Bobby Brown., said the brunette.

-Oh my god. Millie!, said the girl.

The girl put her knife back in her pocket and turned Millie around, hugging her.

-Step away from her! Now!, screamed Sadie making Jillian and Lilia aware that there was something going on.

-No babe, it's okay. Sophia, this is Sadie, my girlfriend. Sadie, this is Sophia Lillis, a classmate. I trust her, and so can you., explained Millie.

-I don't care, step away., said Sadie.

-Sads..., tried Millie.

-You know my rules. Now step away., ordered Sadie.

-Fine, but don't hurt her., said Millie with a threatening tone.

-Turn around Sophia.. ordered Lilia having heard the entire conversation.

The new redhead raised her hands, put them on her head and turned around.

-I have a knife in my left back pocket of my pants., confessed Sophia.

Jillian carefully walked up to her, and checked for the knife, found it and took it. Lilia grabbed handcuffs and handcuffed the new girl. Millie was pissed at Sadie for not trusting her. She said that she was her friend and that she trusts her. She would sure as hell talk about it later, but for now, she just wanted to keep Sophia out of trouble. She knew that Sadie could be a bit intimidating and harsh, but Millie won't let her even touch the other redhead. Sophia is like the last evidence of the old Millie. The Millie before the whole apocalypse thing.

A/N: I have school again, so I won't update so often anymore. I'N SORRY!

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