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Lilia got up and walked out, not wanting to be in the middle of whatever that is. Sadie frowned but she didn't move from the open door, even though Millie stood up.

-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that., tried Millie.

-You think I'm a sexual predator?, asked Sadie.

-No. Well yes, a little. I mean, I did wake up tied up on a chair without a shirt. You almost kissed me when we were in your room, as you were holding me still., explained Millie.

-So, you don't want me to kiss you?, asked Sadie but with a complete different tone.

-No., said Millie.

-And what if I tried?, said Sadie.

-I..., Millie didn't know what to say.

Sadie scoffed and started walking closer to Millie. She had gained her confidence back. She was the leader. It's like in a pact, she would be the alpha. Millie watched Sadie get closer. She started getting afraid of Sadie as she got nearer. She back away, but Sadie kept walking up to her. Millie was almost against the wall, as Sadie stopped her.

-Your wound. Don't put your back against the wall., said Sadie blankly.

At this point, Millie was scared but also not, which was very confusing. She had like this weird feeling in her belly, not like a knot, the feeling wasn't unpleasant like that, but still very weird. Millie looked at Sadie's hand which was still on Millie's shoulder. The redhead saw the fear, but also nervousness in the younger girl's eyes. Of course she wouldn't take advantage of her, but she wanted to see how far she could go, until Millie would stand up for herself. Sadie placed her other hand on the other side of Millie, not wanting the brunette trying to run away. She moved closer, their lips almost connecting, as she heard a whisper.

-Please don't., whispered Millie.

Sadie froze. What has gone into her?! First off: Millie is a freaking minor, what was she thinking? And second: if she's asking her not to, then she shouldn't! Sadie gulped, her brain started spiraling. She took a few steps back from Millie and sat on the floor. Lilia saw Sadie from the room across the hall and walked in.

-I'm sorry., said Sadie.

Lilia raised her eyebrows, not believing what she just witnessed. Millie of course saw Lilia, but she was still practically glued to the wall. Sadie obeyed? To her? She could have kissed her, and Millie wouldn't have the strength to stop her, but she choose not to, and to obey? They were both sorry.

-I'm sorry that I called you a sexual predator. I was wrong, and I shouldn't have said that about you., explained Millie.

-No. You are right. I am a predator., said Sadie, staring at the floor and shaking her head in disbelief.

Millie magically walked away from her safe spot and got over to Sadie. She knelt down in front of her, and gently grabbed her hands.

-You are not. Ok? You've just had a tough couple of weeks and you've lost yourself a bit. It's time you find yourself, your true self again, for your own good. That person, a few minutes ago, that wasn't you. That wasn't you, ok? I know that you are not like that. You know that too., tried Millie.

-I'm just so sorry Millie., apologizes Sadie again.

-Alright, am I dreaming?, interrupted Lilia.

Both Millie and Sadie looked up at Lilia, not understanding what she meant. The blonde girl chuckled and walked up to them, knelt down like Millie did and looked at Sadie.

-I know you Sadie, and whatever happened a few moments ago, I mean by seeing your faces, it was pretty intense, that wasn't you. Wanna know who you are? You are the one who stood up for me, when even my own older brother wouldn't. You were the one, helping Noah through his tough time at his home, because of his coming out. You were the one who introduced Finn to Noah and we all know those two are in love but won't admit it. You were the one who kept me safe when the apocalypse happened. You are the one who we all trust, cherish but most importantly love. You're the one person who's always willing to help, but is too damn stubborn to ask for help. You are the one who'll choose others happiness over your own. You are the one who fucking saved Luke and Emily's lives! The one who put all of this together. Without you, Sadie, we would be lost. We wouldn't even exist. That's who you are. You are the most selfless person on this planet. Prove me wrong? You can't., said Lilia with a serious tone.

Millie smiled lightly, finally getting some information about the leader, and so did Sadie, who was glad that someone, especially her best friend, thought that about her.

-Now, I'm leaving you two alone, so you can handle whatever happened like two CIVILIZED people. Ok?, asked Lilia.

Millie and Sadie nodded, but as Lilia was about to walk out, Sadie quickly stood up and hugged her from behind. A big bear hug.

-I missed that., admitted Lilia.

-Me too., said Sadie.

The older girl let go of Lilia and turned around to Millie. The brunette was still smiling.

-What are you laughing about crackhead?, asked Sadie amused by Millie.

-You're a total softie, aren't you?, asked Millie.

-I guess you'll have to stay to find out., said Sadie almost pleading Millie not to leave.

-Oh don't worry, you can't scare me away that easily., said Millie being pretty provocative.

- Poor newby, you haven't met Gaten and Caleb. They will drive you crazy. Trust me. Wait, actually, you haven't met any of the others. I think it's about time that I introduce you to them, don't you think?, said the leader.

-Yes boss, I'll follow you, show me the way captain grumpy., joked Millie around.

-How wude., said Sadie imitating Jar Jar's voice. (Star Wars) Then let's go my princess.

A/N: this chapter was kinda a mess, ngl. So here, enjoy my mess :)

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