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The blonde girl punched Millie.

-No! Stop!, screamed Sadie trying to get out of the boy's grip.

-Stop moving., threatened the boy taking his gun out.

-Hey!, screamed Uriah.

Everyone looked at him out of confusion and curiosity.

-Don't hurt her. Not her. I don't care about the others., said Uriah looking at the boy who was keeping Sadie still.

-And why is that?, asked the blonde girl who had punched Millie.

-Please Sab. Just trust me., said Uriah.

-Fine, but what about this brunette?, asked the girl.

-I don't care about her or the others., said Uriah shrugging.

-Alright., said the blonde girl turning back to Millie.

-Get them all inside and put them in the chemistry classroom., ordered the blonde girl who was oddly creepy.

They all started moving and walking in the building, wether they'd like it or not. Millie was able to get away from the brunette who had handcuffed her, but the blonde girl pull her back.

-Where do you think that you're going?, she asked provokingly.

-I just want my sister. Please., said Millie desperately.

-Is Ava your sister?, asked the blonde girl.

-Yes., nodded Millie.

-Then she's better off thinking you're dead., replied the blonde girl.

They arrived to the chemistry classroom. They made everyone sit down, except Millie. The blonde girl stopped her. She turned her around.

-So let's make it official., she pulled out a gun and pointed it at her head.

-Woah, hey, wait, don't, what did I even do?, tried Millie.

-Look at Uriah's face!, yelled the blonde girl.

-She didn't do that! She-...She didn't do that, it was me., confessed Sadie.

The blonde girl turned to the redhead and then looked at Uriah, who was having an inner debate.

-It was me, not her., repeated Sadie.

-And why did you do that?, asked the blonde girl.

-Sabrina, can we talk?, asked Uriah finally speaking up.

-No, I want her to answer first., said the girl whose name has finally been revealed.

-Your boyfriend, as you like to call him, how long has he been gone?, asked Sadie.

-I don't know, why?, replied Sabrina.

Sadie looked at Millie who was focused on trying to break out of those handcuffs.

-When the apocalypse first started, he was with us. With my group. He tried to kiss me and make me do things that I did not want to do. I rejected him. He didn't like that, so he grabbed me, he locked me out the building and made noise. Of course zombies showed up. All I had was a knife that I had hidden in my boot. I managed to fight some zombies off, but...one scratched me on my neck. I don't remove what happened next, because I fell unconscious., told Sadie looking at her own lap.

-Jillian knocked Uriah out and tied him up, I opened the door to find Sadie on the floor bleeding from her neck. I brought her inside and saw that it was a scratch. I had to tie her up too, making sure that if she's turn into a zombie, she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone. Once I had cleaned that scratch, she started waking up. I took a gun, pointing it at her, scared that she might turn, but...she woke up and she was still Sadie. She didn't turn. She's still Sadie. I don't know why, I don't understand how, but she didn't turn. What I do know, is that Uriah left her out there to die, just because she didn't like him back and because she didn't want to have sex with him?! So if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at your boyfriend who apparently CHEATED on you!, continued Lilia.

-And how do I know that you're not lying?, asked Sabrina.

-Look at my damn scar on my neck! Do you think I made that to myself in case I got kidnapped and had to invent some crazy story?!, yelled Sadie.

The blonde girl approached Sadie, put her hair away from her neck and looked the scar. She then turned to Uriah who tried to run but the muscular boy stopped him.

-So it's true?, said Sabrina hurt and obviously disappointed.

-Fuck you!, screamed Uriah.

-Peyton, would you be so kind and take him in you know which room and kill him?, said the girl.

The boy nodded and left with Uriah. Sabrina turned back to the tied up teens. Millie had been looking at Sadie since the moment she started telling the story. She felt so dumb! All this time, she was scared to do it with Sadie, and thinking some horrible things, but in instead Sadie is the one who almost got killed because she didn't want to get raped? She was ashamed of herself.

-Rowan, Corey, uncuff them., ordered Sabrina.

Millie didn't even move. Sadie got up and uncuffed Lilia, who then hugged the redhead and apologized, even though she did nothing wrong.

-My sister. Please., that's all Millie was able to say.

-First I want to apologize. Especially to you. I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'm sorry that I almost killed you. I should have asked for the backstory before I even took the gun. So I sincerely apologize and hope we can start over again., confessed Sabrina.

-I just want my sister., repeated Millie.

-Yes. Follow me., said Sabrina.

As they walked out of the room all together, Millie noticed some blood on the floor. Apparently Sabrina noticed it too, because she grabbed her gun.

-Can we have our weapons back?, asked Sadie quickly.

-Corey., said Sabrina.

The skinny boy quickly grabbed the rifle and handed them. Millie clenched her jaw and prayed that it wasn't Ava's blood. As the followed the blood, they saw a door that was locked. Millie took a deep breath and just kick the door down with one simple kick. Sabrina moved in the room followed by Sadie and then the rest. Peyton was on the floor, covered in blood and Uriah was holding Ava still by having his hand on her shoulder and a gun against her head.


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