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-Alright, see you later then., smiled Millie getting up and already walking to the door.

-Wait!, exclaimed the older brunette.

-What's wrong?, frowned Millie looking back.

-Can you maybe stay? I'm scared of being alone right now..., said Olivia looking down hiding her face with her hair.

-Of course., nodded the brunette walking back to her.

-Lock the door in case someone wants to come in and turn around afterwards please., asked the older girl.

-Yes boss., chuckled Millie obeying and turning around locking the door and sitting on the bottom bunk bed staring at the door.

- Thank you., whispered Olivia as she pulled her hoodie off.

She sighed as she saw her body covered in bruises. Some new, but some old. She tried forgetting those past few weeks that felt like years. She started the apocalypse alone. She woke up one day, her mom was gone for work and her dad was nowhere to be found. As an only child, she was used to being alone, but she find it odd that her mother hadn't left her a note in the kitchen like she had done ever since Olivia learned how to read. The brunette spent four days alone in her house, but eventually got out. She didn't go far away from her house. But once she was on the sidewalk, a black van drove up to her, grabbed her, put a bag over her head and everything went dark for a moment. The government took her. She had spent her time in that shithole ever since. They used to call them the vampires, cause all they wanted was the teenager's blood to create an antidote. Where do the old bruises come from? Oh well you're about to find out. 

As she applied some pressure on a new bruise, she gasped and yelped, making Millie instinctively turn around wanting to help. Millie froze.

-Holy fuck, Olivia., said the younger brunette in shock.

-I asked you to turn around!, replied Olivia clearly quite upset.

-I heard you yelp, I didn't think twice, I'm sorry. But what the hell is all of that? I mean, those can't all be from the girls. Who did that to you?, frowned Millie after she was done apologizing for turning back around.

-No one! Just turn back around!, yelled the older girl.

-Hey, stop yelling. Trust me, it won't take long for Sadie to hear you and she misreads stuff really quickly when it comes to people yelling at me. Okay, listen now. I'm your friend. You can trust me. I'm sorry about anything that could have possibly happened to you in the past, but no one is gonna hurt you here from now on. I am not letting you get hurt. Not from those bullies, not from anyone. So please, talk to me. All I want is to help you., explained the brunette slowly walking up to her.

-No. I don't want to talk. You couldn't possibly understand., declared Olivia shaking her head no.

Millie sighed, grabbed the edge of her own t-shirt and pulled it off. Olivia wanted to turn around but she saw the carving.

-What is that?, frowned the older brunette.

-A high school bully carved that on my skin with a knife after raping me and before raping me. She hurt me. She would take pleasure in my pain. But I got over it. I dealt with my demons. She's gone for good and won't be able to hurt me or anyone else ever again. I am not telling you this because I want you to share your history, I am telling and showing you this because you need to understand that you are not alone in this. We all have some kind of trauma haunting us. But we need to learn from it, and not let it eat us up from the inside. You're brave, Liv. Any other person would have walked away when seeing someone getting beat up from 5 girls. You were ready to fight 5 girls for a person you don't even know. That says a lot. You can get past this. You are more than your bruises and scars. You are more that your past. You are you. There's only one Olivia whatever your last name is. You clearly fight for others, but don't be scared to fight for yourself as well., replied Millie not giving the other girl any time to reply.

-You got raped?, asked the older brunette unsure.

-Yes. More than once. But now look at me. Nothing can bring me down anymore. Soon this war will be over and we'll just be one big community and family surviving together. The point is, I'm here for you Liv. Trust me, I have heard it all., said Millie confidently.

-Ok...Well, there was this guard who once was strangling this little boy. I instantly jumped on him and pushed him away from the boy. He told his boss that I started hitting him for no reason. They threw me in this dark room. I couldn't see or hear anything. Then the door opened after some hours which felt like days passed. A teenage boy walked in. I thought he was there to help me. I got up from the corner I was sitting in. He walked up to me. Then, I recognized an object. He had a baseball bat. He started beating me up, for hours. I couldn't feel my body at some point. I felt like I couldn't move. He eventually left, but the guard walked in. He said that next time I stop him, he will make sure that I'd get beaten up until I stopped breathing. Then I heard about a redhead having escaped. Three days later you guys were back to save us as well. That's why the bruises aren't gone. I'm just lucky that he didn't hit me on the head. I mean, he was clearly being controlled by them like they controlled pretty much every single kid with the right blood type. But I feel like he somehow held back. So yeah, I'm not scared of getting beaten up again, even if it's by 5 girls., explained Olivia as she started to apply some cream all over her bruises.

-I'm so sorry that happened to you. If we find that guard, I'll make him pay, I promise., swore Millie.

-He's dead. One of you killed him when you managed to escape with Sadie., shrugged the older girl.

-Okay good. Now, I promised to teach you some moves, so that's exactly what we're gonna do. But not today. I think Lilia said something about movie night tonight., smiled Millie putting her t-shirt back on.

-Okay., nodded Olivia doing the same.



A/N: let's take a break from the angst :)

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