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The lazy girlfriends finally got out of bed. Sadie helped Millie up and they both chuckled.

-Wanna eat something?, asked the redhead.

-God yes, I'm starving., replied Millie.

-Then let's go downstairs., answered Sadie.

Millie gently grabbed her girlfriend's hand and walked downstairs with her. Ava was playing with Jacey and Amy. As Amy saw Sadie, she ran up to her and started jumping around, which amused the redhead. Ava's smile disappeared as she saw Millie with Sadie. Millie shook her head as a warning and Ava scoffed. Jacey, who didn't understand any of it, looked confused and kept glancing at Ava and then at the two other older girls. Sadie ignored the whole situation as she went to the fridge.

-Jacey, Ava, do you want something to eat?, asked Sadie.

-Yes! Can I have some ice cream?, asked Jacey excited.

-After you eat an apple, yes., replied the older sister handing her an apple.

-What about you Ava?, asked Millie.

-No., replied the girl coldly.

-Don't talk to your sister with that tone., said Sadie still searching through the fridge.

-Or what? You're not my mom or my sister., replied the girl.

-Ava!, tried Millie.

-I got this., said Sadie finally turning around to face Ava.

Ava frowned and was determined to fight back.

-Listen, i understand, you don't like the idea of me dating your sister, but it's not your choice, ok? It's hers and only hers. Now, either you're happy for her and you stop being mean to her and me, or you will continue to feel that rage inside of you and you're gonna hurt someone you love., said the redhead.

Millie hold her proud smile back, but she was thankful for having such an understanding girlfriend.

-Ok., replied Ava, turning around to Millie. I'm sorry Millie, I didn't mean to be rude to you.

-It's okay Ave, just stop giving us a hard time, ok., replied the brunette.

-I'll try., said Ava.

-Can we get our apples and ice cream now?, asked Jacey.

-Ava, do want some?, asked Sadie again.

-Yes. Please., said the girl avoiding Sadie's gaze.

-Ok, here. But first the apples!, said the redhead.

-But the ice cream is going to melt!, replied Jacey.

-Then you better start eating that apple!, chuckled Sadie.

Jacey and Ava giggled and ran away with their food. Sadie sighed and turned around to her girlfriend, who was looking down at her feet.

-Babe? Are you alright?, asked the older girl.

-Hm? Oh yes. Yes I am. Just happy to have you in my life. And now those little monkeys too. You handled her so well. Thank you. I love you., said the brunette finally looking up.

-I don't accept thank you's., replied Sadie wrapping her arms around Millie's waist.

-Well you better accept my thank you., said Millie playfully.

-Hmmm, or what?, tried Sadie.

Millie started tickling Sadie, which the redhead didn't expect.

-Hey stoooooop., tried Sadie.

Millie giggled but continued. Sadie tried to free herself, but somehow Millie managed to always keep her close and continuing tickling her.

-Get a room.

Both Millie and Sadie turned around. A strangers. Sadie frowned and got in front of Millie. The stranger had a mask on, and a special thing to change his voice, unfortunately he also had a gun.

-Woah there. Who the fuck are you?, asked Sadie.

-Uriah said that if he ever disappeared, I'd have to come here and kill a redhead and the person she loves the most. Looks like I found you., replied the strange voice.

-I don't know what Uriah told you, but he was an asshole. He's the one who did shit to us, we didn't do anything to him!, said Sadie raising her voice.

-Sades, calm down., said the brunette quietly but loud enough for Sadie to hear.

-Well, I made a promise, and I keep my promises. So I will have to do this whether you like it or not., the voice replied.

The person was about to shoot, when Jillian hit the person with a chair. Sadie quickly grabbed the gun, while Millie neutralized tte stranger. She made the person kneel down, while keeping the stranger still. Sadie took the mask, only to reveal- well no one familiar. They didn't know that boy underneath the mask. He was probably 10 or less.

-Your name., said the redhead firmly.

-No., said the boy killing her with his eyes.

-I won't repeat myself. Your name., replied Sadie.

-Screw you., answered the boy.

Jillian searches through his pockets to find a wallet.

-"August Maturo". He is 10 years old., interrupted Jillian.

-Thank you Jill., said Sadie.

-What are we going to do about him?, asked Millie still holding him still.

-Take him to the other room. The one you were held in your first day.,ordered Sadie.

-And then what?, said the brunette.

-That's nothing for you to worry about. I will take care of him., replied her girlfriend.

-Sadie, he's a kid., tried Millie.

-A kid who tried to kill us!, answered Sadie.

-Sadie, stop. I'm pretty sure his only family or closest person to a family was Uriah. He told him to do it. This kid is 10. Just take it easy with him. Ok?, said the brunette.

-Ok., replied Sadie understanding.

Millie kissed her girlfriend's cheek before leaving with August, leaving her with Jillian. The other girl was about to walk off when Sadie stopped her, by putting her hand Jillian's shoulder, who got tense.

-Sorry. Just want to talk., said Sadie.

Jillian nodded and relaxed under the other girls hand.

-Thank you., said Sadie.

-For what?, replied Jillian frowning.

-Saving my ass., answered the redhead.

-Yeah, anytime., said Jillian chuckling.

-And I'm sorry. I know I haven't been easy on you. I just want you to know that I am more than thankful to have you here with us. You've always been very helpful. Since day one. I trust you and I care about you., admitted Sadie.

-I really appreciate that Sadie. It means a lot to me., replied the other girl.

-Can I hug you or is that too much?, suggested the redhead.

-Yeah, come here, bring it in., said Jillian opening her arms.

Sadie hugged the younger girl. She was finally feeling like herself. The old Sadie is back, and she sure as hell doesn't want to leave.

A/N: hello beautiful people, how are y'all?

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