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After being done with doing the tasks that Sadie had told them to do and after the looting team was back, they gathered around the table as usual. Sadie joined last, followed by Noah.

-Alright. Are the weapons ready?, said the redhead looking at Finn and Peyton.

-Yes, all done., nodded Finn seriously.

-Okay, Lilia, did you find anything that you think could be useful for an attack on the base?, asked Sadie.

-We kinda found a bow and many arrows...but I don't know how to use it and neither do any of the looting team., explained the blonde girl.

-I do., admitted Corey shyly looking at his feet.

-Yeah?, smiled Sadie.

The boy nodded in reply and looked up to her with the beginning of a smile.

-Show us., said Gaten handing him the bow and two arrows.

-What should I aim at?, frowned the skinny boy looking around.

Sabrina grabbed an apple and put it on top of a shelf.

-There you go., said the blonde girl clapping her hands twice.

Corey shrugged, pointed his arrow at the apple's direction and let go, making the arrow go through the apple and get stuck in the cement wall.

-Yup, you're taking that., chuckled Millie.

Peyton walked up to the arrow to pull it out but couldn't.

-Oh come on, I'm sure you're just pretend- AH., screamed Noah as he fell back as he was trying to get the arrow out of the wall but his hands slipping from it from the pulling and falling on his butt.

Everyone laughed of course. Millie scoffed, smiled and walked up to the wall, pulling the arrow out and frowning at both boys.

-Y'all weak or what?, smirked Millie even though she didn't use strength to get it out but all they had to do was twisting the arrow.

-Okay now no matter how extremely hot that was, we need to focus., said Sadie bringing everyone back to the reason that they are there.

-Yes. You're right. Okay so, Rowan knows how to hack into the gloves making them overheat to the point that their skin will literally fall off. She will stay here with one person as backup. Any person wants to stay willingly? No, Sabrina you are coming with us, I need Rowan focused. Jillian, do you want a break from all of this and stay here?, asked the girl as she rambled.

-No, I am going, there's no way I'm letting Lilia go without me., replied the older girl.

-Fair enough. Peyton?, asked the brunette looking at the older boy.

-Yes ma'am, I'll stay here with her., smiled Peyton looking at Rowan who was already on her computer.

-Okay, so the plan is to just walk in after Rowan hacks the gloves. We kill all the guard and I take over the mic that is situated in the tech room. I will make the announcement to the teenagers that haven't been possessed, meaning the ones on the second floor, while Noah, Caleb, Finn and  Gaten go to the meds room, grabbing the vaccines and cures for those who were injected, Corey you'll go with them and transform the liquid into gas, Rowan will then hack the ventilation system and you'll send the gas to the first floor, spreading it and curing all those that have been turned into those freaks that Jillian and I were. Millie, I'll need you to go with Jillian to the cafeteria and get the kids out of that goddamn base. Rowan after you're done hacking the ventilation system, I need you and Peyton to take those two school-buses that are behind the orphanage and get the teenagers that Millie and Jillian free. Lilia, you'll follow me around and you'll stay with me no matter what. You'll be lookout for me while I make the announcement because no matter how burned their hands are, they will still try to stop us. Any questions?, explained Sadie as she looked around at her group.

-Yeah, how do we open door if we don't have the gloves?, asked Finn frowning.

-I'll hack the door right after hacking their gloves, giving the, 30 seconds to burn their hands and then you'll enter as their hand still burn for 5 more minutes without them being able to take them off. After 5 minutes, BOOM. Gloves explode and no more hands., explained the brunette turning around from her computer.

-Okay, now does anyone still have any questions?, asked the leader again.

No one replied which answered Sadie's question.

-Alright people, then gear up, we're leaving in 30 minutes, eat something, drink something because you'll need all the strength and energy that you have., said the redhead nodding and already walking away from the table.

Millie of course followed her. Sadie walked in the room full of weapons, put a rifle on the table and started cleaning it. Millie sneaked up behind her and hugged her waist from behind. Sadie startled but chuckled when she saw that it was only her girlfriend.

-Are you okay?, asked the brunette watching her girlfriend do her thing.

-Yes, just want to get this over with, you know?, replied the older girl.

-Yeah. Soon my love., smiled Millie kissing Sadie's neck from behind.

-I guess I'm also stressed cause being the leader of 15 people and 200 people is a big change. More people means more responsibility., sighed the redhead who stopped cleaning her rifle.

Millie hummed but continued to kiss her neck, making her girlfriend pull away and turn around to face her. 

-I'm serious Mills., said Sadie.

-I know Sades, but you'll have me by your side and we'll divide our power with some other people, like Jillian takes care of the looting team with Lilia, then Noah and Gaten would make sure that every kid get equal amount of food and necessary supplies, Caleb and Finn and Peyton would train the more sporty ones to defend themselves, Rowan and Corey would take care of their education and of what they need to know to survive, me and Sabrina would teach the older ones how to use weapons and shoot with them while you just walk around, making sure that everything is okay and that everyone gets along. What do you say?, suggested the brunette.

-Wow, you've been thinking about that as well?, asked Sadie surprised.

-No, I just said what came to mind., replied Millie truthfully.

 -Oh okay. Well I mean, with you by my side, I know we'll get this working., smiled the older girl.

-Now give me your neck, I know you were enjoying it., said Millie pulling her girlfriend closer and softly kissing her neck on the side. 

-M-Mills, we need to get ready., tried the redhead.

-I want to return the favor., admitted Millie pulling away and shyly looking down.

-What do you mean?, frowned Sadie.

-I want to take the lead and give you some pleasure., explained the brunette.

-Oh, well, once we make it out alive, you'll have an infinite amount of time to do that., smirked the older girl.

-Okay, bet., replied Millie.

-Now let's get ready babe., said Sadie grabbing a bulletproof vest that they had in store along with 17 other.

-Your wish is my command., said the brunette in a cheesy way.


A/N: Hello, i randomly updated even though I should be studying rn- whoopsies. ENJOY THIS MESS

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