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Sadie went to the closet, took a riffle and some amo. She took her revolver back, loading it, and put it back in the back of her jeans. Gaten and Caleb were already ready and trying to figure out where Uriah had gone. The leader walked up to them.

-Alright. Any ideas?, asked Sadie.

-I mean, he can't have gone far. First, there are so many zombies out there and secondly, he has Lilia who won't make it easy for him. Now, the only building near our home, is that abandoning bakery. I'd say we go check that bakery and then we'll see how to continue., suggested Caleb.

-Not bad. Tell Noah and Finn to stay upstairs with Jacey and maybe keep an eye on Jillian and Millie. Gaten and I will be waiting for you.

-Yes Sadie., said Caleb.

It didn't take long, and Caleb was already back. He joined Sadie and Gaten who were planning how they'll walk in.

-Listen boys, you both take the main entrance see if it's clear and I'll take the back door, going through the kitchen and I'll meet you in the main room. Got it?, said Sadie.

Both boys nodded. Sadie put her scarf around the bottom part of her head, using it to keep the dust from going in her mouth or nose and grabbed a backpack in case there would be some eatable food left. The boys left, before she did, giving them some time to get ready and then she walked out alone. The bakery was a few seconds away. That would be if there weren't zombies everywhere. They had to be extremely careful not to make a sound or it would alarm the zombies and Uriah. Sadie walked all the way around the bakery, and saw the back door. She slowly approached it, keeping the rifle pointed in front of her. She then heard a noise. She turned to see and noticed that it came from the trash containers. She clenched her jaw, tightened her grip on her gun and got closer. Sadie opened it with a sudden move, ready to shoot whatever it was that was making the noise, only to find a lost puppy. A little border collie, looking up at Sadie with a piece of a bagel in its mouth. Sadie chuckled lightly and put her rifle away. She reached down and caressed the puppy very gently. The dog swallowed the bagel and let Sadie. Sadie slowly lifted the dog and looked at the puppy. Amy. That was the name on the dogs collar. There was a noise in the bakery and the dog growled.

-Ok little one, I need you to stay quiet., said Sadie opening her backpack., Jump in.

The dog oddly obeyed and Sadie closed her backpack but not entirely. Sadie took the riffle back and walked to the door. She opened the door slowly and walked in, carefully she looked around the kitchen, not finding anything or anyone. She continued through the bakery and heard some voices. She silently walked up to the voices, only to find Gaten and Caleb grabbing some biscuits.

-No Uriah? No Lilia?, asked Sadie.

Both boys shook their head no, and handed her the biscuits.

-You'll need to carry that., said Sadie.

-But you have a backpack., said Gaten.

-I found something, I'll you when we're back in our home., answered Sadie.

The trio slowly and carefully entered the fabric. Sadie saw a crunchie that she recognized. It was Lilia's. She put her backpack down, opened it completely to let Amy out, gave her the crunchie to sniffle and followed her. They ended up in the nursery, next to a big closet. Sadie opened the closet, and Lilia fell in her arms. She wasn't unconscious but she was cuffed and she had tape on her mouth. She has been crying. She tried to talk, so Sadie quickly took the tape off.

-Upstairs..., was all Lilia said.

Sadie's eyes widened. She took her rifle and ran upstairs. First she walked into Noah's room, seeing the three of them sleeping. She closed the door and saw that the door of her room was slightly open. Millie. She ran to her room, got inside, finding Jillian on the floor with blood coming out of her head, and Uriah holding Millie in front of him, with a gun on her temple.

-Hello, babe., said Uriah giving Sadie shivers.

-Let her go., ordered Sadie.

-Or what? You're going to shoot? Go ahead., provoked Uriah.

-What do you want?, asked Sadie.

-That's a silly question., answered Uriah.

-Just let her go., repeated Sadie.

-I don't think so. She's quite pretty, not gonna lie. Not really my type, but that's not what matters, right?, answered Uriah.

-Don't you dare hurt her., said Sadie.

Uriah chuckled maniacally. Sadie had been so focused on Uriah that she didn't noticed Millie making a sign. Millie looked at the gun, Sadie followed her gaze. Millie wanted to disarm him. Sadie nodded slightly. Millie elbowed Uriah in the ribs, hearing some cracking, grabbed the gun and twisted his arm around. She had him on the floor, her knee on his back and his hand twisted behind his back. She pointed the gun at his head. Sadie didn't expect that to happen. She didn't know that Millie had such skills. She could have easily stopped Sadie from even touching her, the first time they met. Uriah had his head on the floor, mumbling something.

-Did you find Lilia?, asked Millie.

Sadie nodded and remembered Jillian laying on the floor. She threw a pair of handcuffs at Millie, the brunette handcuffed Uriah, while Sadie carried Jillian downstairs to the nursery where Lilia was still sitting talking to Gaten and Caleb. She saw her girlfriend, pushed the boys away and ran to her.

-What happened?, asked Lilia.

-We got Uriah. But he hurt Jill. I'm sorry Lilia., said Sadie.

-It's not your fault., said Lilia.

-You know it is. I will take care of him., said Sadie.

She walked out of the room, saw Millie bringing Uriah to her. She took Uriah to another room where Millie had been tied up. She walked back to the door.

-I'll be back in a few hours., said Sadie with a dark tone.

And she locked the door disappearing into the dark room.


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