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Lilia lead Jillian inside the building to an empty and clean room, giggling and then locking the door once inside the bedroom. The younger girl kissed her girlfriend softly, enjoying this intimate moment alone with her. Jillian kissed her back without hesitation, loving the feeling of Lilia's lips on hers, moving in sync. The older girl didn't pull away but pushed Lilia against the wall, pinning her hands against it with only one hand. The younger girl blushed but didn't protest, wanting her girlfriend as close to her as possible. Jillian pulled away to look in Lilia eyes, as her other her traveled from Lilia's cheek down. Lilia nodded, blushing once again.

-Are you sure?, asked the older girl.

-Yes. Please. I want you. I need you., replied Lilia her face turning a darker tone of red.

Jillian smirked at how desperate the younger girl seemed and nodded. She pressed her hand against where Lilia needed her the most, making the blonde girl moan. The other girl kissed her, muffling her moans, not wanting to get caught, but loving making her girlfriend moan. Jillian pressed harder, making Lilia go on her tip toes, and her breath hitching, as they kept kissing. Lilia kept trying to pull away, but wherever her lips went Jillian's lips followed. After a few failed attempts, she gave in and let her pull away.

-Bed., moaned Lilia, Jillian putting more pressure as she opened her mouth, wanting that exact reaction.

Jillian let go of her hands, moving both of her own hands to under Lilia's ass, picking her up, making the younger girl wrap her legs around her waist. Lilia started kissing her jawline, slowly making her way down to her neck and collarbone as Jillian walked to the bed or at least trying to, feeling her legs going weak every now and then as she felt Lilia sucking on her skin, sure that she'll leave marks. She moaned lightly as the younger girl sucked on her soft spot and dropped her on the bed, getting on top her, making Lilia look up at her girlfriend.

-Hi., blushed the blonde girl.

-Why hello there., giggled Jillian leaning in and kissing her lips softly but yet still with lust.

The younger girl kissed her back as she felt Jillian's hands traveling to her sides and moving up and down. Lilia tugged on Jillian shirt lightly, so the older brunette pulled away, knowing what she was asking for. She took her shirt off with one sudden movement and went back to kissing Lilia's lips, her right hand going down and unbuckling Lilia's belt, then unbuttoning her pants, pulling away from her lips as she felt Lilia's hand land on hers. 

-Do you want me to stop?, asked the older girl.

-No. No. Just go slow., replied Lilia shyly.

-Of course., smiled Jillian softly, pulling Lilia's pants down, meeting her panties.

Lilia bit her lower lip and blushed as she saw her girlfriend glance down. As she looked back up, she kissed her cheek softly, then her neck, pulling away for Lilia to take her shirt off, which the girl voluntarily did, then continuing to place soft kisses all over her, making her way down. Lilia let a moan slip every now and then, encouraging the older girl. The older girl started moving her hands up and down Lilia's thighs, once again placing soft kisses on them. Jillian then tugged on Lilia's panties, asking for consent, to which Lilia nodded. The younger girl was more than ready. Jillian chuckled at how cute Lilia was, loving her soft side. She teasingly slowly pulled her panties down, blowing some air on her clit, making her whine.

-Please., pleaded Lilia.

-Patience., chuckled Jillian.

-I can't. Please Jill., repeated the younger girl.

Jillian gave in and her face down, sucking on her clit, making her back arch. The blonde girl moved her hands to Jillian's hair to push her harder against her, to which the girl chuckled.

-So needy., smirked Jillian.

-Please., repeated Lilia once again.

Jillian knew what she wanted, but she wasn't going to give it to her that easily. She kept sucking and playing with her clit, feeling her girlfriend getting more wet every second that passed. The blonde girl pressed her face harder against her, so Jillian pulled away completely, looking at her.

-Please Jill. I need you., said the blonde girl innocently even though there was nothing innocent about their situation or the way she said it.

-Don't make me tie you up., warned the older girl.

Lilia bit her lower lip and nodded, making Jillian go down again and once again playing with her clit, but this time went faster and harder. She eventually stuck her tongue in, making a loud moan escape Lilia's mouth due to the unexpected touch. Jillian started tonguefucking her as she placed her thumb on her clit, rubbing it slowly. At this point, Lilia was a moaning mess. As Jillian noticed her walls clench, she pulled her tongue away, making Lilia whine. As the younger girl was about to argue about Jillian being a tease, the older girl shoved two fingers in her, making her arch her back once again and moan loudly.

-F-Fuck., said the blonde brunette.

-Yeah, you said it., smirked Jillian as she kept going faster and deeper.

The blonde was going to explode soon, but I may not have mentioned, was that they had this rule that neither of them is allowed to actually cum without asking if they can.

-Jill, can I?, gulped the blonde girl.

-Not yet., replied Jillian as she kept going.

-Please., pleaded the younger girl.

Jillian shoved her fingers deeper, feeling the walls clenching even more than before, knowing that Lilia had to release it.

-You can cum, babe., whispered the older girl, going up to kiss her lips, as she kept up the same speed.

And that's exactly what Lilia did. She finally released and moaning loudly in Jillian's mouth, feeling her legs go weak. The older girl let her ride out her orgasm slowly, wanting her to enjoy it as much as possible. She eventually pulled out and laid down next to her girlfriend who was out of breath.

-Are you okay?, asked Jillian as she placed soft kisses on Lilia's neck.

-Yeah. That was...awesome. I'm more than okay., chuckled the younger girl.

-Okay, good., smiled Jillian.

-Wait what about you?, frowned Lilia.

-Today is about you., replied the older girl softly.

-I love you., whispered the blonde girl.

-I love you too., smiled Jillian.

The younger girl turned to face her girlfriend, putting her head under Jillian's chin and wrapping her arms around her. Both being exhausted, they didn't take long to fall asleep. 

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